Author Topic: 375 H&H in 1908 98 Mauser  (Read 817 times)

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Offline shinjin

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375 H&H in 1908 98 Mauser
« on: April 30, 2012, 09:40:23 AM »
I recently read that the 375 H&H is longest that will fit in 1 standard length 98 reciver. true?
Am I looking at a lot of work to mag area or is it a barrel and bolt face open up job for a gunsmith?
I have a ton of 375 bullets for 38-55 and 375 win I can load to plink with and probably will never use it for anything serious but still, to own a shootable Mauser in 375 H&H that lloked like something Tarzan would snatch from Bwana's hands for shooting at gorillas, would be TOO KOOL!

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Re: 375 H&H in 1908 98 Mauser
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 01:17:01 AM »
Shinjin ol buddy - I would not hesitate one minute to run this past the gunnut69, the moderator of the Gunsmithing Forum.  Good luck and let us know what he sez.......