Author Topic: Why can't I prefer my own race?  (Read 3012 times)

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #30 on: April 20, 2012, 06:18:21 AM »
... my county went from a great place to live, to the armpit of the atlanta area.

As soon as you posted that I knew what county you lived in!  I tell ya, it's a darn shame what has and is happening to Clayton County.   :(  And not just the schools, the Court system as well!
For years so much of my practice was in Clayton County that I considered it my home circuit.  I repeat, it's a shame...  :-\
If liberals would quit trying to divide the races, and start criticizing the bums that are too lazy to pull up their pants, we could become color-blind.

Yup, the old "divide and conquer" act.  These are the people who say "the fact that minorities make up the majority of prison inmates proves that police discriminate against them!"  How long would they be the liberal's darlings if they said "the fact that minorities make up the majority of prison inmates proves that minorities commit the majority of the crimes!"   ???
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #31 on: April 20, 2012, 06:22:26 AM »
... my county went from a great place to live, to the armpit of the atlanta area.

As soon as you posted that I knew what county you lived in!  I tell ya, it's a darn shame what has and is happening to Clayton County.   :(  And not just the schools, the Court system as well!
For years so much of my practice was in Clayton County that I considered it my home circuit.  I repeat, it's a shame...  :-\
If liberals would quit trying to divide the races, and start criticizing the bums that are too lazy to pull up their pants, we could become color-blind.

Yup, the old "divide and conquer" act.  These are the people who say "the fact that minorities make up the majority of prison inmates proves that police discriminate against them!"  How long would they be the liberal's darlings if they said "the fact that minorities make up the majority of prison inmates proves that minorities commit the majority of the crimes!"   ???
when I arrived in 1969, it was one of the best counties to live in this area.
it's kinda like watching a friend die.
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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2012, 06:29:28 AM »
[Poor white people - they've got most of the money, most of the power, almost all the house/senate seats, most governorships, make up almost all flag officers, own most of the businesses... how are they expected to survive under such trying & unfair conditions?/quote]
 8) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)  That's what these forums need; less anger and bitterness and more George Carlin style humor!!!

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #33 on: April 20, 2012, 08:31:01 AM »
I tend to classify people by the way they act and the way they live and not by their skin tone.  Having said that, I'm not about to venture into certain neighborhoods in big, or even small cities.  If that makes me a racist, so be it.  I call it being prudent.

I don't consider that racist , I  do consider that Prudent.

My father grew up in inner city Boston - there are places he wouldn't allow us to go when  visiting cousins.  -  Just prudent

My Wifes father grew up East Dallas and ran with a pretty tough crowd ,
There are places as a father he would not allow his children to go  -  just prudent.

 My wife and I lived in ATL for many years albeit Cobb county is not all that rough at least not when I lived there , don't know about now as things may have changed.

However My best friend (retired marine) was ATL PD assigned to Sector or Zone 3 I think he called it. (south of 20 heading to airport)  Probably pretty close to where Bugeye lives.  There are places he would not go when off duty or out of uniform, and told us to avoid . Roger was not racist by any way shape or form - Just prudent.

It;s not that I'm so simple minded that I dont understand what Bugeye was saying , it's just that while I do think it is wise to be prudent, I also feel when we start generalizing whole populations of people , and they are  being judged by the miss deeds of others we are heading down the wrong path as a society.

 Everyone is an individual. I try and treat every individual as I would like to be treated as an individual , until that individual proves differently,  irregardless of Race, creed , color , orientation, political or religious affiliation , economic stature in life etc..
and if that individual proves me wrong , I certainly don't form an opinion of a whole race based on the wrong of that one individual.   

The military taught me , it doesn't matter a whole heck of a lot of beans the differences of the guy who has you on belay, he's their to save your Butt and vice versa.

JMHO , feel free to disregard

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #34 on: April 20, 2012, 08:46:42 AM »

Poor white people - they've got most of the money, most of the power, almost all the house/senate seats, most governorships, make up almost all flag officers, own most of the businesses... how are they expected to survive under such trying & unfair conditions?

I'm sure he was talking about not being persecuted for being proud to be white. Every other race can boast, but if whites do it, we are rasists.
[...proud to be white/quote]
I've never understood this notion PEOPLE (with absolutely no reference to color or race) have about being proud of said race, nationality etc. They had nothing to do with the outcome of that ::) .  They were born into what ever country or race from which they hail. WHAT are they really PROUD of... being born!?
One is born black/African; white/anglo,aryan?(whatever) by DEFAULT! How does one say "I'm proud to be white"  ::) when nothing they did or didn't do had any effect on what resulted in their being born to two white skinned parents and the same can be said of any color skin or even nationality.
Its by default!!  And as far as being color blind. No one prevents me from being color blind except myself! People do stereotype themselves with their own personal behavior that then becomes associated with groups of people and then that behavior finds it's way to categories and eventualy race, no doubt. But the the trick is rising above on site judgement and giving each individual a fair shake.
More often than not we will be disappointed but there are surprising and pleasant exceptions. They are just far and few in between.
...proud to be white, black, AMERICAN... ::)  WHAT F***IN' EVER!!!
In MY Navy... "...there is no racial bigotry.We do not look down upon kykes, wops, rednecks, niggers, or greasers etc. etc.. Here, you are ALL EQUALLY worthless" (thanks 4 quote Gunny). I hate Em all! 
But every now and then I happen to come across a rare breed, a "HUMAN BEING" and I rather like them. I like to think of myself as an "EQUAL OPPORTUNITY" or "HUMAN RACIST" if you will.
I've traveled the world, grew up in a city that exposed me more cultures and ethnicities than most people who live in small town white America have ever heard of. I speak English with no discernible accent, Spanish, and a little bit of a few other languages .
I have dark hair, my skin is white in the winter and brown in the summer, my beard is Scottish RED, I am quiet; and conservative in appearance, grooming, and demeanor. I have walked the line in service to my country. And my ancestry is as diverse as it gets from Scottish, German, Spanish, Moorish and across the ocean to the Apaches and even the Aztecs. Oh, and I like my guns.
Some of my ancestors were building some of histories greatest civilizations, calculating advanced mathmatics(for that time) and charting the movement of the stars when some of my other ancestors were still hovelling around in caves and  couldn't even grasp the algebraic concept "zero". But like all great societies eventually do, they fell, just as ours will one day.
I have found strength, advantage, and enlightenment in my DIVERSITY and I am GRATEFULL to be WHO I am, NOT PROUD of WHAT I was merely born into.
So WHO am I!? I don't consider myself white ,nor brown, nor black, nor yellow; Latin nor Anglo, nor Afro, nor Asian.  I refuse to box myself with such crude and limiting lables. Maybe I'm PAISLEY!!! or PLAID!!!!

And yet, here in small town Medford, Oregon while in the parking lot after returning from a hike with my kids, some "special forces " political sticker pasting (I don't feel the need to tell the whole world "hey look at me I'm special"), flag waving a**hole approaches me (a grown adult), and with a smug smile says in his disgusting pronunciation "Hey muchacho, tu hablas ingles?" (Translated: Hey BOY, do you speak English?).
Now most people in my position would confront and expose their emmotional hand in judgement. But I strive to keep a higher ground and not give someone like that satisfaction or power over my emotions. That's not to say I didn't FEEL like handing him his teeth (I think someone had already done that), but I have sworn to the stars that I would try to rise above this ugly disease of racial ignorance and stupidity.
"...tu hablas Ingles?" hah.
 I responded with a calm unflustered smile in the fastest Spanish I could muster off the cuff (it is not my prefered language), "Oh, Tu hablas Espanol tambien. Bueno! Necesitas ayudar. Como puedo se ayudar?".
He says, "Whoa, slow down. I don't speak "Mexican" "
I respond in perfect English with the bright smile still on my face "Mexican? I was unaware that there was such a language. Ohh! You mean the Spanish. I apologize. When you spoke to me in SPANISH I assumed that you were MULTI-LINGUAL. Please forgive me. I didn't know that you ONLY spoke ONE unfortunate."
He responds (now slightly flustered) "Where I come from we speak "American".
I said "Oh so you live on the reservation? Or perhaps your from Mexico? You know that country is technicaly also  "AMERICAN".  At this point I was just pulling the "Hannibal Lector" routine on him and I could envision smoke stewing from his ears as his feeble mentality was about to melt down.
He barked at me, "Never mind!" and got into his idealist sticker pasted truck and peeled off in the middle of the parking lot filled with kids and families.
And this was just one of a number of similar encounters in the year and a half that we've been here.
You know, the world is a small enough place already without us all having to keep our mentalities small as well. Maybe we should not worry about making the world better for ourselves and our kids and just make ourselves and our kids better for the world.


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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #35 on: April 20, 2012, 09:19:53 AM »
I tend to classify people by the way they act and the way they live and not by their skin tone.  Having said that, I'm not about to venture into certain neighborhoods in big, or even small cities.  If that makes me a racist, so be it.  I call it being prudent.

I have gone into what here is known as black neighboorhoods that were really dangerous. Now whites feel threatened there BUT SO DO MOST OF THE BLACKS THAT LIVE THERE. They have called for service and guarded the truck while we worked on their homes. So you make a great point its all about each person not the race
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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #36 on: April 20, 2012, 09:41:31 AM »
You know, the world is a small enough place already without us all having to keep our mentalities small as well. Maybe we should not worry about making the world better for ourselves and our kids and just make ourselves and our kids better for the world.

Well said !!!!  +1

Semper Fi
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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant


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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #37 on: April 20, 2012, 10:06:23 AM »
like most folks I can't say with 100% confidence what races may be in my background . I have very white skin so I list white on forms where it is required. I think my background is from eourpe and england. here is the thing I don't plan on going back there . America is my home , always has been and I expect to die here. I also don't expect any other man or woman to go back to where ever their family came from or because of their skin color. I don't expect those with different religious beliefs to leave . Or those who don't believe. Or those who are gay or other non standard leaning indivisuals.
It would be nice to get along though , to see the criminal for what they are not the color they are .
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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #38 on: April 20, 2012, 11:22:35 AM »
If you prefer your own race, go for it. If this is a matter of finding fault with a race, especially white, open any history book. All are guilty.
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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #39 on: April 20, 2012, 02:12:17 PM »
I prefer my own race and have within that group those I am comfortable with. I don't like the black culture, don't want the black culture. Not comfortable there. However they do and that is fine but I ask, don't force it on me.
I like the western culture and a very few blacks do also. These I get along with because we have some things in common. I don't like the jive and other aspects of black culture, from my view point it makes them look dumb. Don't make it so just not my style. With this being said I stay with the whites and very few blacks because I am comfortable not a hater.
I got caught up in the busing of the 60's. Because I lived in a rural area of NC where one of the prominent senators in the senate was from (Democrate) I guess they decided to do some big busing. Me and about I would guess 20 or 30 others were bused to an all black school.
It was strange to have black teachers and be in a room with just a few whites but we did not have any trouble. As I have said before I don't know of any trouble or malice toward any of us  but blacks hate blacks they fought all the time. every morning and evening we would have a fight. Nothing on their minds but sex. For them School was a waste except for sports. I do understand why their scores are low on most test. made some good friends the two years we were bused there. Just not my culture or thing. 

Offline hillbill

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #40 on: April 20, 2012, 02:24:11 PM »

I think you just insulted the hell out of a long list of past and present blacks:

A [edit] B
  • La Shawn Barber, American writer and blogger
  • J. Kenneth Blackwell, former Secretary of State of Ohio, former gubernatorial candidate
  • Michelle Bernard, journalist, author, columnist
  • Lynette Boggs, former Las Vegas City Councilwoman, former Clark County, NV commissioner, former candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives
  • Peter Boulware, former NFL linebacker and Republican candidate for the Florida House of Representatives, District 9.
  • Jennette Bradley, former Treasurer of the State of Ohio
  • Edward Brooke, former U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, first African American elected by popular vote to the U.S. Senate
  • Stephen Broden, conservative commentator, Life Always board member (a pro-life organization) and evangelical pastor
  • Janice Rogers Brown, a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals
  • Blanche Bruce, former U.S. Senator from Mississippi, first African American to serve a full term in the U.S. Senate
  • Keith Butler, Republican national committeeman from Michigan, former councilman for Detroit, minister and former U.S. Senatorial candidate
[edit] C

Herman Cain    [edit] D

Frederick Douglass    [edit] E [edit] F [edit] G [edit] H [edit] I [edit] J [edit] K

Alan Keyes, 16th Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs   
  • Alan Keyes, former member of the Republican party and nominee for the U.S. Senate
  • Alveda King, minister, political activist, author, niece of Martin Luther King Jr.
[edit] L [edit] M [edit] N [edit] O [edit] P

Colin Powell, 65th Secretary of State    [edit] Q
Wiki letter w.svg height=23This section is empty. You can help by adding to it.
[edit] R

Condoleezza Rice, 66th Secretary of State    [edit] S

Michael Steele, 64th Chairman of the Republican National Committee    [edit] T

Clarence Thomas, Associate Supreme Court Justice   

Sojourner Truth    [edit] U [edit] V [edit] W
  • William F. Yardley, anti-segregation advocate, first African American candidate for governor of Tennessee (1876)

i didnt notice that bugeye insulted anyone?

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #41 on: April 20, 2012, 02:28:51 PM »
bugeye did most not insult herman cain who is one of my most favorite public figures today.and im a white hillbilly.

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #42 on: April 20, 2012, 04:53:13 PM »
my home town, I am so proud!  I wonder why there are no jobs around there?

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #43 on: April 21, 2012, 03:14:52 AM »
bugeye did most not insult herman cain who is one of my most favorite public figures today.and im a white hillbilly.
thx, I hope Herman is in Romneys cabinet. he has a lot of sense and really witty....
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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #44 on: April 22, 2012, 12:35:11 AM »
  Curiously, some of the people who decry prejudice and racism in the strongest terms...surround themselves with folks who essentially, look very much like themselves.
  Just look at various news events where someone is interviewed or walk into a restaurant, cafeteria, movie theatre, sporting, or musical events, people for the most part, self-segregate.
  Is it custom, hsbit , hatred or ignorance..who knows for sure ?
      From my observations it appears more to be lifestyle differences than any other factor. I was brought up by hard-working, barely middle class people and have always lived in a middle class neighborhoods.  neighborhoods which believed in honesty, courtesy, rule of law and patriotism and Christian values whether practicing christians or not.  I get along best with people of the same values and I think that stands the test of reason.
   Just yesterday at my favorite Christian ministry center, I started a series of free classes on basic blacksmithing and furnished transportation for a young man (15), whom I picked up at his house.  After class I drove him home, while he chattered about his home life.  I learned these things;
 1) His sister graduates from high school next month and will marry next day, she and her fiance have a child.
 2) He wears a stretch bracelet in honor of his "younger brother's father", who died last month.
 3) His younger brother's father died from some kind of combination of marijuana & crack.
 4) He considers his mother's present "boyfriend" (now living in his house) as his Dad.
 5) His "biological dad' is not at all in the picture, and hasn't been for years.
      Incidentally, we are both rural dwelling caucasians..   All this I was told in about a 4 mile ride and I was struck with the degradation this youngster has faced much of his life.  It is hard for me to accept that such "families' exist in my area.  I will furnish transportation for my class and the ministry will take him under wing if they can.
   In spite of the start in life, I can see hope..the lad said it is his aim to be a welder and a "minister'.. on his own, he attends a Free Methodist Church.  Yes his sister in high school has a child... but she IS getting married.  There is hope..
  What I am getting at is ..How can I possibly relate to his "parents" socially..what would we share in cionversation, manners, tradition and values..and we are all caucasian, say nothing of adding language & ethnic differences ?
  I'm not saying it is right or wrong but people, even the most "egalitarian", do tend to self segregate..
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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #45 on: April 22, 2012, 03:03:40 AM »
IG, I've found that you can't say anything to the parents.  they get defensive and want to fight.
you just have to pray for that young man.
maybe your Christian influence will be what he needs to succeed.
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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #46 on: April 22, 2012, 03:09:04 AM »
  I'm hoping that works Bugeye.  There are other classes going on there also..carpentry, electrical, martial arts, plumbing, small engines etc.  Although all the instructors and most of the students are firm Christians..we all hope to be "salt"..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #47 on: April 22, 2012, 05:24:27 AM »
My first real experience with any blacks happened this way. I was an Air Force brat till I was 12, living on Air Bases all over the world. I really didn't see too many Blacks on those bases and life on these bases was easy going. My Father retired after 28 years in the service and we settled in Oak Cliff, a western suburb of Dallas in 1971. On those bases I commonly rode my bicycle for many miles every day so I thought nothing of going downtown on my bike. It was mostly down hill and I got into the big buildings of Dallas pretty fast. The first place I stopped to rest was a bus stop. I had no more than started to relax when 3 Black teenagers came up to me and demanded any money I had on me or they would take my bike. I had one dollar and gave it to them. I rode back to Oak Clif and stayed in that predominanatly White/Hispanic neighborhood, never telling my parents what happened. My Mother took a job in the Federal building in downtown dallas and within a year the Blacks went to rioting and my Mother was trapped in the building till they stopped rampaging around threatening Whites and destroying property. In 1974 busing began. The instant grafiti and burglary that began with regularity in late 1974 and the absolute devaluing of property there caused us to move to Arlington in 1977. Arlington later approved section 8 housing and the same thing happened there. Thanks Mayor Greene. In 1987 I walked into a bar to ask directions, I noticed all the patrons were Black but didn't mind really, the bartender says I have to buy a beer. I pull out a $20. bill and ask if I am east or west of an address I can't remember now. He says east and two of the Blacks in the bar get one on either side of me, the one in front of me pulls a knife and wants my wallet. I reach for my wallet (the bartender is smiling) and at that moment two Fort Worth police officers walk in. I put my wallet back in my pocket, say hello to the policemen, wherein they ask me what I am doing in this bar. I say I am somewhat lost and came in to ask directions, they say I am truly lost being White in this bar. I say well I am leaving and not coming back for sure. Both policemen were also Black. Any reason for me to feel all warm and fuzzy about Blacks? I was very lucky that day to only be out a beer.
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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #48 on: April 22, 2012, 05:46:32 AM »
...     From my observations it [the tendency for people to associate with others of like cultural backgrounds. - ed.]  appears more to be lifestyle differences than any other factor. ... What I am getting at is ..How can I possibly relate ... socially..what would we share in conversation, manners, tradition and values..and we are all Caucasian, say nothing of adding language & ethnic differences ?

...  I'm not saying it is right or wrong but people, even the most "egalitarian", do tend to self segregate..

Excellent observation!  And a succinct statement the plain truth!   ;D  This is just the natural order of things.  Like tends to associate with like.  Heck, look at the animals on the plains of Africa.  There may be several species of antelope intermingled to some degree on the plain, but mostly Impala are with impala, wildebeest with wildebeest, and so on.   :)
Why do some people have to make something natural wrong?   ???  Now Tarzan living with apes... THAT WAS JUST WRONG!   ::)  Not to mention unnatural...  :P
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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #49 on: April 22, 2012, 06:14:58 AM »
My first real experience with any blacks happened this way. I was an Air Force brat till I was 12, living on Air Bases all over the world. I really didn't see too many Blacks on those bases and life on these bases was easy going. My Father retired after 28 years in the service and we settled in Oak Cliff, a western suburb of Dallas in 1971. On those bases I commonly rode my bicycle for many miles every day so I thought nothing of going downtown on my bike. It was mostly down hill and I got into the big buildings of Dallas pretty fast. The first place I stopped to rest was a bus stop. I had no more than started to relax when 3 Black teenagers came up to me and demanded any money I had on me or they would take my bike. I had one dollar and gave it to them. I rode back to Oak Clif and stayed in that predominanatly White/Hispanic neighborhood, never telling my parents what happened. My Mother took a job in the Federal building in downtown dallas and within a year the Blacks went to rioting and my Mother was trapped in the building till they stopped rampaging around threatening Whites and destroying property. In 1974 busing began. The instant grafiti and burglary that began with regularity in late 1974 and the absolute devaluing of property there caused us to move to Arlington in 1977. Arlington later approved section 8 housing and the same thing happened there. Thanks Mayor Greene. In 1987 I walked into a bar to ask directions, I noticed all the patrons were Black but didn't mind really, the bartender says I have to buy a beer. I pull out a $20. bill and ask if I am east or west of an address I can't remember now. He says east and two of the Blacks in the bar get one on either side of me, the one in front of me pulls a knife and wants my wallet. I reach for my wallet (the bartender is smiling) and at that moment two Fort Worth police officers walk in. I put my wallet back in my pocket, say hello to the policemen, wherein they ask me what I am doing in this bar. I say I am somewhat lost and came in to ask directions, they say I am truly lost being White in this bar. I say well I am leaving and not coming back for sure. Both policemen were also Black. Any reason for me to feel all warm and fuzzy about Blacks? I was very lucky that day to only be out a beer.

I can't tell you how many people like you have these kinds of stories to tell.

I had no contacts with blacks until in college in the 1960's.   What an eye opener.  Years later I found out that my younger sister, who attended forced integration schools, and her white girl friends were threatened with violence on a daily basis by black girls!  My sister and friends had to use bathrooms in groups for protection and gave up eating in the school  cafeteria because of violent blacks. 

I work with white kids, some of whom are being home schooled in an effort to avoid anti-white racially motivated violence against white children.  This is an epidemic in this country and white kids are defenseless because the civil rights-industrial complex has so much political power.  There is no political support for defending white children.  Not a single civil rights group will speak for them. School administrators who want to keep their jobs just keep their mouths shut and basically say "tough luck" to brutalized white kids. 

There is a race war coming in this country and  in my opinion none too soon. I will tell you that white kids who have been psychologically and physically abused by this multi-cultural hell will be in the front lines.

There are irreconcilable differences between the races. It's just that simple.   Racial discrimination and racial separation are  legitimate means of self defense by healthy life forms against harmful, destructive associations with unhealthy life forms.  Slavery and civil rights laws are both based on the same principles:  Violations of the rights of freedom of association.

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #50 on: April 22, 2012, 08:44:29 AM »
they say I am truly lost being White in this bar. I say well I am leaving and not coming back for sure. Both policemen were also Black. Any reason for me to feel all warm and fuzzy about Blacks? I was very lucky that day to only be out a beer.

Here's one on the flip side , when I was in the military I roomed with 5 other guys , 4 black guys and one white.
The white guy turned out to be a dirt bag, thief and liar.  The black guys use to take me clubbing with them, mostly to all black
or all black/asian bars and we use to all joke I was their token. There were too many nights for me to recount when crap
Hit the fan , and no color distinction was recognized , they never once did not come to my aid and back me up.
We trusted each other and were tight knit irregardless of skin tone. and I could go on and on . Race does not have to be an issue , people just make it so. and alot of times it's inherited from the previous generation. Kids are not born with prejudices.
It's a learned behavior and therefore a choice. you can choose to be racist , or choose not to be. 

One of my best friends in this whole world I met in the military we still stay in touch after many many years have attended each others family wedding , funerals etc . Mitchell (who just happens to be black) grew up in Chicago's Caprini -Green housing projects, I grew up rural farmland. Two young men , as different from each other as we could ever be. I mention this because there is good and bad everywhere, people have a choice.

JMHO  - feel free to ignore
Semper FI 
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #51 on: April 22, 2012, 09:17:13 AM »
One more while I'm at it when my father who was stationed out of Lackland AFB in the early 60's was away . My mother was accosted by two white thugs walking my sister in her stroller. It was her Hispanic neighbors, who came to her defense , while her white neighbors cowered in their houses behind their curtains.

The Hispanic neighbor men spoke to my dad when he returned and informed him of what happened,  and said your wife will always be safe on this street while your away, no worries. Why?  because I think my mom was always respectful to everyone she encountered and knew not to judge someone based on differences and not dislike whole groups of peoples based on one bad individual experience . It resonates throughout a community.
Semper Fi
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #52 on: April 22, 2012, 09:24:39 AM »
I boxed in college, my sparring partner was and is Black. We are close friends to this day. I have also had a few sometimes friends. This character worked for Sears as did I. He was a fine fellow as long as he was not in a crowd of his Black friends.  Another extremely lazy young man of color was supposed to empty the chip bins (forklift driver) from our machines but he was never to be found. This was in Dallas and the shop owner got some kind of reward for keeping a few Blacks on the payroll so this guy was our token Black. One day he got tired of all the machinist complaining about him not doing his job and set a pair of sharp shears up against the seat of the forklift and when one of the machinists sat on the forklift he was stabbed in the but by the shears. The guy was watching and broke into laughter and the machinist had to go to the emergency room. He was then promptly fired, applied for unemployment against our company and tried to sue for discrimination. Cost the boss a couple of thousand dollars but justice was served. Really whats to like?  It seems maybe 2% of the Blacks I have known are OK but the rest?
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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #53 on: April 22, 2012, 12:34:48 PM »
  As I pointed out earlier, it is more the cultural thing which separates groups.  The young lad I spoke about I can get along well enough with, since he is trying to improve his cultural state, but associating to any real extent with his mother and her boyfriend would be a trying event for me.
      In the posts seen here thusfar, the divide has been primarily cultural.  As Scoot pointed out, hate is usually taught to children by their parents or other elders.  Years ago, Jim Crow was the culprit but it appears things have taken a 180 degree turn. I am convinced there is a lot more hate being taught in the black community than in the caucasian, and that is what some folks are speaking of here.
  Dr King said clearly that a man should be judged by "content of his character and not by the color of his skin"... 
 Are Sharpton, Jackson and Farrakhan doing that, or are they just stirring up hatred, for their own profit ?  Who are the white leaders of national following, who are doing the same kind of "race baiting" ... does that illustrate my point ?
  I think the problem lies with the ghetto mindset; elders teaching it to the children and alienating them from mainstream society.  My heart goes out to the ghetto bound family who wants to live a decent & crime free life.
    A few African-American voices (e.g. Bill Cosby, Roy Innis, Thomas Sowell, Conde Rice & Justice Clarence Thomas) are trying to help in correcting this glaring attitude problem by word and example.  A parent who teaches their child to hate, is handicapping that child, putting stumbling blocks in their path.  Still, that doesn't mean you don't warn that child that certain neighborhoods or groups are bad news.... because we are to love and protect our children too.
  BTW: I hate hyphenating "American"...for anybody.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)


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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #54 on: April 23, 2012, 04:28:23 AM »
If you were dieing and a person of a different race could save you either thru his ablity or was willing to give you a transplanted organ , would you refuse ? If you accept then then why not everyday ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #55 on: April 23, 2012, 06:32:01 AM »
If I were dieing and the offer of a Black man's kidney would save my life then wouldn't it be foolish to take a pass on a basis of race? Am I racsist if I refuse to have sex with a Black woman? Because she is Balck?
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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #56 on: April 23, 2012, 06:33:52 AM »
  It seems maybe 2% of the Blacks I have known are OK but the rest?
A person of "darker pigmentation" may very well say the same of those of "lighter pigment" Funny that huh? I seem to run into that same 98%/2% ratio also, but with EVERYONE I have met and all over the globe.
I've never given any significance to the pigmentation of said 98% (as I do not see that it has any significance worth mentioning within a so called "civilized" society). I have observed that human wretchedness knows know prejudism to ethnicity or skin color.
Ironglow made subtle reference to this fact earlier

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #57 on: April 23, 2012, 06:44:12 AM »
I disagree. I admit to knowing few Blacks, Texas is heavily self segregated. However I see far fewer outrightly racist Whites than Blacks.
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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #58 on: April 23, 2012, 06:58:09 AM »
It seems maybe 2% of the Blacks I have known are OK but the rest?
A dubious conclusion, unless you are have close famliarity with 100+ black people.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

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Re: Why can't I prefer my own race?
« Reply #59 on: April 23, 2012, 07:05:19 AM »
If I were dieing and the offer of a Black man's kidney would save my life then wouldn't it be foolish to take a pass on a basis of race? Am I racsist if I refuse to have sex with a Black woman? Because she is Balck?
Refusing  because she is black is in itself, only a prejudicial act. But on the surface, not actually an act of RACISM.
It seems to be a common confusion between the two concepts of "Racism" and "Prejudism" as there is only a fine but distinctive line separating the two.
I, and I believe, everyone has their learned prejudices. It is natural to have preference to familiairty. However  learning the skills of objectivity and impartiality is the door to a more enlightened and civilized society.
Racism on the other hand, is the belief in the (questionable)superiorty; and the perpetuation of dominance  of one race  over another (I thought there was only one ::) ) in regards to varying factors such as genetics, social status and developement etc.etc.
No, that in itself does not make you a racist, it just makes you "picky", "partial", and therefore prejudicial... it is only a WORD! And it has only the power that is given to it based on the context in which it is (correctly, incorrectly, tactfully or untactfully) used.
To me, a woman was a WOMAN...ahhhh variety is truly the spice of life!  ....that was before I got married of course :o