I had to work for this one. For whatever reason, the birds in my area are not being vocal at all. Called and called all morning and didnt have anything other than a hen get within 70yds of us. Saw some nice birds off in the dtstance though. Never heard a spring turkey woods so quiet. We decided to pack it up late morning and head to another spot. We are driving past the field we were just huntng in and wouldn't ya know it? A freaking Gobbler is out there strutting it's butt off -by himself. No hens. Running along that field is a nice deep ravine ditch. I worked myself through that ditch all the way down to that bird. I poked my head out and he was right there at 25/30yds tail fan towards me. Not a hen in sight. I lay my shotgun across the ditch bank and give a couple of cluck with the mouth call. He comes straight out of strut and turns to look at me. BOOM. 24lbs, 11.5" beard, and 24mm spurs. My first spot and stalk turkey.