I think over all as a nation, many have become so complacent about freedom, that we don't care about it anymore. Our Constitution is being taken apart piece by piece in the name of safety. Look at what the TSA is doing. Does that infringe on our 4th Amendment rights? I think it certainly does, but we are being searched for what they tell us is our own safety, and many have no problem with it. How many will be willing to hand over their firearms for safety, say in the event of another terrorist attack? Or some other national disaster. Our Constitution does not guarantee safety, it guarantees liberty.
What worries me most is the fact that people like Hillary and Obama are given the power they have in the first place. Hillary was known for hating citizen ownership of firearms, so was Obama, but yet America has placed them in positions where they can dismantle our 2nd Amendment rights. Those two are not the only ones. There are many others that are elected to Congress. Why do I hear gun owners say things like, "I think Hillary is doing a good job"?
My opinion is that there are way to many people that don't have a clue what will happen if our government succeeds in only them having firearms. I have talked to guns owners that said "what does anyone need an assault rifle for". So don't be under the assumption that all gun owners, will be willing to fight for their right to own them. This nation is becoming very ignorant of history, our Constitution, and have become very complacent of our freedom, that our ancestors died for. That is what worries me most. Are there enough of us to stop gun confiscation? I certainly like to think so. Time will tell. United we will stand, divided we will fall.