Just put the boat in the water, and took it for a short cruise.(about 2-3 miles out) The mechanic had to do some work on the carb, seems the needle stuck.(1980 Mercrusier I/O-470 engine) I have had problems with the kids go-kart, and my new push lawn mower. Had the boat mechanic,Tractor Suppy manager, and a friend that works in a BP refinery all tell me the same thing. Seems that with gas being 10% ethynol, and I hear the govt. is trying to push it to 12%-15% in the near future, can be hard on some motors. So I bought a bottle of Lucas ethynol additive, to try and help things out. Anybody else have any problems like this, and what did you do about it. Oh, by the way, marina gas around here is $3.99-$4.39/gal., and it doesn't contain ethynol. Makes mowing your lawn move down on your list of priorities!!gypsyman