That article is useless in any adult discussion of Middle East peace. The issues and challenges are far greater than a cartoonish “Israelis bad, Palestinians good”, just as it would be if it proposed the opposite.
Any serious attempt at peace is going to require heavy international support and intervention, something that is lacking and the article completely ignores that. If Israel tomorrow unilaterally pulled out of the West Bank, gave back all of occupied Jerusalem and lifted all restrictions on Gaza it still wouldn’t result in any lasting peace. If the US, Germany, France, England, Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia could all agree on a solution it could be accomplished, having Jordan and Egypt onboard would be great, but I think it could be done without them. Muddled and half-hearted US actions aside, the US is the only one of those nations that seems to want a solution, the rest are either ambivalent or against a solution.
The argument that the Iraq war was for the benefit of Israel is a poorly constructed conclusion. Israel national security certainly benefited from the Iraq war but nobody in the world benefited on the scale that Saudi Arabia did. If I rank ordered the nations that benefited from the Iraq war it would be; 1 Saudi Arabia, 2 Iran and 3 Israel. Jordan also benefited, but Syria didn’t.