I have done nothing more than mow the fields since last hunting season. I cut the Dog Fennel and weeds down with the "lawn chariot" two weeks ago to allow the clover some sunlight. I have not started the tractor in months. The battery needs to be charged. According to the Trail Cameras, the deer and turkeys remain active but my allergies to dog fennel are giving me fits. The cost for seed is still climbing. Feed corn is now over $12.50 per 50# bag. It used to be under $7.00 per. Iron and Clay Peas are over $45.00 per 50# bag and used to be under $25.00 per. The price of fuel and the diversion of grains into fuel additives, which HARM rather than help, is driving production, maintenance, and grain prices higher.
I know this isn't the political commentary Forum, but politics are affecting Wildlife Management just as it affects every other walk in life. It is raining outside. Plants are still growing...mostly the weeds, and I am spiritually drained by the cumulative effect of politics, the economy, a-ho business associates, rising prices, diminishing assets, Summer heat, growing older, and the most damaging of all: out-of-hunting-season-Blues.