people with "higher degrees" just HAVE to go on food stamps, welfare and other public assistance..Boo Hoo!
There are jobs out there if they look for them..I see signs up in convenience stores, Burger Kings and there are jobs waiting with landscaopers, small construction firms and ditching companies...IF THEY WANT TO WORK! If one of these jopbs won't get it..take least for a time.. Here's another real "tear jerker" : Frankly, if I had spent that much money (either theirs or the taxpayers) on "higher education', and still could not find gainful employment..I would have to be ashamed. Seems as if many have lost their sense of personal responsibility and the basic determination of being a man.
I am semi-retired, and not long ago my home county sent me an apply for food stamps. Once my wife opened the envelope and explained what it was about...I didn't have time enough to instruct her to trash it..she was already lifting the lid.