That is why Obama is pushing gay marriage, birth control pills, women's so called rights, etc. He is deflecting the media away from the real issues:
Repeal Obamacare, get the economy going, jobs, and get the energy prices down. It is economics, not all these side issues. There is too much government regulation, believe me, I have to get EPA permits for everything. Regulations are slowing down and styfling growth. No drilling for oil in the gulf, on shore, building pipelines, is a contributing factor in higher gasoline prices. Requiring ethynol in gasoline (made from corn) has caused meat, eggs, and milk prices to go up. Excessive government spending is pushing us over the cliff (so he can bring in complete socialism or communism as the answer). He is a divider, pusing class warfare, race warfare, etc. He is a pusher, not a leader.