Hello To all,
Greybeard. your right, my wallet is much thinner now, but it was MUCH, much less than I expected all around, and the taxidermy is pretty reasonable over there compared to where I live. While I may have went a bit overboard, it really wasn't bad, considering if those same species were here in my home state of Utah, I would have to live to be 220 years old to finally draw tags for them through our lottery/bonus point system.
Yes Cj, things changed a bit once I got there, but I'm glad that I had the opportunities that I did, and got what I did, you never know what the future may hold, this may be an annual pilgrimage, or a once in a lifetime opportunity that I didn't let slip past. only time will tell, if I never get the chance again I will be glad that I dove in with both feet.
The Warthog was a bit of a chase and gave some fight, the big Kudu was magnificent to behold and it was a beautiful day when we went out for it as well. the Gemsbok, was a stalk and a fairly long shot, (closing in on 300 yards) as well as the Black wildebeast. The little springbok hunt turned into a bit of an adventure too. The Zebra and Blue wildebeast were each within a wary herd and made stalking exciting, especially with some Cape buffalo to keep an eye us on during the procedings.
Each of the Impalas was awesome and we had some walking stalks on two them through a very neat little valley at the base of the waterburg mountains.
The Waterbuck was just regal to see as well and was kinda a group thing with friendly folks from the lodge along for the adventure, making it a fun hunt too.
the Jackal was right in amongst a herd of the outfitter's sheep and was kinda a feat of shooting to get it on the run at distance, and duiker was the last animal I got and was a fitting end to an excellent hunt, and an awesome vacation.
Well really each animal has a story behind it and was fun in it's own way, right offhand they all were so unique and special it is hard to say what individual one standsout, I really enjoyed them all, and the entire hunt was just everything I could ever hope for.
I may have to save up for a while but i dearly want to go back, and have another staring contest with that cape buffalo, only without the financial restraints that kept me from pulling the trigger this trip. also we were followed by a large tracked Leopard when hunting the Impala and I passed another really nice Kudu bull, all of wich I hope to have the opportunity to see again.
The Taxidermy is in the works, with mostly shoulder mounts and a Zebra rug, a jackal skin and some porcupine quills.
I'll have to ask you what all that you had done with your Trophies, you had some truly magnificent animals on your safari as well.
Thanks to all, Rvtrav