"one is one to many" How many times you guys gonna try that one?
Where is this "perfect world you seem think you are going to get? If the world were perfect I wouldn't have a job, and YOU wouldn't have anything to whine about on the web.
Try that "One is one too many" on a lot of other things and see how far it gets you.
Truth is, even if you are too blind to see it, the percentages are not in favor of your arguments. You can find individual anecdotes, but none of you can come up with percentages to say I am wrong. Bottom line, we do a job most won't touch because they haven't got what it takes, but they are the first to whine when the rare instance of abuse does come up, and make accuzations that all cops are bad. (go look back through the posts, you'll see that actual claim) That's the epitomy of hypocracy.
Cops are people! Good people, Bad people! Good cops, and bad cops.
I think the vast majority are good, with many bad apples in the bunch that give the others a bad name. The press isn't going to fill the airways with the good things cop's do day to day, but they look for stories like this one, because it sells!
I don't think these cases are rare, although they are certainly not the norm. I have a Brother, Brother-in law who are retired Leo's and two nephews who are currently working as Leo's.So I do see this from both sides!The two nephews are working in one of the most violent small cities in the nation. (Search youtube) for "Crime Bluff" Pine Bluff, Ar.They deal on a regular basis with murder, and other violent crimes.It does effect their attitude! I see it. Not so sure it wouldn't do the same thing to me.I'm not trying to make excuses for these criminals in uniform that killed this poor homeless man.If they are found guilty, they should throw the book at them.
These people took the oath to protect and serve the public.............Not Maim and kill them.
I think the big problem with the police departments today is at the administration level.
They come to the defense of the officers before the public they serve.I have seen first hand here in this small town I live in, the preference given the officers over the public.The city has had to pay several lawsuits recently because of police brutality related charges.The patrol officer is only going to do the job the way his bosses allow.Most people who apply for law enforcement jobs are alpha males.I think that's good! We don't need a bunch of wimpy, shoot first types.
That Alpha needs someone with a strong hand and leash controlling them. Not standing behind them when they get out of control.I think Sheriff's overall do a much better job at doing this than Police Chief's.Most of these cases we see on TV are City Cops, not State or County.