Author Topic: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack  (Read 2448 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2012, 01:55:19 PM »
Post # 33 is propaganda to primarily promote 'victimhood status' polemical mechanics and other manipulations,,,,,based on Darby and Scofield musings and occult Raputre eschatology. The usual mythology. There is no chosen people as our Founding Fathers stated: All men are created equal---echoing Christ (Romans 2:1, 3:22-23 and 1 Peter 2:9).   Even decent jews living in isreal want normalized relations with arabs....they want a ratified Constitution and established borders and an end to the double legal system, apartheid, genocide, and atrocities from Likud and other war party extremist supported by the USA. Any human being claiming to be a Christian would want and end to these brutal atrocites, fraud and theft.  Zionist isreal operates as a 51st pariah state leading the other 50 states around by the nose, except it doesn't pay taxes--IT GETS TAXES!. The US Congress apparently is isreali occupied territory and now places the welfare and pocket books of Americans behind isreal. This is treason actually. US foreign policy used to be more central and more arabbist needs to get back to that position.  Either that or all of western New York needs to be bequeathed to the zionist so they have a place to go if all else fails.!!
Post #33 also dwells on another myth and fear propagation. ...that crtique and study of zionists actions and intentions is anti-semetic. Who cares any more about that?  Hiding behind such charges is intellectual dishonesty and a propaganda ploy..  Isreal claims to be a superpower, a racially supreme or 'chosen' people, has always been a tinder point, has a Samson Option in mind, possesses several hundred WMD, has a very active intell mossad network, a founding based on terrorism, and serves as a corrupt washing machine of US taxpayer funds sent back to Congressmen and the MIC-Intel complex thus jeopardizing all Americans. this fooocus needs to end. Decent Americans need to throw off this veil of the Firsters and  zionist-Christians and get America back on track as a first class and exemplary nation and not a vassal satelite of a fascist foreign power or racially motivated fraternalists.  I'm sure Christ would agree.,,,in fact, he tried to tell you all about this 2000 years ago.... (John 8:44)
  I invite all fair minde to compare this post of yours with my post # 33.  I only styated commonly known facts..most of which nobody can rightly deny.
  It is your post above which is filled with hyperbole, conspiracy tripe,  and made-up secret organizations trying to rule the world..
 Your tale of "stable borders"..that is entirely acheiveable right now..each person stay their side of the fence...and after thenMuslim incursions and rocket attacks cease, Israelis would no longer need to patrol the "restless natives' of the west bank..
  a very simple answer..available now..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #31 on: May 29, 2012, 05:04:34 AM »
  Israel is only a "pariah" state because of their unyielding, bigoted neighbors..
  So, let's take another look;
   Who would benefit most from an apparent Israeli attack on the USS Liberty ?  Obviously Israel wouldn't ! Such an attack would best serve the Muslim enemies of Israel and their apologists..even those right here on GBO as well as thousands of other venues.  It has been a "propaganda coup" for the "hate the Jews" crowd..
  Why should we not consider this to be one of those conspiricist's "false flag" attacks ?  It could have easily been engineered by Egypt, Libya or some other Muslim nation....  Hmmmm....something to think about.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #32 on: June 01, 2012, 05:38:16 AM »
  Let's put it this way...and I am trying to be VERY FAIR..
 1) Israel is not perfect, anymore than any other country..They have done well with rebuilding a nation and developing industry, scirnce , medicine and engineering is a virtual wasteland.  Still, they are not perfect.
 2) Israel has had some negatrive incidents in it's history..nothing like the 19,000 odd incidents provoked by their ME neighbors in just the last 10-11 years..but still some..even if we blame them for the liberty incident.
    So, why ..give me a logical reason....As to why some folks just naturally hate the Jews and Israel ?
     Why not hate france & the French, Belgium and Belgians, or Spain and Spanish just as much  ? 
     Where does this inordinate , unreasonable, hatred come from ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline woodchukhntr

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #33 on: June 01, 2012, 07:43:58 AM »
  Let's put it this way...and I am trying to be VERY FAIR..
 1) Israel is not perfect, anymore than any other country..They have done well with rebuilding a nation and developing industry, scirnce , medicine and engineering is a virtual wasteland.  Still, they are not perfect.
 2) Israel has had some negatrive incidents in it's history..nothing like the 19,000 odd incidents provoked by their ME neighbors in just the last 10-11 years..but still some..even if we blame them for the liberty incident.
    So, why ..give me a logical reason....As to why some folks just naturally hate the Jews and Israel ?
     Why not hate france & the French, Belgium and Belgians, or Spain and Spanish just as much  ? 
     Where does this inordinate , unreasonable, hatred come from ?
1.  Everybody does hate France ;D
2.  You must look beyond logic to the spiritual to see why the Jews and Israel are hated.  God chose the Jews to be His people, and Satan hates that.  In Matthew 23:39 jesus tells the Apostles "For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord."  Satan has been doing his best to assure that there will be no Jew alive who will be able to say that, but we see in Luke 19:28-40 that Jesus told the Pharasees that even the stones would shout that out if the people were silenced.

Offline ironglow

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #34 on: June 01, 2012, 10:49:09 PM »
Woodchukhntr says;
" 2.  You must look beyond logic to the spiritual to see why the Jews and Israel are hated.  God chose the Jews to be His people, and Satan hates that.  In Matthew 23:39 jesus tells the Apostles "For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord."  Satan has been doing his best to assure that there will be no Jew alive who will be able to say that, but we see in Luke 19:28-40 that Jesus told the Pharasees that even the stones would shout that out if the people were silenced"
   No other reason has been offered for this irrational hatred of Israel and the Jews...and it is the only explanation which truly 'adds up'.  So clearly, i am pleased to stand where I do.
  Back in reply #32 NW provides us a link which is supposed to be the "real truth" of the USS Liberty incident.  I read that and decided to examine the website a bit more to check it's impartiality (always a good idea) I checked their "book club" and got this..
   One of the things offered for the real "truth seeker" is something called a kuffiyeh, shown below.  I know some Iraqi/Afghanistan veterans who brought some of these home for souvenirs..said they got them for free.
    Anyhow; If you want the pure, unvarnished truth concerning the USS Liberty..and if you perhaps want to wear a Kuffiyeh, by all means, go to that website..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #35 on: June 02, 2012, 03:37:21 AM »
Woodchukhntr says;
" 2.  You must look beyond logic to the spiritual to see why the Jews and Israel are hated.  God chose the Jews to be His people, and Satan hates that.  In Matthew 23:39 jesus tells the Apostles "For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord."  Satan has been doing his best to assure that there will be no Jew alive who will be able to say that, but we see in Luke 19:28-40 that Jesus told the Pharasees that even the stones would shout that out if the people were silenced"
   No other reason has been offered for this irrational hatred of Israel and the Jews...and it is the only explanation which truly 'adds up'.  So clearly, i am pleased to stand where I do.
  Back in reply #32 NW provides us a link which is supposed to be the "real truth" of the USS Liberty incident.  I read that and decided to examine the website a bit more to check it's impartiality (always a good idea) I checked their "book club" and got this..
   One of the things offered for the real "truth seeker" is something called a kuffiyeh, shown below.  I know some Iraqi/Afghanistan veterans who brought some of these home for souvenirs..said they got them for free.
    Anyhow; If you want the pure, unvarnished truth concerning the USS Liberty..and if you perhaps want to wear a Kuffiyeh, by all means, go to that website..

Here is another link to someone that perhaps had a little more Intel than the rest of us concerning the Liberty attack. I don't think the late Adm. Thomas Moorer, former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was ever considered Ant-Semitic.  BTW! I don't recall seeing a pic of him wearing a KUFFIYEH. I think he had scrambled eggs on his cover visor ;)

Now! If a highly decorated officer of his stature has doubts about the attack on the Liberty being a case of mistaken identity, don't you think there might just be justification in our doubts as well,
without being labeled as Anti Semitic, Jew haters? I for one don't hate Jews! I had Jewish friends and neighbors growing up. What I do dislike, is Despotic governments like the US and Israeli governments are becoming. It's getting to the point where my fellow Americans condemn those of us that question. Scary!
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Offline ironglow

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #36 on: June 04, 2012, 01:34:11 PM »
Ridiculous muckraking, IG.  The anniversary of the USS Liberty incident is coming up. There must be at least a hundred anniversaries of the 19,000 odd Muslim attacks..and we don't have to go back 40 years to a single incident..just 10 (with 19,000) will do....please quit malaligning these patriots  Maligning what patriots.. the patriots on the website NW cited ?. And please stop advocating for the killing of Christ's decendants, Christ has no "descendants" ..DUH ! and the extinguishing of The Logos, and other anti-gentilisms... Thank you.  "Extinguishing the Logos" ??  Who is trying to extinguish Jesus ?  DUH..
 Woodchucker, there is no chosen , no racially superior people  Sorry TM, but the jews are God's "chosen people", not because they are inherently better, because they fell into sin and disfellowship with God...  However, God promised a savior, a he needed a nation from which to bring him forth, and the jews were the only nation which worshipped the one, true God, unlike the others at the time..who were into idols and animism.  This will help you understand:
     The only thing 'chosen' is how not to be, and how not to treat fellow man. This was made clear by The Founders..."All men are created equal..." and by Christ in the New Covenant...that was the whole point!.
Roman 2:1, 3:22-23    and   1 Peter 2:9
  BTW: Quit trying to insult Jesus by claiming he had "descendants"...  that's a dangerous game..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2012, 01:58:59 PM »
Woodchukhntr says;
" 2.  You must look beyond logic to the spiritual to see why the Jews and Israel are hated.  God chose the Jews to be His people, and Satan hates that.  In Matthew 23:39 jesus tells the Apostles "For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord."  Satan has been doing his best to assure that there will be no Jew alive who will be able to say that, but we see in Luke 19:28-40 that Jesus told the Pharasees that even the stones would shout that out if the people were silenced"
   No other reason has been offered for this irrational hatred of Israel and the Jews...and it is the only explanation which truly 'adds up'.  So clearly, i am pleased to stand where I do.
  Back in reply #32 NW provides us a link which is supposed to be the "real truth" of the USS Liberty incident.  I read that and decided to examine the website a bit more to check it's impartiality (always a good idea) I checked their "book club" and got this..
   One of the things offered for the real "truth seeker" is something called a kuffiyeh, shown below.  I know some Iraqi/Afghanistan veterans who brought some of these home for souvenirs..said they got them for free.
    Anyhow; If you want the pure, unvarnished truth concerning the USS Liberty..and if you perhaps want to wear a Kuffiyeh, by all means, go to that website..

Here is another link to someone that perhaps had a little more Intel than the rest of us concerning the Liberty attack. I don't think the late Adm. Thomas Moorer, former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was ever considered Ant-Semitic.  BTW! I don't recall seeing a pic of him wearing a KUFFIYEH. I think he had scrambled eggs on his cover visor ;)

Now! If a highly decorated officer of his stature has doubts about the attack on the Liberty being a case of mistaken identity, don't you think there might just be justification in our doubts as well,
without being labeled as Anti Semitic, Jew haters? I for one don't hate Jews! I had Jewish friends and neighbors growing up. What I do dislike, is Despotic governments like the US and Israeli governments are becoming. It's getting to the point where my fellow Americans condemn those of us that question. Scary!
   Even if we accept your theory concerning the liberty.... the comparison is still 19,000 to 1 !
    So please explain all the hatred for Israel and Israelis.  Even if we accept the liberty incident, the Israelis have not killed near as many Americans as have their neighboring Muslims.  On just 9/11 alone , muslims murdered hundreds of times more than were killed on the Liberty, say nothing of IEDs, beheadings, skinnings and burnings...
   So, once again..why the inexplainable hatred for Israel and the Jews...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #38 on: June 05, 2012, 04:48:11 AM »
IG said:

Even if we accept your theory concerning the liberty.... the comparison is still 19,000 to 1 !    So please explain all the hatred for Israel and Israelis.  Even if we accept the liberty incident, the Israelis have not killed near as many Americans as have their neighboring Muslims.  On just 9/11 alone , muslims murdered hundreds of times more than were killed on the Liberty, say nothing of IEDs, beheadings, skinnings and burnings...   So, once again..why the inexplainable hatred for Israel and the Jews...
Not my theory!These are the words of a highly decorated Military commander. You would use numbers to compare criminal acts ::) Like if one killer murdered five people and one killed ten, then he would be twice as bad?LOL! And then you ask why the (unexplainable) hatred for Israel? Why in the world would you want someone to try and explain"in you words" the unexplainable? Also , I don't see all this hatred and malice toward the Jew's that some do, so I couldn't answer such a question, even if I thought it deserved a reply.

This thread is about whether Israel attacked the Liberty on purpose or mistaken identity.
Lets keep it on topic and not turn it into another race thing!
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Offline rio grande

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #39 on: June 05, 2012, 04:51:00 AM »
" So, once again..why the inexplainable hatred for Israel and the Jews..."
- ironglow

Ah, the old 'you hate the Jews' card - ironglow do you carry it up your sleeve to pull when you run out of any other arguments?

Hatred serves no one's interests, and it's not hate you dislike, being rather acquainted with it yourself as we see from your constant Muslim-bashing posts.

What motivates opposition to Israeli policies is a righteous indignation.
 People are fed up with the Israeli bullies who, with a super-modern military and well over 200 nuclear weapons (illegally possessed in contravention to International Law and common morality), constantly tell us they are 'threatened' by countries that possess no such things, manipulate U.S. politics to get us to fight their wars for them, steal our technology, and bum billions of $ from us.

Jews are wonderful folks, made in the image of God, as are we all, including Muslims.  That doesn't mean Jews cannot be in error.

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #40 on: June 09, 2012, 01:36:49 PM »
From TM;
  " Otherwise please see your Pastor to verify that Jesus had brothers and sisters. Mary went on to have other children. John the Baptist was his uncle. He had an extended family. The modern day Palestinians are his decendants. You have done more than your part assisting in the killing and ridding of the Land of Christains where Jesus roamed and taught.  Please stop doing this."
     I have taught Bible enough years that I don't have to consult a pastor..  Yes, Jesus had half-brothers and half-sisters..and they had descendants.. But those are their descendants..not Jesus' descendants...
  NW says;
  "This thread is about whether Israel attacked the Liberty on purpose or mistaken identity.
Lets keep it on topic and not turn it into another race thing! "
  OK, so we give you the "liberty attack"..
   Now shall we discuss the 19,000 odd Muslim attacks of the last 10 years and discuss how many thousand were intentional and how many stupidcide bombings for instance, were "accidental" ! ;)
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline woodchukhntr

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #41 on: June 09, 2012, 02:12:58 PM »
Due to the inability to stay on topic, I suggest that this topic be locked.

Offline woodchukhntr

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Re: 'Six Day War' - Israeli sneak attack
« Reply #42 on: June 10, 2012, 02:43:31 AM »
We're on topic(s)....and so far polite.   This USS Liberty Day of Infamy is just one horrid episode in the zio colonial attack and occupation of Palestine to rid the region of Christians primarily,  and moosilimbs secondly. This is why it is eroneous to deny that Jesus' extended family's decendants don't exist and are unimportant, and why there's always the diversion to ''19,000 moosilimb attacks''_ _most all unsubstantiated with this too perfect enemy syndrome_ _ and is always the flak thrown up. Believe me, we're more on topic than ever before.
Thank you for proving my point.