so ive recently started shooting black powder and have been learnen the ropes with a Pietta 1858 new army which has been a blast! but now id like a rifle aswell and ive always admired the old "long rifles" of our countries past. ive been looking into three rifles and id like you guys to tell me what you think. please feel free to give out advice as i am a novice.
1. Pedersoli 50 cal Pennsylvania rifle
2. Pedersoli 50 cal kentucky rifle
3. pedersoli 50 cal frontier rifle
all of these i found on the dixie gun works site but id probably shop around if i could figure out which one i like the most. i like the frontier and the pennsylvania for there set triggers but overall i like all three rifles and cant really make up my mind. (although im drawn to the dixie pennsylvania rifle due to the brass work

edit: i should mention all of these will be percussion cap as im not ready to start playing with flint... give me time