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Afghani Heroin Trade for the Mass Media Challenged
« on: May 25, 2012, 10:01:23 AM »
Sibel Edmonds    :
.Afghan Heroin Myths and Facts Recapped & Simplified for Mainstream Followers
Wednesday, 23. May 2012
Yesterday I wrote a piece on the real lords of Afghan poppies and heroin operations. I am thankful to all your supportive feedback. Of course not all feedbacks were positive, and I truly understand and accept that. Many of the critics came from mainstream media and establishment’s loyal believers and followers. They found my article complicated and not rational. In various ways and using many different words-some not very pleasant,  they were asking if I was accusing the United Nations, NATO, the US Government, and mainstream media outlets such as the New York Times and Newsweek Magazine of selling lies?! All that made me recall a famous quote from a ruthless despot. Actually, I ended up using that quote in my nightly news roundup:>“All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be.” –Adolf HitlerI realized I had ignored that very important advice in trying to convey the important myths, inconsistencies, and facts on the global Afghan heroin business since 9/11. If the establishment media uses the Fuhrer’s tactic to sell lies and myth, why don’t we use that same tactic to put out facts and the truth? I did not adjust my article for those with the most limited intelligence who have been following our government and its mainstream media and their daily propaganda. I sincerely apologize for that. To show my sincerity I have gone back and produced an adjusted version of that article.
Here is my Afghan Heroin piece recapped and adjusted for the loyal establishment and mainstream followers to accommodate their comprehension capabilities (Our irate critical thinking minority may skip this piece all together-way too simple for you;-):
One- Let’s agree on what kind and size of trade we are talking about here. The very conservative and cautious estimate of the Global market value of Afghan heroin in 2009 given by mainstream sources puts it at somewhere between $60 Billion and $65 Billion.  I am going to cite two sources to make these mainstream-following critics of mine more comfortable:
CNN on 2009 Afghan Heroin Value: $65 Billion a year
United Nations (UNODC) on 2009 Afghan Heroin Value: $60 Billion a year
Let’s make it really mainstream and very American, and go with the $65 Billion figure. For my mainstream critics I am going to make it even easier to follow and understand-here it is with all the ‘zeroes’:
Two- Let’s compare mainstream facts with real facts when it comes to the production of this $65,000,000,000 a year business:
The establishment and the Mainstream Media say $65 Billion worth of heroin producing poppies are grown illegally and under-cover by bearded Afghan men in little hidden pockets around the country like this:
Facts say, considering its high value, massive amount and high-powered beneficiaries, it is encouraged, supported, guarded and produced openly like this:
They say massive tons of poppies are secretly processed into $65 Billion worth of heroin this way:
The facts say it is more likely like this:
They claim $65 Billion worth of finished-product heroin travels from porous Afghanistan into Central Asia, Turkey, and then into the Balkans and Western European countries like this:
The realities on the ground say it is more like this:
They say $65 Billion worth of heroin passes through various primitive hubs and stops in Central Asia:
Logic and facts point to bases and hubs like this:
They claim $65 Billion is kept & hidden this way:
Reports and facts say it is this way:
Now, dear mainstream’s loyal followers, can you imagine yourself as owners and or managers of this $65,000,000,000 a year business? Do you see this massive global business operation run with a few acres, a few cast-iron pots, a dozen or so donkeys, nomad huts as hubs, and tons of cash stashed under your mattresses? I didn’t think so. But your mainstream information providers are telling you exactly that: That the $65 Billion a year global Afghan heroin business is generated, operated and managed secretly by illiterate bearded men using primitive pots and pans, donkeys, nomad tents, and mattresses used as vaults.
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Re: Afgani Heroin Trade for the Mass Media Challenged
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2012, 06:11:05 AM »
I believe every word of it and could have written the article and have never been there.

Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: Afghani Heroin Trade for the Mass Media Challenged
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2012, 10:38:04 AM »
The United States Goverment was responsible for the 9/11 event and now according to this the United States via our men and women in the military are running the drug trade globally. Did I get it right?
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Re: Afghani Heroin Trade for the Mass Media Challenged
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2012, 11:20:02 PM »
TM7, you might do well to recap to the those who do not "see", a little about Russia's experience back in the 80s with Afghanistan and the heroine trade. And throw in some tidbits from the Iran Contra scandal.

Even back then, when my older brother was in the Navy, he said that "Papa" bush was the biggest drug lord in the world. I didn't understand then but now I "see".

"He who controls the spice controls the universe"

There are those out there that DO "see" but when one or even a nation or race of people have been economic tax "slaves" for so long, they become accustomed to their bondage.

And how do you free those whose bondage is not a physical one but one of the mind and spirit?

The human psyche has many defense mechanisms (most dominant is denial) that protect it from events, traumas, or REALIZATIONS that could destroy the very structure of it's perceived existence.

Truly, reality is more horrifying than the "bliss" that is ignorance.

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Re: Afghani Heroin Trade for the Mass Media Challenged
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2012, 09:53:50 AM »
I couldn't tell whether you were channeling Dr. Phill, Frank Herbert, Horney, or Freud. Or maybe a combination of them all.
If I were you I would spend less time on the clinical definition of "denial" and maybe spend some time on the definition of "paranoia".
That being said I am a huge fan of Frank Herbert.
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Re: Afghani Heroin Trade for the Mass Media Challenged
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2012, 03:59:00 PM »
I couldn't tell whether you were channeling Dr. Phill, Frank Herbert, Horney, or Freud. Or maybe a combination of them all.
If I were you I would spend less time on the clinical definition of "denial" and maybe spend some time on the definition of "paranoia".
That being said I am a huge fan of Frank Herbert.

I grew up with a ring side seat to the "drug war" in Los Angeles and was more or less raised by a narcotics Detective with the LA County Sheriffs Dept. who made his son and I privy to a lot of things we probably never should have seen or heard. It was his intention to groom the both of us to one day follow in his foot steps as officers (that went out the window).

He started out good, but ended up as crooked as they come. He was eventually caught (along with twelve other deputies) for skimming millions in drug money and weapons. His son and I confronted him about it all and he didn't lie to me about anything he'd done  and many of the things he had to say to me and his son were very eye opening.

This man was not some two bit flat foot either. He was very well educated in civics and international affairs and a veteran helicopter pilot. His career with the Sheriffs Dept. took him to the jungles of Mexico and Colombia. These truths are not the product of any paranoid delusion.

While serving in the Navy I was on my share of boarding parties off the coast of Mexico, Central and South America. I never did get a good explanation of why our military was stopping private vessels in international waters but I was not in a position to question anything. We were young and we did some pretty messed up things to people while the command turned a blind eye.

Funny thing is that we never found anything. We simply seized the vessels, turned them over to the local authority, and were strongly advised to keep our mouths shut. Bet you never heard of such a thing happening.

So you would imply that I may be paranoid when I say that something about the way or military does things doesn't seem on the up and up.

How much cocaine or heroine have you ever seen in one place personally? You might be old enough to remember when our schools were still teaching kids about the Boxer Rebellion, the Opium Wars and the the East India Trading Company.

It is the same game now that it was then, only it's no longer the "Crown" that is peddling this crap to people. In the 80's, it was the Russians, and now it's us. Hey, someones got to do it right.

If your so knowledgeable and I'm so paranoid, MAKE YOUR POINT BY REFUTING TM7's PRESENTATION WITH SOMETHING OTHER THAN THE MAINSTREAM otherwise go back to your glowing CNN brainwash box.

But it's ok. I understand how fragile are the foundations of peoples belief systems (guess that also makes me paranoid huh).
I would absolutely go out of my mind if someone showed me irrefutable proof that my son died for private and corporate agendas and not all the religious and patriotic propaganda.

I don't think I could handle it and that's why I sympathize with those that chose to be hooked and reeled in. It is always a much easier path to stay with the flock.

If your only point is to imply that I'm paranoid, then step up and and be direct if that is ALL you have to IMPLY. Otherwise sir, your point is WHAT?

Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: Afghani Heroin Trade for the Mass Media Challenged
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2012, 03:37:24 AM »
I couldn't tell whether you were channeling Dr. Phill, Frank Herbert, Horney, or Freud. Or maybe a combination of them all.
If I were you I would spend less time on the clinical definition of "denial" and maybe spend some time on the definition of "paranoia".
That being said I am a huge fan of Frank Herbert.

I grew up with a ring side seat to the "drug war" in Los Angeles and was more or less raised by a narcotics Detective with the LA County Sheriffs Dept. who made his son and I privy to a lot of things we probably never should have seen or heard. It was his intention to groom the both of us to one day follow in his foot steps as officers (that went out the window).

He started out good, but ended up as crooked as they come. He was eventually caught (along with twelve other deputies) for skimming millions in drug money and weapons. His son and I confronted him about it all and he didn't lie to me about anything he'd done  and many of the things he had to say to me and his son were very eye opening.

This man was not some two bit flat foot either. He was very well educated in civics and international affairs and a veteran helicopter pilot. His career with the Sheriffs Dept. took him to the jungles of Mexico and Colombia. These truths are not the product of any paranoid delusion. Not saying that your experiences are the product of paranopid delusion. But believing that the rest of the world is corrupt because you have had bad experiences does not make sense to me personally.

While serving in the Navy I was on my share of boarding parties off the coast of Mexico, Central and South America. I never did get a good explanation of why our military was stopping private vessels in international waters but I was not in a position to question anything. We were young and we did some pretty messed up things to people while the command turned a blind eye. First let me start by saying thank you for your service. I am sorry your service has left you with such painful memories. I wish your experience had been the same as many others I have spoken to who look back upon their service to their country with a great deal of pride. Again just because you had bad experience and did some questionable things that bother your conscience does not mean everybody did.

Funny thing is that we never found anything. We simply seized the vessels, turned them over to the local authority, and were strongly advised to keep our mouths shut. Bet you never heard of such a thing happening. There are lots of things that happen in the military that I don't hear about......what is your point other than if it happened to you it MUST have happened to everyone one else.

So you would imply that I may be paranoid when I say that something about the way or military does things doesn't seem on the up and up. No I am sure there are things done that are less than honorable by some. To think that everybody in the military does these things would be paranoid in my opinion.

How much cocaine or heroine have you ever seen in one place personally? You might be old enough to remember when our schools were still teaching kids about the Boxer Rebellion, the Opium Wars and the the East India Trading Company.
To my knowledge I have never laid eyes on, in person, cocaine or heroin. Not sure what your point is and yes even in Arkansas they had history classes which I attended with books and everything. They call it history for a reason.

It is the same game now that it was then, only it's no longer the "Crown" that is peddling this crap to people. In the 80's, it was the Russians, and now it's us. Hey, someones got to do it right. Maybe paranoid was a bad choice, how does overly pessimistic sound?

If your so knowledgeable and I'm so paranoid, MAKE YOUR POINT BY REFUTING TM7's PRESENTATION WITH SOMETHING OTHER THAN THE MAINSTREAM otherwise go back to your glowing CNN brainwash box. I watch neither CNN or Fox so as they say "that dog won't hunt". So paranoid is over the top but "brainwashed is acceptable? Works for me.

But it's ok. I understand how fragile are the foundations of peoples belief systems (guess that also makes me paranoid huh).
I would absolutely go out of my mind if someone showed me irrefutable proof that my son died for private and corporate agendas and not all the religious and patriotic propaganda. I am not sure what you are sayig here. If your son died while in the service of his country you have my most profound sympathies and if my post in anyway made you think I have anything less the than the utmost respect for his service and your loss you have my humblest apologies. If you did not then I question your intent with this statement.

I don't think I could handle it and that's why I sympathize with those that chose to be hooked and reeled in. It is always a much easier path to stay with the flock. So any one who has lost a son or daughter and honor their memory and service have been "hooked and reeled in"? That might not be paranoid but it is in my opinion "BS".

If your only point is to imply that I'm paranoid, then step up and and be direct if that is ALL you have to IMPLY. Otherwise sir, your point is WHAT? My point is the world is not perfect. Crappy things occcasionally (maybe more than occasionally) happen to people. Doesn't mean the whole world is crap. I am sorry bad things have happened to you but it doesn't give you the right to tell everyone else in the world that they are in denial because they don't have your crappy view of the world.
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Re: Afghani Heroin Trade for the Mass Media Challenged
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2012, 06:32:43 AM »
I couldn't tell whether you were channeling Dr. Phill, Frank Herbert, Horney, or Freud. Or maybe a combination of them all.
If I were you I would spend less time on the clinical definition of "denial" and maybe spend some time on the definition of "paranoia".
That being said I am a huge fan of Frank Herbert.

I grew up with a ring side seat to the "drug war" in Los Angeles and was more or less raised by a narcotics Detective with the LA County Sheriffs Dept. who made his son and I privy to a lot of things we probably never should have seen or heard. It was his intention to groom the both of us to one day follow in his foot steps as officers (that went out the window).

He started out good, but ended up as crooked as they come. He was eventually caught (along with twelve other deputies) for skimming millions in drug money and weapons. His son and I confronted him about it all and he didn't lie to me about anything he'd done  and many of the things he had to say to me and his son were very eye opening.

This man was not some two bit flat foot either. He was very well educated in civics and international affairs and a veteran helicopter pilot. His career with the Sheriffs Dept. took him to the jungles of Mexico and Colombia. These truths are not the product of any paranoid delusion. Not saying that your experiences are the product of paranopid delusion. But believing that the rest of the world is corrupt because you have had bad experiences does not make sense to me personally. I try to use my words as carefully and as expressively accurate as I my academic limitations will allow. Perhaps I was not expressive enough here. I did not say the whole world was corrupt. I should have gone on to say that my mentor's experiences showed him (and eventually me) that corruption was / is at ALL levels. His advise to me was that once you've committed to a certain level, there are few if any options of painless separation. In other words he meant that if law enforcement or the military was going to be it for me, I would either have to act on my conscience or pretend feign ignorance and simply put up and shut up or end up paying a heavy price for being privy to the knowledge and not maintaining confidentiality.

While serving in the Navy I was on my share of boarding parties off the coast of Mexico, Central and South America. I never did get a good explanation of why our military was stopping private vessels in international waters but I was not in a position to question anything. We were young and we did some pretty messed up things to people while the command turned a blind eye. First let me start by saying thank you for your service. I am sorry your service has left you with such painful memories. I wish your experience had been the same as many others I have spoken to who look back upon their service to their country with a great deal of pride. Again just because you had bad experience and did some questionable things that bother your conscience does not mean everybody did. Again, I did not say that everyone "did". With this I can say you are partially correct. I served with many animals that had NO conscience whatsoever. Straight up animals dressed up in sharp uniforms to sell the IMAGE of a "fine young serviceman" ::) . Pride is over rated and narcissistic. I am GRATEFUL for the opportunity to have served as it allowed me to travel the world over and made me a force of body and mind not to be trifled with. But everything comes with a price, and the price I paid was for not being able to keep my MIND shut and because of that I chose to end what was turning into a very promising career. Though some would say I paid for my "lack of vision" .

Funny thing is that we never found anything. We simply seized the vessels, turned them over to the local authority, and were strongly advised to keep our mouths shut. Bet you never heard of such a thing happening. There are lots of things that happen in the military that I don't hear about......what is your point other than if it happened to you it MUST have happened to everyone one else. Again, I did not say that it happens to everyone else. It is not my intention to rain on "everyone's " Veterans Day Parade. My point is that for one instance where someone is caught, there are many many more that pass unseen. My mentor taught me this, and I have found it to be painfully TRUE. Perhapse the complacency of "everyone" makes it acceptable in some way, but not to me.

So you would imply that I may be paranoid when I say that something about the way or military does things doesn't seem on the up and up. No I am sure there are things done that are less than honorable by some. To think that everybody in the military does these things would be paranoid in my opinion. It would make for a better discussion to specify generalities or avoid them all together. I suppose, that with my rushed words, I am at fault for this as well. Again, I did not say everybody.

How much cocaine or heroine have you ever seen in one place personally? You might be old enough to remember when our schools were still teaching kids about the Boxer Rebellion, the Opium Wars and the the East India Trading Company.
To my knowledge I have never laid eyes on, in person, cocaine or heroin. Not sure what your point is and yes even in Arkansas they had history classes which I attended with books and everything. They call it history for a reason. My point is that in my travels, I have never been ANYWHERE in the world where I could not access illegal narcitics within half an hour if I had the monetary means. I have seen over the course of ten years back in the eighties, and thanks to my mentor, room after room, piled to the ceiling with drugs. enough in accumualtion to require a very large logistic capability to transport it. And again, as my mentor said, it was just the tip of the iceberg. And the way I interpret your view of history is that your attitude is that because it is "HISTORY" it should be swept into the past and forgotten? Why? So it can keep on repeating itself?

It is the same game now that it was then, only it's no longer the "Crown" that is peddling this crap to people. In the 80's, it was the Russians, and now it's us. Hey, someones got to do it right. Maybe paranoid was a bad choice, how does overly pessimistic sound?...OK, I'll accept that.

If your so knowledgeable and I'm so paranoid, MAKE YOUR POINT BY REFUTING TM7's PRESENTATION WITH SOMETHING OTHER THAN THE MAINSTREAM otherwise go back to your glowing CNN brainwash box. I watch neither CNN or Fox so as they say "that dog won't hunt". So paranoid is over the top but "brainwashed is acceptable? Works for me. I'll concede to this as well. One can lose their composure even on a keyboard. I apologize.

But it's ok. I understand how fragile are the foundations of peoples belief systems (guess that also makes me paranoid huh).
I would absolutely go out of my mind if someone showed me irrefutable proof that my son died for private and corporate agendas and not all the religious and patriotic propaganda. I am not sure what you are sayig here. If your son died while in the service of his country you have my most profound sympathies and if my post in anyway made you think I have anything less the than the utmost respect for his service and your loss you have my humblest apologies. If you did not then I question your intent with this statement. I have not experienced such a loss pray that I never do. Like so many of us, I have lost friends and I simply feel that the motives of the powers that be for commencing this conflict are not the same as the ones which people are being told to believe. I do honor their commitment and service, yes. We are sailors and soldiers and we do what we're told. But I do not feel that I dishonor my shipmates and comrades by standing up and saying that they have been grossly and dishonorably misused by those in power who are in a position to (and I believe do) profit from such carnage. I simply cannot silently abide by that. Put a rifle in their filthy money grubbing hands.

I don't think I could handle it and that's why I sympathize with those that chose to be hooked and reeled in. It is always a much easier path to stay with the flock. So any one who has lost a son or daughter and honor their memory and service have been "hooked and reeled in"? That might not be paranoid but it is in my opinion "BS".  Pleaserefer to myprevious statement.

If your only point is to imply that I'm paranoid, then step up and and be direct if that is ALL you have to IMPLY. Otherwise sir, your point is WHAT? My point is the world is not perfect. Crappy things occcasionally (maybe more than occasionally) happen to people. Doesn't mean the whole world is crap. I am sorry bad things have happened to you but it doesn't give you the right to tell everyone else in the world that they are in denial because they don't have your crappy view of the world. I've served and fought for that right, and I will exercise it and try to back it up with logic and fact (rather than emotion and ignorance) to the best of my ability. I'm trying to help people see a truth that no one wants to swallow... and I don't blame them! But any anyone who says that I don't have that right can close their eyes or change the channel, and anyone who would censor me might do well to stand by for impact because we will end up having a serious disagreement.

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Re: Afghani Heroin Trade for the Mass Media Challenged
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2012, 10:23:56 AM »
I do respect your right to your opinion and views about the world. Given that I probably should think twice and keyboard once as they say. I can see how some of the experiences you have had would lead you to have less than a rosey view of things. I guess it is just a lack of a common reference point in our ways of thinking. Doesn't mean either of us is not allowed to have these beliefs. I am, I guess it could be said, overly optimistic. I am sure TM7 would say I am! My apologies for any offense.
Thanks again for your service.
I have to ask are you a Frank Herbert or SF fan?
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Re: Afghani Heroin Trade for the Mass Media Challenged
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2012, 01:52:47 PM »
I do respect your right to your opinion and views about the world. Given that I probably should think twice and keyboard once as they say. I can see how some of the experiences you have had would lead you to have less than a rosey view of things. I guess it is just a lack of a common reference point in our ways of thinking. Doesn't mean either of us is not allowed to have these beliefs. I am, I guess it could be said, overly optimistic. I am sure TM7 would say I am! My apologies for any offense.
Thanks again for your service.
I have to ask are you a Frank Herbert or SF fan?
Kinslayer, I also apologize for my "ram it down their throats" come off and thank you for your civility. While I have heard and watched a little of Dr. Phill, I can only say that sometimes I'd like to slap him silly, but as to Frank Herbert and SF, I have to borrow form Donald Southerland in "The Dirty Dozen" and say "...never heard of 'em". I just don't watch TV anymore. Guess I should at least get a small dose now and then just to stay up on the latest "angles".

Take care and peace to you.


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Re: Afghani Heroin Trade for the Mass Media Challenged
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2012, 10:26:59 AM »
"Cumbiaya" really? ???
Just out of curiosity and the fact that I can't help myself.......what are the #1, #2 and #3 largest money enterprises in the world?
Also did Israel somehow miss out on the opium/heroin 3rd or 4th largest business in the world? I mean if the Bushes are involved surely Israel has got to be in there somewhere.
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Re: Afghani Heroin Trade for the Mass Media Challenged
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2012, 07:05:07 PM »
You mentioned gun running TM7 and I recalled a couple years into the Iraq invasion watching a news report, mainstream even, of a shipment of some 60 or 70 THOUSAND M16 rifles gone missing or unaccounted for. It was followed with the usual side stepping from the military officials and then I never heard anything of it again.

Hmmm, what would anyone do with a missing shipment of  70,000 M16s? I wonder.

You mentioned Pat Tilman also and it made me think of the two, not just one but TWO helicopters full of Navy SeALs that went down on separate occasions. I never read any of the details, either truthful or concocted but it just seemed strange to me.

You know the saying "don't throw all your eggs into one basket". I started thinking of known and chosen flight paths, seven men is a boat crew, fourteen is a squad, 28 is a platoon.... at least in my Navy thats how it was.

And then for it to happen TWICE in the same manner to SeALs!? ...who are also in a position of the "know" when it comes to dirty deeds. These are not your standard issue dog faces. These are guys with credibility that a lot of people will listen to. (Although I don't know how much credibility the SeALs will have with idiots like the sniper SeAL what's his name selling himself like a street hooker).

In my mind, it just sounded like a quick and convenient way to tie up some loose ends. At least that is the way I'd do it if I had a lot of money to lose and was looking at possible exposure.