Well I think the "common load" thing is usually like .45 colt = 250 gr bullet around 850 or so, 38 spl 158 grain at normal moderate speeds, and so on like that....they can't give you grains of powder, what kind of bullet and powder, the exact diameter of the bullet, or anything like that.
Distance...who knows...but basically after buying a bunch of fixed sighted guns in my lifetime, only a few have hit to my POA with my favorite loads, most fixed sighted guns you have to work with to get them where you want, and SHOT1 explained how to turn a barrel pretty good there.
Out of all the fixed sighted guns I have bought only a few have been good for me, and I can pretty much much name them off, one Charter Arms bulldog .44spl, one old Uberti model, one Ruger Vaquero, two Smith model 36's, and a USFA single action....oh...and one old beat up Taurus Brazilian police model in 38 spl....which leaves a helliva of alot of fixed sighted guns that needed the barrels turned or some work with a file to either open up the groove or thin one side of the front sight. But..once you get it shooting the load you want where you want, your good to go forever.
Chances of getting a fixed sight handgun that shoots exactly where you want at a certain distance are not real good. Even if they get the windage right by accident on your load, they still don't know if you want it sighted at 25 or 50 yrds...you'll still have to mess with the front sight for height.
Just my 2 cents