I went out last evening to glass the "back 50" and saw a coyote by a fence line. I had my Kel-Tec P3AT with me but didn't consider it adequate for a 200+ yard shot so quickly went back to the house and got the nearest rifle which happened to be a Thompson/Center Encore chambered in 22-250 Remington.
I went outside and peeked around the corner of the barn and noted that the coyote had moved a little. Having shot some deer in the same general area before I knew the range was probably in the 225 to 250 yard range. My Encore wasn't fitted with a bipod at the time so rather than taking my preferred neck shot I got in the prone position and shot at the chest.
The coyote took off and man was it FAST. Its gait wasn't quite normal though so I thought I had hit it. It went tearing down the fence line, then out in the soybean field, angled back toward me and disappeared. I carefully glassed the area and saw no movement.
I walked back and there was a dead coyote. By the bullet wound on the shoulder one can tell I made a lung shot and may even have gotten the heart. Anyway, it took probably 150 yards for the coyote to figure out it was dead.
It was a redemption of sorts. Several years ago I saw a coyote in the same area, shot twice with a 22-250 and missed both times. It turned out my Tasco scope I had zeroed just a few days before was shooting about a foot high. I got rid of all my Tasco scopes except one that seldom get used and have gone to mostly Leupold Mark 4 scopes.