Author Topic: what handgun or two that will do it all ?  (Read 11061 times)

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Offline 1911crazy

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #60 on: July 04, 2012, 05:09:00 AM »
The 357mag not enough?
Elmer Keith the godfather of handgun hunting has killed every north american game with a 357mag, 41mag, and 44mag too.
Two handguns only;
1.  Colt or S&W  22cal revolver
2. Ruger redhawk in 44mag w/ 7 1/2'' barrel


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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #61 on: July 09, 2012, 12:42:59 AM »
a 10 mm comes about as close as one gun can  ;) in a gun that holds 15 rounds it out powers even a 454 that holds 5-6 .
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Offline Old Griz

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #62 on: July 09, 2012, 04:05:22 AM »
I don't own a 10mm or a 454, so I don't have a dog in this fight. And if I were to purchase one the 10mm appeals to me more.
However, how does a 10mm "out power" a 454?

240 gr XTP JHP,  1,900 ft/s,   1,923 ft·lbf
300 gr XTP JHP,  1,650 ft/s ,  1,814 ft·lbf


165 gr Gold Dot Bonded HP,  1,400 ft/s , 718 ft·lbf
180 gr Hornady XTP,              1,350 ft/s , 728 ft·lbf

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #63 on: July 09, 2012, 05:58:28 AM »
I had both kept the 10mm son got the 454.
as for power , 16 X 728 ft-lbf = 11648 ft-lbf all rounds combined that can be brought to bear on a target or 16 targets  ;)  a Glock 20 holds 15 in mag and one in the chamber.
Ruger SRH 454 hiolds 6 rounds , 6 X 1814 ft-lbf = 10884 ft-lbf that can be brought to bear on target.
I would suggest that either would stop a bad guy or critter . I can tell you from experince that shooting in real time the 10 mm is faster back on target for a second shot or a 15th shot . The 10 mm holds mo ammo to start . The 454 has more one shot power in spades no doubt . I hunt where black bears roam not grizz , and feel comfortable with the 10mm , it is alot less weight and packs easier.
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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #64 on: July 09, 2012, 06:00:02 AM »
I would add that no handgun is 100 % one shot stopper so mo rounds can be a good thing.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline EastKY_DO

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #65 on: July 13, 2012, 05:18:57 AM »
I'm a big fan of the 357 it's versatile. But sticking with the one gun or 2 theme I'll take the 44 mag/ 44spl and gun number 2 will be a 22 semi auto


What he said!

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #66 on: July 13, 2012, 05:27:55 AM »
its hard to shoot more than 6 times with a 44 , just saying . Doing it all would indicate the choice should be able to lay down the most useful fire between reloads
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Offline WD45

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #67 on: July 13, 2012, 09:00:57 AM »
How about a 1911 in 460 rowland ? Big bore and packs a big wallop and could be loaded down if need be or keep a 45 acp barrel and have both or how about something like the EAA with multi cal interchangeable capability. Need a 22 to bag a couple tree rats or throw on a 10MM barrel and slide for more serious matters.. Just thinkin

Offline buck460XVR

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #68 on: July 14, 2012, 05:21:59 AM »
Quick question: Why is it one needs adjustable site when hunting but not when defending themselves?


One word mostly....distance. True SD distances are generally within 15 yards and at that range fixed sites are generally close enough. For hunting, 15 yards would be an exceptionally close shot, whereas 35 to 70 yards would be more realistic. This is where small changes in POA make a bigger difference in POI.
"where'd you get the gun....son?"

Offline Scibaer

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #69 on: July 14, 2012, 05:40:10 AM »
the FBI says that the average gun fight is 7 yards or 21 feet. i dont need sights for that.. i practice shooting that far with every gun i own and can hit  a paper plate with out sights just fine.

 but for hunting deer , hogs and bears i need some sights to fine tune my shot for a safe and clean kill.
 i think that fairly easy to understand. i sure dont see it working very well the other way around

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #70 on: July 15, 2012, 08:28:54 AM »
Two handguns to do it all.
A S&W M629 4" in 44 Mag/ 44 Special
and a Browning Buck Mark or S&W M17 /M617 in 4 or 6"
The 22lr for target, small game or cheap practice
the 44 mag can do both hunting with the 44 mag and is more than enough for Deer, Bear, or hogs
the 44 Special round is ballistically a twin to the 45ACP and is more than enough for that.
The N Frame is large but it is still can be worn and carried easily.
and there are multiple levels of 44 mag power from a hot special to full house mag loads.


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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #71 on: July 15, 2012, 11:36:27 PM »
How about a 1911 in 460 rowland ? Big bore and packs a big wallop and could be loaded down if need be or keep a 45 acp barrel and have both or how about something like the EAA with multi cal interchangeable capability. Need a 22 to bag a couple tree rats or throw on a 10MM barrel and slide for more serious matters.. Just thinkin

again why handicap yourself with 7-8 rounds when you cam have 16 ? unless you convert a Glock 21 of course . The aval factory ammo .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #72 on: July 16, 2012, 04:53:29 PM »
OK changed my mind
Sig P220, P226 or P229 in 9,40,45, or 357 Sig with a 22LR conversion kit for small game, Target and personal carry.
Then either a S&W M29/629 in 44 Mag
S&W 686 in 357 Mag
Or a T/C Contender in 357 or 44 mag in a 10 to 12"
I have a few Sig pistols and just reciently added a 22LR conversion kit to my 220 Sport and it is an accurate little upper that I shot a bullseye match with and did well.
I have carried a P226 for a while when I was in VA when I was threatened not to testafy against the guy that stole my truck and then did a bunch of other bad things with my truck (he later pleaded to 55 years with no parole) the pancake holster kept the gun close and with a light jacket over it I was able to walk right by police officers that were in my store and past a manager that was anti gun and non noticed.
As for a hunting gun the sky is the limit.  What ever you want.  Pick the biggest caliber you can shoot a lot and accuratly.

Offline temmi

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #73 on: July 20, 2012, 06:15:42 AM »
In reality there is no such animal.
So the real question is…

What functions and capabilities in a Hand Gun on which you willing to compromise?

Offline Scibaer

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #74 on: July 20, 2012, 06:30:48 AM »
Im not talking about animals, i was wondering what people here thought about what handgun, or what two handguns that would fit the role of hunting, target  and personal protection / concealed carry or even open carry and field/range gun.
  there are some requirements, as i mentioned in the OP. but for the most part Iam open to any  suggestions.
 i have a  .22 wheel gun and the 44.mag NMBH flat top and a .357 NM vaquero ..
 im not really looking at what i'd need to give up, but more interested in what the handgunners here came up with.
and a few of the guys, really came thru and make some good solid suggestions .

 if i had to compromise, id have to say, round count, size/weight and manufacturer

Offline Mike in Virginia

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #75 on: July 20, 2012, 08:51:14 AM »
No one will agree with me, but I say a Ruger flattop in .44 Special.  Beautiful, classic, hard hitting, and nothing quicker for the first shot.  Although reloading when you're nervous can be a tad slow. 


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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #76 on: July 20, 2012, 09:06:04 AM »
Glock 20 and Ruger SR22 . nuff said .  ;)
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline KNIFE_NUT_1981

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #77 on: August 04, 2012, 05:32:58 AM »
Why settle for 1 or 2? I have LOTS, and love them all!!  ;D

Offline Scibaer

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #78 on: August 04, 2012, 08:30:23 AM »
i had alot of firearms.
 i am reducing the number i have. paring it down to a few , that have time honored reputations, and are classics in the practical sense of the word.
 i have a model 60 , a  870 20 ga. a  remmy 700 in 308, a NMBH in 44. mag. a 357 mag vaquero and heritage revolver in .22
 a marlin 336 in 30-30 .. you get the idea, anyhow to cover all the firearm duties i will ever need ..
 i still want a 1911, a MZ and a slug only gun and a  few others

Offline williamlayton

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #79 on: August 05, 2012, 12:46:06 AM »
Since this whole thread was started I kept thinking about the answers given.
I have come to one conclusion---based on the opinions sowell presented by all of you---I need one of all to do all things well---with one or two.  :)

Offline Mike in Virginia

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #80 on: August 05, 2012, 03:11:10 PM »
So many opinions.  Here's another.  I don't think we "need" more than one.  I could easily use one for all purposes: target, hunting, self defense.  That gun woud be a Ruger (and no other brand), single action, and big bore, like .44 or .45.  Getting more specific than that would take me to the .45 Colt Blackhawk.  I don't know of anything that weapon won't accomplish, for me.  I can't see a need to throw dozens of range down range in a hunting, target, or self defense scenario.  Sure, the single action has disadvantages (or the police and military would still use them), but for my own self, I can make do just fine with a single action revolver.  Don't need no instant reloading capability.  I would probably carry some extra rounds in my pocket just to replace the ones I fired, but I can't see the need in my circumstances to ever need a fast reload. 
Police need that capability.  They never know what kind of mess they'll find themselves in.  But me, I have two realities planted in my brain:  First, if six rounds won't do it, I'm leaving the scene.  Second, if the distance between me and the bad guy is more than a few yards, I'm leaving the scene.  Cops need to stay in the fight 'til it's over.  I don't.  I do not believe on that "stand our ground" crap.  If I have an oppurtuntiy to remove my carcass from a place of live fire, I'm leaving.  It ain't my job to stay around and make sure everything works out for the good of the public.  Those days are far behind me.  Now, the public can look out for themselves.  The only reason I'd return fire against anyone now is for there to be no other alternative to save myself or my loved ones.  Everyone else needs to prepare themselves for the worst, and if they don't, and if they won't do that, I won't be there to be there savior. 
I am a cop no more.  When my phone rings at 3am, it better be a wrong number, because I'm not leaving my home to go into someone elses' danger ever again.  It's my opinion that every person of respect ought to be a non-liberal and keep himself prepared for the worse without relying Obamal to send some one right away to save their useless necks.
One or two guns?  Damn right.  50 or sixty guns?  Even better.  One other point:  If you want 'em, get 'em before November.  If you don't want 'em, God help you.   

Offline RevJim

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #81 on: August 07, 2012, 06:37:54 AM »
 I'm with you Mike! If I can get me or me and mine out of there, I'm gone! I agree with Uncle Zoo, "the best battle is the one you don't have to fight"! ha. Think smart, train smart, act/react smart. I am polite but (even as a Minister) I have a plan to "stop" everyone I meet! ;) :P ;D


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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #82 on: August 07, 2012, 07:01:25 AM »
But the op said do it all . Fight is but one aspect. Feed yourself in a suvival situation , suitable for long periods of time with out resupply carry ammo , pliking or target shooting, withstand hard use with out failure and the list goes on and on . Add the different parts of the world we live in and only two guns will be asking alot .
We have to think past what we have experinced to what we may experince. I have never been a fan of 22 cal. ammo for long term storage feeling it should be used when fresh for best result. But after watching a show on a military group formed from native people of Alaska and how they were issued a 22 pistol for survival use and how they put it to use living off the land I gained a lot of respect for the gun and round. These guys used in in about the worst weather one could survive in and ate well.
so now I'm looking for a way to store the ammo that will keep a couple boxes in top shape for a long time .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #83 on: August 10, 2012, 03:06:21 PM »
But the op said do it all . Fight is but one aspect. Feed yourself in a suvival situation , suitable for long periods of time with out resupply carry ammo , pliking or target shooting, withstand hard use with out failure and the list goes on and on . Add the different parts of the world we live in and only two guns will be asking alot .
We have to think past what we have experinced to what we may experince. I have never been a fan of 22 cal. ammo for long term storage feeling it should be used when fresh for best result. But after watching a show on a military group formed from native people of Alaska and how they were issued a 22 pistol for survival use and how they put it to use living off the land I gained a lot of respect for the gun and round. These guys used in in about the worst weather one could survive in and ate well.
so now I'm looking for a way to store the ammo that will keep a couple boxes in top shape for a long time .
Easy 30 caliber or 50 caliber ammo cans.  I have been keeping a brick of mine fresh for a few years in a 30 can and have had it go through a huricane that totally submerged the gan for a couple days.  Ammo was fine.

Offline KNIFE_NUT_1981

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #84 on: August 10, 2012, 04:40:31 PM »
In a survival situation, whatever is handy is always a blessing, but when it comes to choosing a preference, or 2 that would "do it all" I really don't think I could narrow it down to just 2, even if I HAD to. MAYBE 3, and those 3 would be my Glock 21 in .45ACP, my Smith & Wesson 6" 629-2 in .44mag, and my H&R 9-shot .22LR DA revolver (can't recall the model number at the moment). And those would be the BARE necessities... If I could choose a 4th, it would DEFINITELY be my Ruger Blackhawk in .357mag. But I hope the time never comes when I have to choose between my babies! I LOVE them ALL so much...

Offline teamnelson

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #85 on: August 10, 2012, 05:04:04 PM »
In reality there is no such animal.
So the real question is…

What functions and capabilities in a Hand Gun on which you willing to compromise?

Willing to compromise: capacity, make, color, material, country of origin

NOT willing to compromise: must go bang when I need it to every single time (16 more in the magazine means nothing if the first one is stovepiped and the bad guys are coming), must not require a certificate to maintain, or specialty knowledge or tools; must not require weapons proficiency, grip strength, or special ability to operate; must be ambidextrous; must operate underwater; materials must last 100 years on operating parts; must feed any ammo available; must not require two hands to operate (in case one of them is busy or missing) ... and the caliber must not require a double or triple tap to be effective; one should be sufficient with rare exception. And personally, it has to still have sufficient energy at 50 yds to put meat on the table, and serve as a defensive weapon.
held fast

Offline KNIFE_NUT_1981

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #86 on: August 10, 2012, 05:24:12 PM »
Im not talking about animals, i was wondering what people here thought about what handgun, or what two handguns that would fit the role of hunting, target  and personal protection / concealed carry or even open carry and field/range gun.
  there are some requirements, as i mentioned in the OP. but for the most part Iam open to any  suggestions.
 i have a  .22 wheel gun and the 44.mag NMBH flat top and a .357 NM vaquero ..
 im not really looking at what i'd need to give up, but more interested in what the handgunners here came up with.
and a few of the guys, really came thru and make some good solid suggestions .

 if i had to compromise, id have to say, round count, size/weight and manufacturer

This being said, if I were in your position, and looking to narrow these 3 down to just 2, I would choose the .22, and the .44mag, and sell the .357. I think, in doing so, you would save the small amount of space that 1 handgun is taking up in your safe, make room in your ammo cabinet for more of the other 2 types, and still have all the bases sufficiently covered... Does that help?

Offline Scibaer

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #87 on: August 11, 2012, 01:20:29 AM »
yes that does help. i was thinking along that same line and the .357mag vaquero was close to the chopping block, primarily because it has the fixed blade sights. and for personal defense although the .357 is good and plenty, being a SA, something else probably would be a better fit.


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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #88 on: August 13, 2012, 02:12:51 AM »
In reality there is no such animal.
So the real question is…

What functions and capabilities in a Hand Gun on which you willing to compromise?

Willing to compromise: capacity, make, color, material, country of origin

NOT willing to compromise: must go bang when I need it to every single time (16 more in the magazine means nothing if the first one is stovepiped and the bad guys are coming), must not require a certificate to maintain, or specialty knowledge or tools; must not require weapons proficiency, grip strength, or special ability to operate; must be ambidextrous; must operate underwater; materials must last 100 years on operating parts; must feed any ammo available; must not require two hands to operate (in case one of them is busy or missing) ... and the caliber must not require a double or triple tap to be effective; one should be sufficient with rare exception. And personally, it has to still have sufficient energy at 50 yds to put meat on the table, and serve as a defensive weapon.
You thinking Glock 20 ?  ;D  you just decribed it ....
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline 1911crazy

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Re: what handgun or two that will do it all ?
« Reply #89 on: October 18, 2012, 02:08:52 PM »
Quick question: Why is it one needs adjustable site when hunting but not when defending themselves?

I purchased a ruger vaquero in 45 long colt in polished stainless w/ 7 1/2" barrel with no adjustable rear sight just because this was the way they were manufactured at one time.  I wanted a design that was a piece of history at that time. (1800's)  The rear adjustable sight didn't matter.  I feel we should beable to get good accuracy from it if we practice with it. Plus i wanted to teach the kids and grandchildern how they were made in the 1800's.  I feel we need to know the history of them and how they were designed before we can enjoy the newer designs we have today. (double actions)