Author Topic: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?  (Read 3447 times)

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #60 on: June 13, 2012, 03:49:31 AM »
Give it a rest!  More money raised/spent equals more support.  Corporations (and their stockholders) have interests, too, same as unions.  Obama out-fundraised and out spent McCain in '08 (including t he highest level of donations from Wall St. in history).  Does this mean Obama "bought" that election, or won it fair and square...?
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Offline lakota

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #61 on: June 13, 2012, 04:03:10 AM »
Give it a rest!  More money raised/spent equals more support.  Corporations (and their stockholders) have interests, too, same as unions.  Obama out-fundraised and out spent McCain in '08 (including t he highest level of donations from Wall St. in history).  Does this mean Obama "bought" that election, or won it fair and square...?

Dont cloud the debate with facts like this! Its ok for a liberal to outspend an opponent but not vice versa!
But I seriously doubt Walker outspent his opponent when you take into account the media blitz paid for by and the various unions. I have no doubt it happened there because it happened here in Ohio when the governor tried to curb the public union's power and the YOUOWEMECRAT crowd went bonkers.
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Offline BCarp

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #62 on: June 13, 2012, 05:48:02 AM »
Give it a rest!  More money raised/spent equals more support.  Corporations (and their stockholders) have interests, too, same as unions.  Obama out-fundraised and out spent McCain in '08 (including t he highest level of donations from Wall St. in history).  Does this mean Obama "bought" that election, or won it fair and square...?
. So I reckon you and Buckskin shouldn't have any problem with unions contributing to political campaigners then...right!..??

No, I DON'T have a problem with that, as long as the playing field is levelled for other groups/entities with an interest in political outcomes - which it now is.  (And BTW, I've been a member of a postal union for 27 years, so I know the score where such an outfit is concerned....)
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Offline Buckskin

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #63 on: June 13, 2012, 05:55:46 AM »
Give it a rest!  More money raised/spent equals more support.  Corporations (and their stockholders) have interests, too, same as unions.  Obama out-fundraised and out spent McCain in '08 (including t he highest level of donations from Wall St. in history).  Does this mean Obama "bought" that election, or won it fair and square...?
. So I reckon you and Buckskin shouldn't have any problem with unions contributing to political campaigners then...right!..??

Until laws are changed, nothing can be done about it.  So sure, contribute away...  The fact that unions probably donated $40-60 million dollars into Wisconsin over the last couple years (Walker/Barrett #1, supreme court race, senate recalls, Walker recall, Walker/Barrett #2, more senate recalls) and got nothing out of it makes me laugh...  For an added bonus, drains their wells for the Presidential race.  ;D ;D ;D

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Offline jimster

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #64 on: June 13, 2012, 07:29:03 AM »
What difference does who had the most money make anyway?  The way I see it, if a state turns right to work, and half the people jump out of the lost half the votes right there, not even counting people not in the union to begin with.  That's what you get for FORCING them to be in the damn union and taking their money against their will. 
They lost...period...regardless of anything else...they lost. For those people who are left, suck it up and get used to it, because there is an increasing number of people that are realizing this socialist progressive crap is holding the entire country down, and they also realize we are out of money, flat broke, in debt, with no budget, and things don't get fixed by growing government and shrinking the private sector.  The facts have been in for a long time on this one.  Problem is the left won't let go, they actually think government growth is their answer...even as they get poorer and poorer trying it.
The public employees have no business in a union anyway, I pay them what I can afford, that's the bottom line, if they don't like they can go find another job in the private sector.  See how they like those apples for a change.
I am hoping our governor in Michigan takes on "right to work" in this state in his second term, he can't fit it in the first term, I bet he tackles it in his second term.  BTW...the recall here has been withdrawn....they gave it up and went away.  Crawled back into their holes for a while after seeing what happened in Wisconsin.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #65 on: June 13, 2012, 07:55:48 AM »
I live in Alabama.  We are an open shop state.  You do not have to belong to a union.  However, Alabama is the most unionised state in the south.  Utilities, steel workers, shipyard workers, coal miners are mostly union.  The state workers are not union.  Once, the Alabama highway department did a lot of their own paving and grading of highways.  Now they have cut costs by bidding out this work.  If they are short of money in bad economic times, they just don't do a lot of work.  When times are good, a lot of work gets done.  It has resulted in Alabama having the second best highway system in the nation, behind Georgia.  No excessive cold weather to freeze the roads and create potholes.  Good red clay base in most areas.  I have driven to family in Wisconsin.  Illinois has the worst roads of any I've traveled over, and they have toll roads.  I've driven to upstate New York also, and New York has bad roads.  Pennsylvania does too.  The information I read about where roads were good was the south doesn't have to put salt out, doesn't have the freezing problem, therefore has an easier time maintaining roads.  Southwest had the next best roads due to less freezing, but the heat doesn't help the asphalt in summer. 

Offline nomosendero

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #66 on: June 13, 2012, 03:11:21 PM »
What difference does who had the most money make anyway?  The way I see it, if a state turns right to work, and half the people jump out of the lost half the votes right there, not even counting people not in the union to begin with.  That's what you get for FORCING them to be in the damn union and taking their money against their will. 
They lost...period...regardless of anything else...they lost. For those people who are left, suck it up and get used to it, because there is an increasing number of people that are realizing this socialist progressive crap is holding the entire country down, and they also realize we are out of money, flat broke, in debt, with no budget, and things don't get fixed by growing government and shrinking the private sector.  The facts have been in for a long time on this one.  Problem is the left won't let go, they actually think government growth is their answer...even as they get poorer and poorer trying it.
The public employees have no business in a union anyway, I pay them what I can afford, that's the bottom line, if they don't like they can go find another job in the private sector.  See how they like those apples for a change.
I am hoping our governor in Michigan takes on "right to work" in this state in his second term, he can't fit it in the first term, I bet he tackles it in his second term.  BTW...the recall here has been withdrawn....they gave it up and went away.  Crawled back into their holes for a while after seeing what happened in Wisconsin.

Very good post and just the way it is. ;)
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Offline BCarp

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #67 on: June 14, 2012, 02:14:17 AM »
TM7, your continuing use of the term "corpo-terrorist" undermines what little credibility you still have.  You sound like one of the worst of the Occupy-movement's loons.  Grow up, please....
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Offline Buckskin

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #68 on: June 14, 2012, 03:50:16 AM »
So Buckskin....all the whining and complaining about union thugs contributing money for elective representation was all for naught..!!??..or only meaningful when they might be winning? But as for the  corpo-terrorist funding that's all good....!?
Jimster,,,if this is what a socialist state moving toward a socialist utopia looks like--I'll eat my hat!  But yeah...everybody knows its nurses policeman, teachers firemen, truck drivers, clerks, union thugs....that are the ones BLEEDING AMERICA DRY... ;) :o :o ::) ::) ::)

Hmmmm, you will have to show me where I was compaining about unions pumping money into the donkey fund... I may have pointed out that tit-for-tat unions pump millions in and it's not just corporations that donate to candidates... I did complain about the tactics that are used by the union that have been overlooked by society for generations.  Such as, death threats, threatening businesses, boycotts, and typical goonish union behavior.  Oh and don't forget bussing thousands of paid union thugs into Madison and defacing the capital for weeks on end.  Yeah, that I complained about.... I think Wisconsin has taken the first steps to fight back against this behavior and hopefully the country will follow. 
Here is a list of the heavy hitter donation list, and tm7 wants us to feel bad for the donkeys....
Koch Industries is #77 behind literally dozens of unions... But keep talking about corporations buying elections......

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Offline Buckskin

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #69 on: June 14, 2012, 05:13:50 AM »
Buck....I seem to remember when you and Scoot were discussing the Battle of Wisconsin several months ago that you went out of the way to villianize and demonize Labor Unions.....Perhaps the term  'union thugs' was normalized here by you. Don't know, doesn't much matter but complaints of union money has been central theme of so-called conservatives for a few years now. No denying that. Final case is that Wisconsin has now made their bed and they're going to sleep in it.,,,come he!! or highwater....unless flagrant charges of election and other corruption surface, however, 'conservatives' are known for looking away from such a pass as 'the means justify the ends' code.
BTW, I don't think this is over--in fact just starting; for if and when elitist Romney gets placed in office, people will see that the PEOPLE BLEEDING AMERICA DRY...are not the ones the Wisconsin GOP said were....

Darn right I was demonizing them as that is what they deserve for their tactics that I discribed and you ignore.  If corporations were using same tactics you would be all over them...  The unions have their union dues, if they want to give it all to the donkey fund, what do I care.  Same goes for corporations to republicans.  Although republicans are at a bit of a disadvantage according to the website I posted that you chose to ignore...  I will say again, those evil Koch bros that you and Scooter bring up nearly every post are 77 on the list behind dozens of unions....

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Offline BCarp

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #70 on: June 14, 2012, 07:19:21 AM »
I have no problem with private-sector unions - carpenters, iron workers, UAW, etc. - and the collective bargaining they carry on within private industry.  And, if they choose to donate exclusively to Dems, so be it.  It's PUBLIC-sector unions that are a problem.  In the first place, they shouldn't even exist.  Even FDR thought so.  They pour money into Dem coffers, then if their candidates win, that's who they're bargaining their contracts with!  No wonder they've gotten such sweet-heart deals over the decades! (In Buffalo, NY, the teachers' health plan covers cosmetic surgery!)
No one believes firemen, teachers, cops, etc. are "bleeding the country dry."  That's a canard.  But these same groups have to accept the reality that the days of the sweet-heart contracts are over.  The states can no longer afford them.  And apparently it takes a courageous Republican governor force them to confront the new reality.
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Offline jimster

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #71 on: June 14, 2012, 09:05:53 AM »
The statement that was made sarcastically about policemen, teachers etc. bleeding American dry is just a big spin to point something in a different direction....I'm surprised TM7 did that as usually I hear more intelligent things from him.
If you work for the public sector paid by can only have what we can afford...period.  If MY employees want to wrote a contract with people who DO NOT pay them....I got a problem. Big one.
I would think my liberty is worth money is my liberty, and I'm getting pretty tired of state and federal governments not keeping their fiscal houses in order, along with the unions jumping right smack dab in the middle of it all trying to write themselves into a budget that ain't even there.  We all know it's true.  If the unions were worth their salt, people would not leave first chance they get.  They just suck more money out of everyones paycheck like any government would do.  Why do you think they FORCE you to be in one?  Money...power...
The teachers and police don't need unions, we would pay them just cheaper all the way around, and the public employees can keep the money in their check that get pulled out by a union.  That alone makes them need another damn raise, now don't it?  Think about it...they take money out of your check, and then bargin for more money for you...LOL!!  Taxes work the same way.   ;)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Any thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election?
« Reply #72 on: June 14, 2012, 10:52:47 PM »
  I find it highly amusing that TM can find and whine about the Koch a million here and a million there toward conservatives, but can't seem to find the truth concerning George Soros and the multi millions he spends on far-left causes.. ;)   ;D   ;D
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