Shooting Vacation
Just got home from a great Vacation. To Texas and New Mexico
What was interesting was that over a week period I was able to find and shoot in 4 silhouette matches 1 in Tex. and 3 in New Mexico. Remember now before this vacation I had only shot in 6 silhouette matches 2 IHMSA and 4 NRA.
The 1st June 2 was in Sweetwater Tex. my host was Richard and Jane Porter. This was the largest shoot during the week with I think 14 people shooting 24 guns (I shot 3 ) Richard goes all out but what else would you expect with a man that has a personalize car tag 80x80 ! He had BB, FP and SB set up I got there early and help set up and do some meet and greet. Also shooting was the IHMSA sec. Warren Alkire
Which I got to spend a little time with. We had 25-mph winds and had to clamp some targets but it was a great shoot. After the shoot we (my wife and I) Went To eat with the Porter’s with Richard and Richard talking guns and the Women folk talking what ever women talk about dinner lasted about 3 hours (hour in parking lot). This was a great start to one of many new friendships and a great vacation. Richard even called me later in the week to make sure we were OK and had a great time.
After a couple of days Visiting Slaton Tex. and No it was not named after me. Matter of fact we were the only Slaton’s in town we headed to Roswell N.M. interesting when I was looking at the town web site, I saw a link of the local gun club and saw that there were having a match on Wed. which was you guessed it one of the days we were going to be there.
I contacted one of the name listed and he got it the ok from the match dir. For me to shoot my 22 pistol. When I got there the guy’s wife had to have surgery so he my host was not there. Now this was a non-sanction NRA 22 rifle match just a bunch of retired guys shooting anything from full blow target Rifles to
Hunting 22’s. And all looking at me like I’m crazy (I guess they never saw someone shooting the taco hold) To be honest I didn’t get a real warm and friendly welcome so I just shot thanked them and left.
Next stop was Albuquerque N.M. MY host was Andy (Nobade from Greybeard outdoors)
We went out to eat Friday night with Andy and his family, which is a shooting family. My wife and his along with his 2 daughters hit it off from the start. Another 3 hour meal. More new friends
The Saturday shoot was NRA BB pistol and cowboy rifle Andy ‘s wife had to leave with a sick youngest daughter that left only 4 shooters shooting 5 guns . Not only did Andy do double duty shooting long and short guns he shot black powered with cast bullet in his cowboy Rifle cartridge / paper patch cast bullets in is pistol . His oldest daughter spotted for him and shot. This was only my 3rd. time shooting the 200 yard range and my 1st. doing it standing but I hope not my last!
Last was a Sunday match in Santa Fe my host was Dick Kreischer and the N.M. state dir. Joe Tesmer (another couple of legends in the sport)
This was a SB; FP and 1/5 scale with only 4 shooter with Dick and Joe on the 1/5 scale me shooting
FP PAS and SB standing Production and A lady shooting "cowgirl Rifle" the match was over pretty quick
Which allowed time for yet another Mexican meal and time to chat. And chat we did yet another 3 hour meal.
Yes the Shooting was fun but the time I spend with 3 OLE legends like Richard, Dick and Joe along with the younger Andy was priceless plus the new friends and a couple of care packages this mite rate as my top vacation.
Speaking of! We’re taking the Grand kids to Virginia later this month and yes already got a shoot lined up
And with needing only Oregon to check off my bucket list of having visited all 50 states. Sounds like
The WCC is next years shooting vacation