The Wife & I would of walked on broken glass to vote for Walker. It wasn't about 'union busting', it was about using modest reforms to balance the Sate budget. I know some can't fathom that, so be it.
From Doug B;
"Governor" Walkers agenda was to "divide and conquer" from the git go. Those were his exact words.
1sourdough.......please define "modest reforms" as used in your post.
For your viewing "enjoyment"........
Modest reforms: Public service unions work the same hours for about the same pay, benefits and job protections as those involved in similar private employment .
From Doug B;
Divide and conquer: Any fair minded person reviewing that video would have to agree with Walker. The lady asks him what he plans on doing for the RIGHT TO WORK rule.
1) The "right to work" represents a basic freedom..that a worker would not be
forced to join a union in order to take any job.
2) Who has been refusing a worker's "right to work"?.. why the unions of course. They could have compromised..
3) Thus, in order to regain this essential freedom which has been taken away since the 1930s, he
had to "divide and conquer".
The simple fact is, this is exactly the same tactic Obama is presently using against the American voter in general..When we hear Doug B excoriating Obummer for his "divide and conquer' tactics, perhaps then we will listen more closely..