Author Topic: Why do people vote Republican?  (Read 3775 times)

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Offline Cuts Crooked

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2012, 09:58:28 AM »
Ok...who do we believe concerning Exon? I'm going with CNN Google doesn't have the best rack record around.
Smokeless is only a passing fad!

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #31 on: May 31, 2012, 12:26:22 AM »
CNN MONEY reported Exon paid out over 156 million in federal taxes , 110 million in state taxes and 15.2 billion in taxes in other countries in 2010. in 2011 over 7.7 billion combined world wide . So please list where your information came from ? It seems in conflict with the libs own source.  :o
Google is your friend.  Exxon-Mobil pays $0 in USA income taxes.  They pay property taxes, FICA with holding, etc., just like any business and just like you and I do.  But they PAY ZERO USA income taxes due to the Depletion Allowance.  It began circa 1913 at 27.5% OFF THE TOP.  Today it's 15% and still OFF THE TOP.  And oil is circa $100 per barrel vs $3 per barrel.  The reason they still get the allowance is simple--they and the rest of Big Oil own the Republican Party.
So whats it worth to keep fuel cost low making our product competitive ? keeping people working ? exploration ?
I think it would be better if business paid no tax. If citizens paid all tax then we would see the waste from a better view point. And in the long run would cost consumers less. The corp would not need an army of lawyers and accountants a savings in cost and mark up . Also the corp adds up all cost including taxes and then puts a mark up on it , so if the cost of tax was removed the consumer would be paying less for products. And in reality the consumer is paying the tax the corp paid anyway.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #32 on: May 31, 2012, 01:34:56 AM »
Well, with 175 million cars and trucks, airplanes, trains, ships, chemicals, drugs, plastics, etc.  It isn't all about fuel.  At present and for the next 50 years or so, we MUST have oil.  So, congress gave these companies tax write offs, wells going dry, depreciation allowance on equipment, gifts to charities, etc.  ALL companies get these and other tax write offs.  The more I think about it, I prefer a VAT tax on everything and get rid of income tax.  Companies would have to pay the VAT when they bought equipment.  People would have to pay it when they bought something.  That way, they could make better buying decisions.  Rich would pay more when they bought yatchs, expensive cars etc.  For fairness you could leave off food purchased to cook at home, but keep it on at restaurants.  People do not have to eat out.  It could be left off medical expenses for individuals, but not for doctors purchasing medical equipment.  Off on perscription drugs.  I read somewhere that just a 1% federal sales tax could get rid of income tax completely.  Put 2% on imported items and oil to offset the loss from food and medical expense. 
The only low cost reliable alternative to oil for fuel, is natural gas for vehicles.  Electricity takes too long to recharge and initial costs are too expensive.  If natural gas compression stations were installed nationwide, one could travel across country.  Diesel is another alternative to cut back on oil use, but it still doesn't go away.  Oil is here whether we like it or not.  When the wells begin to run dry and the drilling costs become too high, algae oil will take its place or coal oil. 

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2012, 02:04:33 AM »
I vote republican for my local and state officials.  They keep a balanced budget, know how to make cuts when necessary and keep things running smoothly.  My state senators and representative have voted the way I like.  They voted against Obamacare, and against the stimulus bills under Bush AND Obama.  They try to get cuts where and when necessary.  Can't complain too much there.  For president, except for Reagan and Eisenhower all other presidents do not measure up. 
Now Kennedy was the only democrat that actually tried to do what the constitution said.  He didn't send troops to Vietnam.  He wanted to do away with the Federal Reserve and go back to the gold standard.  He was pro civil rights, but not with federal money.  Johnson started the spending which ultimately got out of control for welfare, food stamps, medicare and medicaid which raided social security.  In 1960 85% of Americans had health care provided by their employers or self insured. 
I think Ross Perot was right, the giant sucking sound of our industry leaving created the mess of people not earning a decent wage and having health insurance.  That alone created the problem of the uninsured.  If we had our industry back, we would already be pulling out of the recession. 

Offline 1sourdough

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #34 on: May 31, 2012, 02:41:43 AM »
 Geeze, I wonder who is paying more for our defense, roads, bridges, & providing jobs, the 'black women on welfare' or 'Big Oil'?
NRA, Veteran


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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2012, 05:33:34 AM »
the winner of the next general election will be  DEMOCRAT OR A REPUBLICAN

IT IS REALLY THAT SIMPLE.....liking that or not won't change it

and the republicans are THE LESSOR OF 2 EVILS

until things are different  i will do what ever it takes to stop a democat in the general election
and vote in the primaries to help the republicans make better choises
mybe one day it won't be a lesser of 2 evils vote someday
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

Offline reliquary

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #36 on: May 31, 2012, 06:10:09 AM »
In the county government here, several formerly Democrat officials at the level of County Commissioner, judges, etc, have switched from Dem to Republican.  It's probably more of a hedge than an actual conversion, as one of the judges said to me, "It's hard to get elected as a Democrat any more."


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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #37 on: May 31, 2012, 06:22:18 AM »
Has anyone considered that back in the day the difference between the azz and elephant were slight . Today the gap has widened leaving the middle voters with out a party , they must choose the lesser of two evils. It would appear the far left thought the country was ready for a take over and change in how we are goverened . It is progressive and has been comming on for some time . The republicans don't seem to know how to combat this. That is why we vote !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #38 on: May 31, 2012, 07:22:55 AM »
Most Americans do not want government telling them what to do.
Most Americans did not want Obamacare.
Most Americans did not want the bailouts.
Most Americans want term limits.
Most Americans want a strong national defence.
Most Americans do not want late term abortions.
Most Americans do not want sex selective abortions.
Most Americans want jobs.
Most Americans have to buy oil based products thus want the lowest costs.
Most Americans want to buy American.
Most Americans want solutions not blame.
Most Americans would be willing to compromise to get the best solutions implemented.
Most Americans want local control of their schools.
Most Americans want cheap affordable health care, but not another government bureaucracy. 
Everyone can't alway's get everything they want.  We are supposed to have majority rule.  Problem is most liberals are like spoiled children and can't see the big picture, only from their ivory towers of acedemia do they see solutions.  They haven't been in the real world. 


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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #39 on: May 31, 2012, 07:51:30 AM »
Most Americans do not want government telling them what to do.
Most Americans did not want Obamacare.
Most Americans did not want the bailouts.
Most Americans want term limits.
Most Americans want a strong national defence.
Most Americans do not want late term abortions.
Most Americans do not want sex selective abortions.
Most Americans want jobs.
Most Americans have to buy oil based products thus want the lowest costs.
Most Americans want to buy American.
Most Americans want solutions not blame.
Most Americans would be willing to compromise to get the best solutions implemented.
Most Americans want local control of their schools.
Most Americans want cheap affordable health care, but not another government bureaucracy. 
Everyone can't alway's get everything they want.  We are supposed to have majority rule.  Problem is most liberals are like spoiled children and can't see the big picture, only from their ivory towers of acedemia do they see solutions.  They haven't been in the real world.

So now you try to cloud the issue with facts !  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline lakota

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #40 on: May 31, 2012, 01:15:19 PM »
The same people who are always getting their panties all wadded up over big oil tax breaks. Why dont these same folks rant and rave over General Electric not paying taxes? Does GE get a pass because Jeffery Immelt is Obama's pal?
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline Hooker

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2012, 01:45:16 PM »
If you want to slow government spending "ya gotta vote dummy!"

Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama?
Growth In Government Spending Under President Obama Slower Than During Bush, Reagan Administrations
Bring back Dick or Bill!

The chart looks good to anyone who has no idea on how to handle money.
When the bills are more than what we can afford you have to stop spending as much as you have been.
You need to CUT BACK .
If you really want to see who the big spenders are ,,Obama tops the list!
Example = Check how much Obama adm. has spent compared to ALL  other adm. since Washington!

The chart is tracking percentage not dollars. Numbers don't lie but they can be used to tell lies.
The question should have been "Why do people vote Democrat?"
Because they hate this country, despise individualism, self reliance, and want to be taken care of instead of taking care of themselves.

" In the beginning of change, the patriot is a brave and scarce man,hated and scorned. when the cause succeeds however,the timid join him...for then it cost nothing to be a patriot. "
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-- Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787. ME 6:373, Papers 12:356

Offline crustylicious

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2012, 05:01:36 PM »
Double your pleasure, double your fun, there's two graphs, two graphs, two graphs in one!
The vertical or Y axis tracks both dollars and percentages!
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves, and the wiser people so full of doubts." Bertrand Russell
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Voting is like driving a car- choose (D) to go forward- choose (R) to go backwards!
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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #43 on: June 01, 2012, 12:30:20 AM »
Most of the spending increases under Republicans have been military.  Reason, Democrats let the country go down and the world's idiots want to take pot shots at us or try to flex their little muscles when they know we won't do anything.  Reagan brought down communist Russia by building up the military.  Also, except for Bush II, Republicans had a Democratic congress and senate.  Clinton had a Republican legislature.  The legislatures are what passes the budgets.  Remember also the last two years of Bush II he had a democratic legislature which helped cause the problem Obama inherited.  They haven't passed a budget in 3 years.  Even Obama's budgets twice were voted down, recently 97-0.  So even the democrats in the senate realise Obama's budget submissions are stupid. 
Military spending has some side effects that welfare spending does not.  Good jobs, research and development which sometimes give us new or improved products. 
The poor do not need money.  They don't know how to spend or save it, that is why they are poor.  Give them shelter, give them commodities, but no money.  It will help them to go to work and earn what they want or need. 

Offline tobster

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #44 on: June 01, 2012, 01:40:04 AM »
Most of the spending increases under Republicans have been military.  Reason, Democrats let the country go down and the world's idiots want to take pot shots at us or try to flex their little muscles when they know we won't do anything.  Reagan brought down communist Russia by building up the military.  Also, except for Bush II, Republicans had a Democratic congress and senate.  Clinton had a Republican legislature.  The legislatures are what passes the budgets.  Remember also the last two years of Bush II he had a democratic legislature which helped cause the problem Obama inherited.  They haven't passed a budget in 3 years.  Even Obama's budgets twice were voted down, recently 97-0.  So even the democrats in the senate realise Obama's budget submissions are stupid. 
Military spending has some side effects that welfare spending does not.  Good jobs, research and development which sometimes give us new or improved products. 
"The poor do not need money.  They don't know how to spend or save it, that is why they are poor.  Give "them shelter, give them commodities, but no money.  It will help them to go to work and earn what they want or need. "
   Exactly- Look at most poor who win the lottery- Give 'em a year or to and they are usually poorer than they were.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #45 on: June 01, 2012, 03:48:20 AM »
Even Roosevelt in the 1930's Great Depression would not give the poor money.  He said they would become lazy and dependent and loose the work ethic.  He was right.  He instead created many government work programs, roads, bridges, reforestation.  Obama's stimulus only paid the debt most states owed for their existing programs.  No real "stimulus", just porkulus. 

Offline magooch

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #46 on: June 01, 2012, 04:28:49 AM »
I disagree with even "giving" shelter and food to many of today's poor.  If they are disabled, they are already eligible for benefits, so that is a separate matter.  My observation is that many of today's poor are poor because they are druggies and if given shelter and food, that is all they need to continue with their habits.  They steal to support their drug habits and I cannot agree with making them comfortable in any way shape, or form.  It would be kinder and more cost effective to give them a .45 cal. chunk of lead to the head.

Offline Circuit Rider

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #47 on: June 01, 2012, 06:21:06 AM »
Dixie Dude, Agree with your statements and will add to them. "Big Oil" gets the same tax breaks that all other corporations receive.  Cut them out for the oil company's, then cut them out for all corps. The oil company's, industry wide average less than 8% net profit. Ask your local business owner if that's excessive. Exxon/Mobil pays $1.46 in taxes in the U.S.A. for each $1.00 of net profit, they earn a profit on global sales.   CR

Offline ironglow

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #48 on: June 07, 2012, 02:10:01 AM »
If you want to slow government spending "ya gotta vote dummy!"

Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama?
Growth In Government Spending Under President Obama Slower Than During Bush, Reagan Administrations
Bring back Dick or Bill!

The chart looks good to anyone who has no idea on how to handle money.
When the bills are more than what we can afford you have to stop spending as much as you have been.
You need to CUT BACK .
If you really want to see who the big spenders are ,,Obama tops the list!
Example = Check how much Obama adm. has spent compared to ALL  other adm. since Washington!

The chart is tracking percentage not dollars. Numbers don't lie but they can be used to tell lies.
The question should have been "Why do people vote Democrat?"
Because they hate this country, despise individualism, self reliance, and want to be taken care of instead of taking care of themselves.

     ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :P :o
   There is no lie quite as egregious as a "lie of omission"... ;D   ;D   ;D
  Did you notice, Obama omitted his first year in office.. 2009 ?  That was the year where he really blew us into debt... It was on Feb 17, 2009  when with his full control of both houses..he signed a promissory note p[lacing our kids in a debt of nearly a trillion dollars.
  They (the Democrats), called it a "stimulus bill"..but it did little but stimulate big campaign contributor's bank accounts.
   Yes, fat cat democrats are heavily involved in banks also..
  Yep; no lie quite like a "lie of omission" !   ;D   ;D   ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline BAGTIC

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #49 on: August 06, 2012, 04:54:07 AM »
 Ultimately the results will be the same regardless of political party. They will both destroy this country. I vote Republican because the Republican Party is more disorganized, confused, and incompetent therefore it will take them longer.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #50 on: August 06, 2012, 07:22:58 AM »

why I vote Republican!!!!
I believe that tax cuts – especially for the most wealthy -- will stimulate the economy and cut the debt and deficit even though they never have before. I believe that giving Federal assistance to multinational corporations and super-wealthy individuals is good for job growth, even though these corporations we help with our tax dollars shut down their American plants and moved all the jobs to Communist countries.  Clinton drove through the "most favored nation" trading status for China. I believe the reason that multinational corporations offshore American jobs is because of unions, Obama offshores plenty of jobs Fiskars and Brazilian offshore drilling and the military plane contract pulled from a California co and given to Soro's firm in Brazil. and Americans shouldn’t be able to unionize anyway. American workers dared to offend the multinational corporations, and workers are now reaping what they have sewn. A person should be able to choose or deny union matter where he/she works. Since the Supreme Court decreed that corporations are citizens, What do you think stockholders are; woodchucks? people should do whatever the multinational corporations tell us to do. So I guess it would be better for them to do what the local communist party tells them to do ?

If a CEO makes FOUR HUNDRED times more than the average worker in the plant makes, THEY EARNED IT. That guy that works on the plant floor toiling away - he’s just a lazy union worker who hates America. The CEOs and the union bosses are very much alike, both greedy and self serving.  Ceos bankrupted some companies, unions did the rest. If the foreign owned companies these CEO's are in charge of go bankrupt, it’s not their fault – it’s the workers’ fault.

As a Republican, it doesn't bother me that you can have your pay reduced, or can be fired if you are not performing, What do you expect?  It's called WORK for a reason...not "lay on your butt" time!.. but they cannot. The CEO earned that immunity from responsibility – you didn't, so shut up.

As a Republican, I believe that Obama wants to “redistribute” the wealth so that more of the available money is spread around to people that need it most; and as a Republican I believe that this is terrible, and proves he is a godless, commie, socialist, Muslim, baby killer.  "Redistribution" proves the socialist part of it, but each of the other adjectives he earned by other individual efforts.

Also as a Republican, the fact that over the last eight years income has been redistributed ANYWAY, more to the top than any time in history, and the fact that wages for the middle class have remained stagnant while money from all economic growth accumulates at the very top, and the fact that this “redistribution” to the top is shown in all studies – just proves that the rich are smart and they earned it. You losing your job to a factory in India, China, or Vietnam is all your fault because you wanted 15.00 an hour. They take 61 cents an hour – you should know better. Most of the putsourcing has occurred because of crippling regulations by people who know very little about the REAL business world...with a special nod to the EPA.  The EPA brings out more crippling laws every day..driving those who want to places more friendly to business.

If you work on a hot factory floor risking your life near heavy machinery and work to the sweat of your brow, you are a lazy leech for asking for 19 dollars an hour. What would you know about that?

If you are a CEO of an Insurance Corporation which does not actually provide any health care (they are not doctors) or sit at a computer buying and selling other peoples companies on Wall Street, and you happen to make $19,000.00 dollars an hour -- you earned it and liberals just need to shut up. More likely he's doing a job you can' find a job you can do that pays the same..or settle to your natural wage level...Meanwhile; don't be so green with envy ..

I will be voting Republican because I don’t believe in welfare - - at least the way I define it. If a poor person with no money or an elderly or sick person needs help, why should my tax dollars help them?  Now you've left misunderstand and mockery ...and gone to lying.. If they’re poor or sick, it’s because God predestined them to be poor and sick and it would be a violation of God’s sovereignty and God’s will to help them. Another gem of have my condole3nces After all, Jesus said, “God helps those who help themselves.” Jesus never said that..Einstein.. :P

However, the BILLIONS handed to Corporations for free is NOT welfare. I choose to give that a different name: corporate incentives. I haven't seen any "thank you" checks handed to corporations..If you have a yacht and need a bailout, that helps America.  The only one I've heard of in recent years who bought a yacht, was John "Swiftboats" Kerrey... and he tried to evade paying his "fair share" in taxes upon it !
I am a Republican because Democrats want my money for “public services”. Those Democrats want to waste my money on policemen and fire protection. No, waste it on the NEA,  EPA,  National endowment  for the Arts etc and quit funding such political abortions as ACORN and the A.C.L.U.If crime goes up, it’s your fault: I have a gun. I will protect myself from crime and I don’t need “government.”  What have you against a man owning a gun? If your house catches on fire, it’s your fault: you can pay for your own fire protection and for the cost of the firemen putting out the fire, but I shouldn’t have to.  My fire co is all volunteers, and do not get high wages (any wages) and a gold plated retirement/healthcare plan which the municipality cannot afford.

I am pro-life, as long as long as it's in the body of another full-grown woman. I couldn't care less about it the second it's out of the womb, which is also why I'm pro-death penalty,  I am pro-life, if she doesn't want a baby..don't lay the groundwork.  and anti-welfare. If that woman can't afford to feed or clothe that baby once we force her to give birth,  Nobody forces her to give birth...just as nobody forced her to breed. my tax dollars shouldn't pay for it because that would be “socialism”. She can keep that baby warm with enough blankets and boxes under a bridge, and if she knew how to survive like I do, she would know how to catch and eat rats. We force her to eat way to cut down on Demoncrats. ;) You have to make it on your own in this world you know. Don't HAVE to, but if you do you need not be embarrassed by every bite of food you eat..

It doesn't matter to me that rich women will still be able to obtain abortions in other countries -- whether they believe in it or not. More ignorance of the facts.. I say, if you don’t have the money, then take your America hating butt into a back alley and get your abortion “the old fashioned way” and do it with coat hangars and die. Can't believe you have exhibited it again..

It doesn’t matter to me that abortion rates tend to go up under Republican Administrations and down under Democratic leadership, I chose to believe what I want. That's just liberal butches a panic, believing some of their brethren may "get it" and vote conservative as a habit !

I vote Republican because I believe in the Constitution. The Constitution says the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Don't give me that crap about seeking redress, right to vote Obama sues Ohio, trying to restrict soldier's votes, right to privacy Obama's drone airforce overhead, speech, "hate speech" and "political correctness" ..liberal bastions, press yep..try the NY Times and Washington Post, warrants sure.." This warrant is to notify Mr Bin Laden" :D , probable cause  probable cause?..racism is good enough to cover anything, or all that other nonsense. Our country is based on firearms: you should know that, or get out of my country Again!..What is your problem with the 2nd amendment?. You liberal moon bats need to shut up about article one and article two congressional oversight powers and checks and balances garbage (unless a Democrat is President) Who "checks & balances" Obama's EPA or his other 31 "Czars"?. You must be commies or something. No "must be" about it..the proof is in the pudding!

As a Republican, I believe I should be able to own nukes, biological weapons, chemical weapons, and have explosives of any type to defend my house First you lie about nukes& NBR weapons..then you AGAIN voice your disgust with Article #2 of the Bill of Rights.. Liberals hate America because they won’t let me have nukes, biological or chemical weapons, or explosives. :o :P I believe my seven year old should be able to carry a Glock to school for protection. more.... :o :P The damn liberals are stopping him. Your hostility toward the Right to Keep & Bear Arms is almost audible..

stated that if an American Law Enforcement Officer comes to your home, you should shoot him in the head… twice, because he will likely be wearing a bullet proof vest. As a Republican, I believe his advising us how to kill our police officers is proof of his patriotism. Real patriots know you should show hatred towards our Federal Government of the USA like Gordon Liddy - and Timothy McVeigh.  Your instructions of killing law officers is no more welcomed by us than when it was preached by William Ayers and

 "God Damn America" for the way the country treated black people. You can't vote for Muslim people who go to Christian churches where the War Veteran pastor would say such a thing, even if the pastor isn't going to be doing anything in Obama's administration or is even remotely connected to it. Better get your context straight, Wright preached that after 9/11 and referring to the Islamofacist attack.  Since Obama sat under that preaching for over 20 years without a move to leave..we can only assume he agrees with it !

at wants leave America and be its own country and whose leaders at rally's and conventions said "God Damn America" and "had no use for America or its damn institutions." It is a good thing to hate the Federal Government - unless you are a preacher. I support the fact that her husband was a member of a seditious, hate-America movement, until he had to quit so she could run for Governor. That's OK. He did what he had to do to get her elected, and now they could one day run the country they hate. Soon they will be able to finish what Timothy McVeigh, GW Bush and Dick Cheney started: the job of the dismantling of the Federal Government we hate so much.  Why are you repeating the Obama's biographies here?

I don't care if that makes Osama Bin Laden happy or not, or that he shares the same goals. You have a right to believe that...even though I don't agree with you.

I vote Republican because I believe in the War on Drugs. Slogans Work -- "Just say no" -- goes a long way in preventing kids from using drugs. It doesn't matter to me that the War makes the drugs thousands of times more profitable, and that profitability provides that much more incentive to dealers and gangs. DRug dealers only get big money because some idiot is ready to give it to them.  Any person of character would have nothing to do with such "loser crutches"..I don’t believe it when people tell me that during Prohibition in the 1920's there were gangs, drive-bys, underground "labs" and corrupt police and officials. Forget rehabilitation; you reap what you sow. I know what works, and the War on Drugs has been working very well which is why we’ve been spending billions upon untold billions of dollars on the war and putting drug users in prison for very long prison terms but drug use has continued to increase. A common plea among potheads and crackheads.

I believe that freedom of religion is one of the things that make this country great, which is why we need to establish evangelical Christianity as our national religion. Who did that? References please..Muslims aren’t Christians, and that is why I believe Muslims (and all non-Christians) should get the hell out of my country. I also believe it is important to prove our support of freedom of religion by giving billions of our tax dollars to Israel every year. We need the Jews to re-establish their entire territory as described in the Old Testament writings from 5000 years ago so that Jesus can come back to Rapture evangelical Christians (even though the Rapture is not mentioned anywhere in Scripture); and then God will slay all those Jews and make their blood spurt all over Israeli ground for having killed Christ.  Your dialog concerning Christianity and Judaism is about as authoratative as a crackhead explaining rocket science or brain surgery...and just about as much listened to.

I don't care if Jesus wanted to help the poor and the meek. I only look at the parts of the Bible that benefit me personally. I believe George Bush consulted with Jesus before ordering the shock and awe bombing of that country that didn’t attack us. Jesus is a Republican, and if you’re not a Republican you don’t believe in Jesus.  See note directly above

I vote Republican because I am a Christian, and I believe God gave us the earth to make money from for Corporations. I don't care about the environment: concerns about the environment will be moot after Jesus comes back to Rapture the True Christians to Heaven. I will disregard scientific evidence, because science is only a "theory." Besides, I will be dead before the consequences of our actions affect me so it’s none of my concern. My children are good Republicans, so they’ll be fine after I’m gone. Even though I don’t believe in evolution, I believe they will adapt: survival of the fittest, you know.  Perhaps you should be discussing Mandarin vs the click may even hit on a kernel of truth now and then..

I am a Republican because I am tired of immigrants coming to this country and taking our jobs. I know a lot of hardworking American lettuce pickers. It doesn't bother me that our Corporations are shipping our jobs to other countries for cheaper labor and to avoid labor regulations. I'm tired of paying taxes, which is the only reason I can sympathize with immigrant workers who must stay undocumented. They don't have to pay taxes! Hopefully, if a Republican is elected, they will finally let me have a post office box in the Cayman Islands so I don’t have to pay taxes either, the way the corporations do.  Caution!!  Your nose is growing!!!

I am a Republican because I'm tired of minorities whining. They have the same opportunities as every one else but they shouldn’t be allowed to get perfect grades an "A" in place of an earned "D", be Constitutional Law Professors, Who may have failed his classes but was allowed to "skate" and be President (especially if they’re black)  I knew we would get to the "race card" sooner or later.. I don’t like affirmative action for poor minorities. I don’t care if the rich and super rich can get into Ivy League Universities, What universities did the Obamas attend..and who paid the bill? even with failing grades, Of course, we don't know Obama's grades, since somebody has paid to have them sealed. You would think he might be proud of them.simply through large donations to endowments “legacy” status, which is affirmative action for the rich. They earned it. Being a fortunate son has its advantages. If you want them, go earn them and stop being a lazy ass.  My. My..your envy is coming out purely GREEN.

I hate socialism. I love the military. It doesn't matter to me that the military is provided to me by the contributions of all taxpayers 50% of the age eligible peole, and defends me as it defends all. I don't care if the Interstate Highway System was built in this manner as well We all use them, the rich simply pay MORE for their building and upkeep.. That was then. If bridges collapse now, people that live near the bridge should pay to fix it, not me.  Obama should have put money aside for their upkeep, instead of putting us $16 Trillion in debt.

I believe in a strong military. I believe in our right to preemptively defend ourselves, even if that is an oxymoron. Premptive is YOUR wordI also believe that we should have the right to bomb any country we believe might be threatening us back into the Stone Age Who is "threatening us back into the stone age"?, and that the people of those countries we are invading have no right to defend themselves. They could take a hint and weed out the terrorists on their own, that way we wouldn't have to.I believe a sovereign and safe America also includes annexing the countries of Canada and Mexico. YOU..may believe that, but nobody else does..

Republicans believe in an all volunteer military, and I am against the draft – because in a society that runs properly there should be a large pool of poor people with no other options whom we can attack and disparage for being lazy and not joining the military. A military composed of large numbers of volunteer minorities and rural poor whites can only be a good thing.  We can assume you never served..since you speak so disparagingly of those now serving and we veterans who honorably served.  BTW...We don't take instructions from anyone tied to mommy's apron strings..

A country, which runs on oil cannot afford to run out, and I believe in invading countries, that have large supplies of the oil America needs. Conservatives say "drill here, drill now"..liberals throw up roadblocks, forcing the purchase of foreign oil.  Who shut down the oil production in the gulf? Hint..his name starts with "O".. I don’t care that nearly all the Republican leadership who have ordered these wars all had deferments in past wars. Uhh..neither Bush had a deferrment and the sr was a war hero..besides a Democrat congress signed off on both.  You were offered genuine war heroes in Dole and McCain..and the libbies selected two dodgers..Clinton & Obummer. The fact that the largest profits in the history of the human race - for Exxon - didn't start to happen until we invaded oil-rich countries is irrelevant. Without liberal obstructionism, we could be completely "energy independent" by now.

I vote Republican because I hate Social Security. Social security isn't so's running on Chinese money.  If LBJ had not sponsored a bill to rob the kitty, SS would be rolling in excess money.If only McCain and Bush had succeeded in getting all of our Social Security into the stock market, there may have been just enough money there to keep Wall Street from collapsing – until that source of money dried up and everybody lost their retirement savings. Do you really believe it is 100% secure? :P

I am grateful that the Republican has held the entire Congress for almost a decade and a half. I am grateful that we have a Republican majority on the Supreme Court, that Republicans run the Justice Department, FEMA, SEC, FEC, the Pentagon, Courts, Interior, DEC, etc., etc. All of America ’s problems are because Democrats have a slight Majority in the US House of Representatives for less than two years. I don’t care that the Democrats and Republicans had EQUAL amount of members in the Senate, and that the Democrats can’t pass even one single piece of legislation if all our lives depended on it without Senate Republicans allowing it to pass through unobstructed; and even if the legislation did pass unobstructed Bush would still have to agree to sign it. The collapse we are experiencing now is all Democrats fault. Rush Limbaugh said so, and I also saw it on FOX News.The Democrats can do enough damage in just 2 years, that it takes decades to straighten it out..just look at Obummer's first 2 years.

I vote Republican because Sean Hannity told me that all our moral decayWe don't need Hannity to see the decay, it is all around us..starting with Hollyweird and throughout all of Liberaldom..or dumb.., and almost all of today's problems can be traced back to one man - Bill Clinton, and one woman – Nancy Pelosi. If people would just listen to Bill O’Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Ingraham, they would know that all failures that we have experienced are the fault of the Democrats, and all the successes we have experienced are because of Republicans. Don't question why they say that, especially when the facts don’t jive with their statements. Just believe it. We have experienced failures under Republicans..under Democrats....same  X10

The only reason America experienced the longest period of peace, equality, and personal prosperity during the Clinton years is because of Newt Gingrich, not Bill Clinton. After all, Clinton was having sex in the White House with Monica Lewinsky while Newt Gingrich was cheating on his wife and announcing his divorce from her while she was in the surgical recovery ward following cancer surgery; and Rush Limbaugh was getting the second of his now-three divorces.
The prosperity didn't start until Clinton got a Republican congress...and unlike Obama, he decided to work with them. They passed a large tax cut... Gingrich said " Yes, Clinton will get the credit when the economy improves..but the country needs the growth".
  BTW: R Reagan presided over a huge prosperity boom without a "tech bubble" to work with.  If you recall the tech bubble broke about the time "W" was elected..but he didn't go around "blaming Clinton"... he's a bigger man than that.

These are plenty of good reasons to vote Republican.  Far from perfect but miles ahead of democrats.

And if you don’t vote Republican, we’ll just impeach any Democrats who are elected and remove them from office, When & where was that done? establish “Tea Parties” fomented and organized by regular folks like Joe the plumber  Republicans, and take over the country by fiat or force if necessary, but we’re going to have our way  Sounds eerily like "Czar" Cal Sunstein's advice to Obama. If you’re not for us, you’re against us – and if you’re against us, that makes you a traitor (and we WILL deal with traitors after we’re back in power – permanently).   Exactly why Democrats always want to "register" they know where to go and how many to seize.
  Sheesh, Crusty..where did you find that 8-ball?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #51 on: August 06, 2012, 08:12:50 AM »
Because "NONE OF THE ABOVE" isn't on the ballot!! I wish none of them could eat at the trough of OUR TAX DOLLARS for their lifetime. Term limits should be law!

Offline ironglow

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #52 on: August 06, 2012, 10:16:19 AM »
  I don't know where Crusty found that kook, but he must troll pretty deep into the mud..
  One thing certain..that blogger demonstrates exactly how the radical left participates in unabashed lying.. the proof is there for everyone to see.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)


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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #53 on: August 06, 2012, 10:56:45 AM »,

why would any one vote for a democrat

see the link above
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #54 on: August 06, 2012, 11:09:22 PM »
I am fairly sure that most of us vote for the most conservative candidate... because we enjoy our guns & freedom and would like to pass the same to our children and grandchildren.
   The "nanny state" only promises ever encroaching slavery..and as the Bill of Rights assures us, our guns can prevent that!
        ....And that is EXACTLY why the Democrats want to seize our guns...they are nothing more than "control freaks"!!
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline rickt300

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #55 on: August 07, 2012, 03:25:11 AM »
USome people vote repub because they think they'll slap down back people. And, some think that repubs will help usher in the Christian Era, and outlaw homosexuals. Still others - sometimes the same peeps, there's lots of overlap - are persuaded by by clevah slogans such as 'dummycrats' and 'Libby dems'

None of this is true. We vote Republican because the left is a bunch of pathological sociopaths,
I have been identified as Anti-Federalist, I prefer Advocate for Anarchy.


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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #56 on: August 07, 2012, 04:18:17 AM »
I am fairly sure that most of us vote for the most conservative candidate... because we enjoy our guns & freedom and would like to pass the same to our children and grandchildren.
   The "nanny state" only promises ever encroaching slavery..and as the Bill of Rights assures us, our guns can prevent that!
        ....And that is EXACTLY why the Democrats want to seize our guns...they are nothing more than "control freaks"!!

i nominate this to be voted ''best quote of the thread''
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #57 on: August 07, 2012, 05:25:53 AM »
I'll vote Republican after I get my 40 acres and a mule that Republican Lincoln's General Sherman promised me.
I always wanted a mule.


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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #58 on: August 07, 2012, 05:35:59 AM »
I'll vote Republican after I get my 40 acres and a mule that Republican Lincoln's General Sherman promised me.
I always wanted a mule.

Guess we will counter each others vote then. Hey you can just stay home and I will also.  ;)
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Why do people vote Republican?
« Reply #59 on: August 07, 2012, 07:29:20 AM »
Here is a cartoon for both threads:
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?