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Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« on: April 17, 2012, 10:31:24 AM »;_ylc=X3oDMWEwaWVyZTMzBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEYQMxMjA0MTYgbmV3cyBibG9nIHJvbW5leSB2cHMgdARjY29kZQNwemJ1ZmNhaDUEY3BvcwMzOARlZAMxBGcDaWQtMjIyMDI0NwRpbnRsA3VzBGl0YwMwBGx0eHQDUm9tbmV5JiMzOTtzdG9wVlBwcm9zcGVjdHMEbWNvZGUDcHpidWFsbGNhaDUEbXBvcwMxBHBrZ3QDMQRwa2d2AzkEcG9zAzAEc2VjA3RkLWZlYQRzbGsDdGh1bWJsaW5rBHRhcgNodHRwOi8vbmV3cy55YWhvby5jb20vYmxvZ3Mvc2lnbmFsL3JvbW5leS10b3AtZml2ZS12aWNlLXByZXNpZGVudGlhbC1ub2RzLXBvdGVudGlhbC10aW1lLTE5NTMzOTA3OC5odG1sBHRlc3QDNzAx/SIG=13r6qf67u/EXP=1334781147/**http%3A//
  Romney’s top-five vice presidential nods: Who’s the potential time bomb?  By David Rothschild | The Signal – Mon, Apr 16, 2012     
  • Click image to see more photos (AP/Scott Applewhite, File)Click image to see more photos (AP/Scott Applewhite, File)
  Now that the race for the Republican nomination is effectively over, Mitt Romney's campaign is speaking publicly about who they might choose as his running mate. While the prediction markets we rely on for forecasting elections also take action on vice-presidential nominees, this is a different type of race, decided by a small council of insiders rather than an election or caucuses. The current frontrunner in the prediction market data is Marco Rubio, the first term senator from Florida.
A presidential candidate has two political priorities for his second-in-command: That the candidate helps and that the candidate does not hurt. For Romney, this breaks down as follows: A candidate can help by providing the former Massachusetts governor cover from the right, recruiting some votes from the center or left, or by helping capture the candidate's home state or region. A candidate can hurt Romney by overshadowing the campaign, either with questions about his or her fitness for the top office--see Quayle and Palin--or by causing a scandal of some degree. Reaching a bit farther back, one can recall Thomas Eagleton of Missouri throwing the 1972 McGovern ticket into total chaos when it was revealed he was treated with shock therapy for depression and possibly an alcoholic.
Let's look at who leads in the market and their individual potential for helping or harming Romney's chances.
Marco Rubio is 23.2 percent likely to gain the nod from Romney, an extremely high likelihood for a race categorized by uncertainty. He would provide cover for Romney from the right and he could possibly draw Latino supporters from the center or left (he's Cuban-American). On the other hand, he does not have much experience in the public spotlight and arguably has a few small skeletons in his closet that have come to light as the media has begun to scrutinize him. The Signal take on Rubio: Big potential upside with medium potential downside.
Rob Portman, also a freshman senator from another big swing state (Ohio), follows Rubio with a 12.8 percent likelihood. Of the people listed in this article, he is probably the least well-known. In endorsing Portman for the job, the Ohio Dispatch refers to him as "safe and sensible." Their argument is that he is a reliable conservative but does not scare moderates and liberals. He would provide cover for Romney from arch-conservatives and his longer track record of solid, non-confrontational public service should make him safe not to embarrass the campaign. Portman: medium potential upside with low potential downside.
Chris Christie, governor of New Jersey, follows in third place with 10.8 percent likelihood. As a moderate Republican, Christie could help Romney with moderate voters, but will provide no cover from the right. Further, his combative style will be risky when the media and opposition research film him day in and day out. Attacks on constitutes may play well at times with constituents, but is not what a presidential campaign wants to dominate its nightly coverage. Christie: medium potential upside with medium/high potential downside.
Bob McDonnell, governor of Virginia, is in fourth place with 7.3 percent likelihood. Prior to mid-February, McDonnell looked like a better-known Portman in a similarly large swing state. Then he backed, and then ultimately withdrew his support, for a bill that would require all women seeking an abortion in an early stage to receive an ultrasound requiring a vaginal probe. If Romney chooses him as his running mate, this debate will become central to the campaign and, due to his sinking poll numbers among educated women, it is fight that the Romney campaign does not want to wage. McDonnell: medium potential upside with medium potential downside.
Paul Ryan is in fifth place with 5.8 percent likelihood. In one sense, the congressman from Wisconsin is already running with Romney, as the media ties Romney to Ryan's polarizing budget proposals. The proposals consistently call for massive tax and spending cuts, with deficit reduction to come from unnamed closes in the tax loopholes. Ryan provides Romney cover from the right and possibility some centrist support. But he risks massive alienation from the left and would overshadow Romney, as the media might defer to him as the more consistent ideas guy. This is a risky place to put a presidential candidate seen as a bit short of consistent ideas. Ryan: medium potential upside with medium potential downside. Anyone else represents nearly a 50 percent likelihood. Recent nominations such as Palin were hard to anticipate a few months away, and we should not discount that possibility again this year.
Follow along in real-time on PredictWise for Republican vice-presidential nomination odds.
David Rothschild is an economist at Yahoo! Research. He has a Ph.D. in applied economics from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Follow him on Twitter @DavMicRot and email him at
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2012, 10:40:13 AM »
Palin  ;D
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2012, 10:50:48 AM »
Palin  ;D
yep, or from the 5 mentioned, RUBIO.
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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2012, 10:57:28 AM »
I think he would be better off picking a Latin woman or a black woman.  That way the media can't really attack him so much with women or minority issues.  Only use the Uncle Tom or Aunt Jemima steriotype.  I think people would see through that.  Only if these women were VERY CONSTITUTIONAL, Ron Paul types so he can get their votes. 

Offline scootrd

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2012, 11:16:33 AM »
Portman would be safe bet but really only helps him with Ohio as a swing state
Mcdonnell's approval ratings are dipping with women voters since he signed the ultrasound bill.
he Would not play well in a general election.

He needs to try and win back Latino vote he disenfranchised running in the primary with someone like Susana Martinez (who has indicated not interested)  or Rubio (also said not interested ) or Brian Sandoval, 
or someone to try and win back the female vote he has also managed to disenfranchise with a pick like Kelly Ayotte
or someone to try and cement his relationship with evangelicals with a Pawlenty type pick.

Of course he seems to have a weird crush on Paul Ryan. Hey maybe Gov Scott Walker will be looking for a Job depending on how well his summer goes.

Palin is irrelevant. Does anyone still take her seriously? She was so not ready for prime time, and still isn't.


mileage may vary for others.

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2012, 11:16:44 AM »
Condoleeza Rice should be on that list.
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2012, 11:17:36 AM »
Condoleeza Rice should be on that list.

that's a great idea !
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Offline teamnelson

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2012, 11:48:14 AM »
Condoleeza Rice should be on that list.

that's a great idea !

With Romney as VP!
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Offline Graybeard

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2012, 12:54:11 PM »
Condoleeza Rice should be on that list.

that's a great idea !

With Romney as VP!

I'd just as soon have obama as her, maybe rather. At least he has a chance of being there only four more years. She has pulled the wool over your eyes boys. She's a closet black supremist-white hater same as obama from her days in B'ham. There is no possible way I'll vote Republican with her on the ticket.

I don't see Rubio helping really. Romney is not gonna get the black or latino vote no matter what he does obama has that sewed up. I really don't believe Romney is electable no matter who he picks. He was a loser last election cycle and still is. He has been hand picked by the same folks who picked obama fully realizing that and just in case the voting public fool them it doesn't matter cuz he's just a white obama anyway.

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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2012, 01:13:52 PM »
He has been hand picked by the same folks who picked obama fully realizing that and just in case the voting public fool them it doesn't matter cuz he's just a white obama anyway.
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Offline teamnelson

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2012, 01:29:43 PM »
Condoleeza Rice should be on that list.

that's a great idea !

With Romney as VP!

I'd just as soon have obama as her, maybe rather. At least he has a chance of being there only four more years. She has pulled the wool over your eyes boys. She's a closet black supremist-white hater same as obama from her days in B'ham. There is no possible way I'll vote Republican with her on the ticket.

Did not know that, thanks GB! She always struck me as someone who didn't use her race or gender to get ahead, but like most of America, I didn't meet her until 2000.
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2012, 01:52:33 PM »
She is a Black first fake Rep. Liberal, much like Powell. She cried tears of joy "something to that effect" when Obummer was elected. So she & Powell were Obummer sucks just because he's Black. They KNEW what he was!!  >:(
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2012, 01:58:38 PM »
Maybe Romney can get Maxine Waters for his VP.
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2012, 02:25:45 PM »
Maybe Romney can get Maxine Waters for his VP.

 ;D ;D
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Offline powderman

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2012, 03:50:56 PM »
Cain  or gingrich might be a good choice. They had an affair, that would get him some libby dem votes. POWDERMAN.  ;) ;)   
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2012, 02:57:33 AM »
Rubio would be my choice.
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2012, 04:41:40 AM »
I think Romney should give some thought to Santorum.  Yes they have their differences, but so did Reagan and Bush.

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2012, 04:54:03 AM »
I think Romney should give some thought to Santorum.  Yes they have their differences, but so did Reagan and Bush.
yeah, they fought like cats and dogs during the primaries.
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2012, 08:00:18 AM »
Did know he had a list yet but for my money...........not Rubio.  Come to think of it that`s not a whole lot to pick from.   Rubio is strictly for the Spanish vote.  JMO.
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2012, 01:35:50 PM »
Well, if he picks Palin I have a FA in .44 Mag for him to shoot into his foot. 8)  But a Taurus would do as well.
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2012, 07:47:41 PM »
Romney should choose one of these guys:

1. Rubio
2. Ryan
3. Santorum

As a side note, Romney should learn debate skills from Newt! Newt cannot be beaten in a one-on-one debate!

As for Rice, she is definitely NOT someone I want because she is NOT a conservative!!! She and the often praised Colin Powell are FAR too liberal in their views.



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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2012, 03:16:50 AM »
Newt would be interesting
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2012, 02:40:02 PM »
He should pick a running mate who shares his political and personal values.

Rosie O'Donnell comes to mind. ::)
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2012, 03:39:49 AM »
It probably won't matter anyway. Get set for 4 more years with the present bunch.
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2012, 10:51:39 AM »
Until the Republicans can pick a motor that will run, the boat is stuck in the middle of the lake as of now. Start rowing, boys..

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2012, 03:15:59 PM »
Until the Republicans can pick a motor that will run, the boat is stuck in the middle of the lake as of now. Start rowing, boys..

great analogy !!!!
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2012, 10:19:06 AM »
My pick would be Allen West.  I served with him for a year and a half in Italy with the 509th - 4/325th ABCT in Vicenza ... he was FSO and I was FDC so we got to know one another pretty well and have stayed in touch, off and on, since.

He's honest as they come, almost to a fault.  He's a strict believer in the Constitution.  He's big on small government.  If he went in now as our VP he's have a shot at President 8 or 12 yrs from now and he would be a good one.  One of the finest officers I ever served with.
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Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2012, 11:41:49 AM »
My pick would be Allen West.  I served with him for a year and a half in Italy with the 509th - 4/325th ABCT in Vicenza ... he was FSO and I was FDC so we got to know one another pretty well and have stayed in touch, off and on, since.

He's honest as they come, almost to a fault.  He's a strict believer in the Constitution.  He's big on small government.  If he went in now as our VP he's have a shot at President 8 or 12 yrs from now and he would be a good one.  One of the finest officers I ever served with.

Welcome to the forum SCRooster! You might want to break those Initials down, as some on the forum haven't been in the Military and some of us that have still don't have a clue. I looked up FSO and there are quite a number of meanings. One being a Polish car manufacturer :) I assume since we are talking military, yours would stand for Foreign Service Officer?Never did find the FDC ;) By the way! What exactly is a FSO?What is their job description? I'm sure West is a good man and Officer. Not sure he would make a good VP or P.No doubt he would be better than Romney, but that's not a fair comparison.
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2012, 12:40:33 PM »
My pick would be Allen West.  I served with him for a year and a half in Italy with the 509th - 4/325th ABCT in Vicenza ... he was FSO and I was FDC so we got to know one another pretty well and have stayed in touch, off and on, since.

He's honest as they come, almost to a fault.  He's a strict believer in the Constitution.  He's big on small government.  If he went in now as our VP he's have a shot at President 8 or 12 yrs from now and he would be a good one.  One of the finest officers I ever served with.
Probably not a bad pick
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Re: Romneys possible top 5 picks for VP.
« Reply #29 on: April 22, 2012, 12:47:15 PM »
rubio won't stoop that low

we have to vote against obumer no matter who he choose
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