I have a bumper sticker which says "Harry Potter for president, only a wizard could get us out of this". It would be nice if someone could wave a magic wand and give everyone whatever they need but Ronald Reagan spoke the truth when he said "government is not the solution, government is the problem". Right now the government is spending more than ever before and of every dollar it spends 42 cents is borrowed. I doesn't take a financial genius to realize that can't continue for long. "Tax the rich" will be but a drop in the deficit bucket. "Tax those big corporations" is pure BS. Corporations have to turn a profit over and above taxes so when you raise their tax they HAVE to raise the cost of their product or service. The consumer is the ONLY tax payer. When you buy a loaf of bread you are paying the tax on the store, the tax on the trucking company, the tax on the grain mill, the tax on the farmer, the tax on the farm equipment maker, etc.,etc. We all are paying far more tax than we can possible know. It is not possible to balance the budget by raising taxes, the tax payer doesn't have the money, and we ALL are tax payers, even those on welfare are tax payers when they spend their welfare check.