How is more regulation, more laws, less freedom, bigger government, more social programs, more people on food stamps, more kids being fed at school, and people working to feed the state not marksist?
. Because it spoon feeds the corporate Oligarchs....corporate welfare at our expense.
How is:
...busting up and villianizing labor organizations
...bailing out too big to fail monopolies
...deregging corps and financial institutions to run roughshod on The People
...instutitonalizing debt culture and placing massive national debt on the backs of the People
...withholding normalized Health Care system from the people
...foreclosing on people's homes and property after predatory lending binge
...agrandisement of wealth and incomes in fewer and fewer hands
...People United-PACs bought and paid for politicians by corps or even foreign concerns.
...perpetual war and security state intrusions free-for-all immigration to displace indigenous labor, and offshoring breaks and tax indeminification for elite and wealthy
...putting and manufacturing poisoons in the environmnet and food chain control of mass media by 6 corp
...massive theft, fraud, and gaming of the system unfettered--unprosecuted
and so very much much more...How does that cipher as a People's Social Utopia...? It doesn't --its the opposite. What amazes me is that people like yourself buy into the Punch and Judy show that there's a vast socialistic conspiracy to control their lives,,,and you identify with those people spreading this myth veiling over what is actually the real situation....this is what we call 'identifying with your oppressors"...the owners of the system (who don't care what you call the system-- capitalistic or socialistic..they don't care,,,as long as they run it). also known as Stockholm Syndrome.
. My suggestion is don't confuse Fascism with socialism, and to consider the neo-Bolshevik idea that monopoly capitalism = state corporatism = capitalistic communism.
OK your lost or not paying attention.
Corperate welfare is non existant and has been gone since Regan de regulated the Air industries. OK maybe in the Agracultural relm.
Coperations pay Trillions in taxes to the government each and every year. In the form of Sales, income, payroll, and property taxes. All of those taxes are built into the cost of the goods or services they sell.
If the coperations were in charge, corperate taxes would be non existant or we would have the lowest coperate taxes in the world rather than the highest.
Now I am not sure what you do for a living but if you had to buy a building and pay for the building and the taxes on the building you would build it along with the wages of the people working for you into the cost of your product. Other wise you will go out of business.
Maybe we need to have a basic economic class for you to attend.
The sole purpose of any coperation is to make profit. Plan and simple. You are making profit to pay your investors to pay your employees and grow the company, employing more people to generate more profit.
The Government playing with market forces and the crony capitalism especally of this leftist president that is picking winners and loosers while eliminating wealth simply does not work.
we never should have bailed out companies that were deemed too big to fail. the whole idea is that companies will grow and decline as well as die.