For anyone with intellect and a memory, here's how it went..
1) Having become used to Clinton's dithering, Saddam Hussein being greedy, decided to invade Kuwait. He launched a bloody and cruel attack.
2) Kuwait, not being as militaristic as Iraq..appeals to the US for help, since no other Persian Gulf state was strong enough to do so.
3) To preserve the free flow of oil (lifeblood of world economies) and to prevent dangerous hegemony of Iraq over Kuwait, the Bush administration decided the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait must not continue.
4) The US started a slow and deliberate buildup of arms and troops..all the while warning Saddam Hussein to leave Kuwait. Saddam had months of warnings, when he could have swmartened up and left Kuwait.
5) After the long, slow buildup and some final warnings to Saddam Hussein..the coalition attack was launched.
6) The battle was not prolonged..Saddam's forces were utterly obliterated in about 100 hours.
7) Next move..Saddam signs and agrees to a "peace treaty" which says;
A) He would live at peace with his neighbors.
B) There will be no fly zones which NATO aircraft will patrol without interference by Saddam's forces.
C) There will be free and unfettered access to any and all possible nuclear sites in Iraq.
Saddam answered by turning about and doing the following;
A) Saddam killed thousands of Kurds..with WMD (poison gas)
B) Saddam started ordering his anti aircraft sites to fire missles at allied patrol planes.
C) Saddam refused entry to nuclear sites by arms inspectors.
9) Coalition forces continually warned Hussein to stop the missle firing activity and allow arms inspectors "free and unfettered" access.
10) Late on, the coalition demeanded that Saddam Hussein step down. Hussein could have stepped down and saved himself the pain and death, but he ignored all these warnings, the allies attacked.
You asked, ......there is a virtual may not
like the answer..but there it is!