You didn't like what Bugeye said..because he was "generalizing", seemingly putting all black people in the same category
Bugeye said;
If I wear my pants around my knees, and hold them up by groping at my crotch, and refusing to speak plain english, and idolize nobody except basket ball players, and expect someone else to work so I don't have to, I should be made a Flag Officer, or company exec, or something else that normally requires years of preparation. Nah...."
Curiously, YT was "generalizing" also when he said:
" Poor white people - they've got most of the money, most of the power, almost all the house/senate seats, most governorships, make up almost all flag officers, own most of the businesses... how are they expected to survive under such trying & unfair conditions?"
I'm still wondering why you didn't take both to task ! Or is it acceptable to generalize one..but not the other ?