At our monthly shoots (Popular Creek Long Rifles - Dayton, Ohio), we try to mix in a variety of targets from time to time. One of my favorites is charcoal brickettes on a string swinging in the wind at 10-15 yards hanging off the metal wire political sign support you can gather up after an election.
Naturally, you can also use paper targets at 25 and 50 yards as well as axe blades mounted at 10-15 yards with balloons fastened to the target backing on either side of the edge of the blade. The "trick" is to split your rifle ball on the edge of the blade and break both balloons at the same time. It will surprise you how easy that is "do-able"!
Prize money is made up of the entry fees donated by each shooter and the first three places are paid in varying amounts with some monies going to the Club's "treasury" to pay for needed items such as targets, charcoal, etc... plus a free Christmas party at the end of the year with all the food paid for out of the entry fees from the monthly Club shoots.
Have fun and make GOOD smoke...
Strength & Honor...
Ron T.