Author Topic: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...  (Read 610 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« on: June 08, 2012, 12:20:52 AM »
  The senate Democrats are so concerned with the "war on women" which they claim is being waged by conservatives, that they have introduced a bill which would ensure that women get paid fully as much as a man doing similar work.  They are so concerned that they have called major press conferences to "raise the consciousness" of voters to this terrible inequity being perpetrated by conservatives....
  Then somebody asked, " I wonder how the Democrats in congress are their own standard ? " ..
      Well it looks like they are not 'putting their money where their collective mouth is !
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Offline magooch

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Re: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2012, 03:22:35 AM »
Does the word "hyocrite" mean anything to ya, Andy?
My state passed an equal pay law, years ago.  I don't really have a problem with it, but folks--especially women should pay heed to the results.  When some employers suddenly had to pay women the same as men, a lot of women weren't hired any more for certain types of jobs that once were reserved for women. 
The plant I worked at almost exclusively hired women to run certain types of machines.  When they had to pay the women the same as men on similar jobs, they quit hiring women and then after a relatively short time they shut that part of the plant down.
I know of several guys who quit good paying jobs to go and become registered nurses when the law pushed the pay for those jobs up.  So the law cuts both ways.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2012, 03:44:44 AM »
The pay thing is a tierd old gem from the 70's and n the 90' was the other way.
What they looked at was the age of women vs the age of men in the work place and doing the same or similar jobs.
What the original survey did not take into account when looking at the AGE was the time in the work force.
In the 70's it was not uncommon for women to leave the work force for a while and raise kids.
So when looking at a pair of 40 year old people the man has been working for 22 years and the woman for only 8 and the pay was different.
Only because if you both start at the same salary and you add a 2% raise each year the person working for 2 years is going ot make a lot more than the one working for 8 years.
But by the 90' that mathmatical law was over turned and companies were paying women 10% more just so they did not seem sexist.

Offline Doublebass73

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Re: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2012, 03:57:27 AM »
My state passed an equal pay law, years ago.  I don't really have a problem with it, but folks--especially women should pay heed to the results.  When some employers suddenly had to pay women the same as men, a lot of women weren't hired any more for certain types of jobs that once were reserved for women. 

Bingo! The law of unintended consequences will be in full effect will this issue. The bleeding hearts are too stupid to realize that because "it makes them feel good" to champion women's rights ::)
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Offline nomosendero

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Re: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2012, 07:04:11 AM »
Logic will tell you the Dems are liars yet again & here is why. They had 2 years of Obummer with a Dem controlled House & Senate, this did not come up. After that, it still didn't come up
until this Contraception vs Catholic stuff came up & they then invented this "war on Women" stuff to counter the valid argument the Catholic leaders offered. Now, with the "war on Women" lie not gaining traction, they are attempting to add new life to this non-issue.  ::)
If they felt this 'war" existed or cared at all they could have solved it. It appears as in WI that the folks are on to them more each day. Keep it coming!  ;D
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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2012, 07:13:16 AM »
Women get paid right now, 97% of what men get paid in the SAME jobs.  Only reason for the 3% is men have been doing them longer.
Now women OVERALL get paid about 75% of what men get.  However women don't usually work in heavy construction jobs which pay more, nor operate heavy equipment.  Not very many women welders either.  Women are mostly clerks, secretarys and day care workers, which brings down the OVERALL pay.  In my work, two women went to work in construction out of the office.  One was a strong heavy set woman.  She stayed and could operate a jackhammer.  Pay was more and it was union.  Other woman was smaller and could not operate a jackhammer, nor lift very heavy tools without a strain, so she went back to work in the office.
There is NO war on women by conservatives.  Liberals are just grasping at straws because they have no good economic record, nor foreign policy record.  There is no pay distrimination today for jobs, that is like playing the race card on jobs.  They are just twisting statistics using overall statistics not comparing job for job.  Like men and women doctors, lawyers, teachers, professors, etc.  They get equal pay.  Just the clerical and office jobs bring down their OVERALL statistic.  Men don't want those low paying jobs especially if they can get something better.   

Offline DDZ

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Re: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2012, 09:29:20 AM »
The democrats know there is no war on women. Its all about getting womens votes come election time. Politicians are very good at crafting ways to get reelected. Actually, anymore its about all they are good at. From the time they get elected their goal is to stay in office, and if that means creating a lie to do so, they have no problem with that. If you have noticed its certain groups they choose to create their lies. One time it will grandma and grandpas social security, the next time it will be the poor, and how they are going to lose their welfare. Next time it will be the children's school lunches that are being taken away. Then it will be the blacks, and how they are not given equal opportunity. Then gays, and how they are not getting equal rights. Now we have a war on women. Politicians will create any lie to get reelected. Its what they are good at.         
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Offline tobster

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Re: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2012, 09:49:27 AM »
I thought that equal pay thing was settled years ago.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2012, 12:02:14 PM »
I thought that equal pay thing was settled years ago.
   It was...  it sure is politically expedient to dredge up the old canard just before an election.  They just set up a straw man (or woman) so they can knock it down..
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Offline DDZ

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Re: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2012, 12:29:35 PM »
I thought that equal pay thing was settled years ago.
   It was...  it sure is politically expedient to dredge up the old canard just before an election.  They just set up a straw man (or woman) so they can knock it down..

Thats the term I was looking for IG. Strawman!
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline ironglow

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Re: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2012, 04:31:10 PM »
I thought that equal pay thing was settled years ago.
   It was...  it sure is politically expedient to dredge up the old canard just before an election.  They just set up a straw man (or woman) so they can knock it down..

Thats the term I was looking for IG. Strawman!
  I think the obama supporters are right now, looking for a couple straw men they can throw into the fire they started with "Fast & Furious". ...Anything but furnish the records and tell the TRUTH;) ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2012, 05:25:01 AM »
This argument is so much BS. It has been illegal for years to pay a female less money than a male for the same job. What they don't consider is lots ofwomen take time off their jobs to have kids,do other things. What the stataticians do then is average the lifespan of work then look at the less amount of money they make during that timespan and compare it to men who don't take time off.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Democrats very concerned with the "gender pay gap"...
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2012, 07:12:50 AM »
Same way with heavy construction jobs.  They pay more than a clerk in a store or a secretary.  Like I said when you compare job for job.  Doctor for doctor, lawyer for lawyer, etc, womens pay is about 97% of what a man makes.  The main reasons for that is like someone said, maternity leave, and men have been doing it longer.  Longevity pays a little more than 1 or 2 years in any job.  It is BS to draw attention away from the real issues, economics and federal debt.  Obama scores ZERO.  Hasn't fixed anything, just kicking the can down the road.