Author Topic: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious  (Read 899 times)

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Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:36:58 PM »
1 Border Patrol agent, (Brian Terry) is murdered, 1 ICE agent, (Jaime Zapata) is murdered, and over 200 Mexican citizens, (that we know about so far) are killed by the weapons linked to the botched Fast And Furious operation. Holder gives lip service to the oversight comitty for over 8 months then Oblamea claims Executive Privelage. One would think this would be worth maybe mentioning at least. Right? Wrong! I have MSN as my start page. Not one mention of this! Nothing! Zero! You know what the headlines are? "Prince William turns 30!" The Sandusky trial! "Churches defy tax rules!" "Romney too economy driven?" This is insane! >:(  Then I heard on the radio on the way home from work that "Reverand" Al Sharpton says "Holder was stopped and frisked." The current democrat talking points basicly say that this is no big deal. Nobody really cares about this. These people are like a bunch of ostriches sticking their heads in the ground and hoping this will all go away. Thanks to people like Darrel Issa that's not going to happen. What about the famlies of these people? You would think they deserve better than this. What is Oblamea hiding? Holder is without a doubt in my opinion the worst AG in the history of our country. Whose side are these morons on anyway? Lots of people are dead and they just ignore it because it doesn't suit their adjenda. This just proves that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2012, 11:27:45 PM »
  I finally found it !  I recalled one time when I saw Hillary making claims concerning guns leaving the US and ending up in the hands of the cartels.  Even then I thought.."yes, here we go..the radical left going after our 2nd amendment"..
   I had no idea it was a total administration scheme to dump one article of our Bill of Rights...but I'm guessing Hillary knew..
  Here is a report on an interview of her in 2009..she was laying the foundation for the Marxists;  Worth watching..pass it on.
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Offline rickt300

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2012, 06:01:21 AM »
Conservative conspiracy issue? Yes the Right wingers forced the Obama administration to sell thousands of weapons and much ammunition to the cartells so they could come up with a conspiracy! We armed a group at odds with the government of Mexico with weapons that killed hundreds of Mexican nationalls and a couple of our own agents. Makes us accessory to murder and this is an act of war against the Mexican government. All  to atack the second amendment! What exactly is in the coolade?  Look back on previous debacles if you wish but this one deserves attention.
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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2012, 06:56:25 AM »
C'mon TM;
         Nancy Pelosi is the only one who can talk like that ...and get away with it ! ;)   ;D
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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2012, 11:17:41 AM »
Conservative conspiracy issue? Yes the Right wingers forced the Obama administration to sell thousands of weapons and much ammunition to the cartells so they could come up with a conspiracy! We armed a group at odds with the government of Mexico with weapons that killed hundreds of Mexican nationalls and a couple of our own agents. Makes us accessory to murder and this is an act of war against the Mexican government. All  to atack the second amendment! What exactly is in the coolade?  Look back on previous debacles if you wish but this one deserves attention.

RICKT300. Another good post Sir, but ya gotta be careful. Truth and common sense scares the liberal democrats.  POWDERMAN.  ;) ;)
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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2012, 06:07:36 AM »
There is no mystery what Fast and Furious was all about.  One of the chief architects admitted right up front that it was a way to whip up public outrage so that more and tougher gun control could be moved along.

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2012, 03:59:03 AM »
Does anyone know what that means?

Offline mcbammer

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2012, 08:14:46 AM »
Seems   there  are   more   guns  getting   to   Mexico  than   we   think.        http;//blog  bought in alabama

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2012, 04:22:36 AM »
I think the gun that killed the border agent was found at the scene and compared bullet prints proved it.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2012, 04:36:00 AM »
I think the gun that killed the border agent was found at the scene and compared bullet prints proved it.
   Gun found at the scene was traced to F & F..
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Offline rickt300

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2012, 05:14:31 AM »
I would be prepared to bet the documents requested and denied to congress would be able to trace the weapon that killed Brian Terry directly to the ATF agent that orchestrated the sale to the cartel strawman. I also feel there is documentation linking higher ups in the White House. You can bet the serial numbers were recorded several times.
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Offline Cuts Crooked

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2012, 11:52:28 AM » least now I can understand why the price of tin foil is skyrocketing!! :o
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2012, 02:12:29 AM »
   TM;  Indeed the guns were traced to the F & F fiasco;
    I'll even offer what must be one of your favorite sources;
          Your idea of some far-flung conservative conspiracy is really far out!  Just review history..dictators, most often socialist/communist dictators, as one of their very first moves is to restrict firearms from the people.  Communist dictators are always paranoid when it comes to possible "reactionaries".  THis is one of the worst kept secrets in the what does this tell you about the plans by the "progressives" in this country ? 
  THey don't need the conservatives for this plan, nor would they share power with such a group..could they drum them up from somewhere..and conservatives KNOW IT !
  As soon as they can implement gun control, communist  dictators then establish their own internal armed forces, such as "brownshirts", Gestapo, KGB, China's "cultural revolution" etc.
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Offline gypsyman

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2012, 02:49:43 AM »
TM, a theory is a persons opinion without the facts. This operation is no theory. Facts are known, but being blocked by the head of who did it. They just don't want the truth to be known, as it will blow up in their face. Bad timing on their part. As I see it, if they would have come clean when it first started, almost 2 years ago, and Holder whould have thrown himself on the perverbial sword, this would have been a non issue by now. As I see it, they tried to smother the facts, and still are, and election time coming up, it will be a big issue. As Issa push's, as he should, it will hurt them big time. gypsyman
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Offline Nuke41

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2012, 06:16:41 AM »
What is needed on Fast and Furious is total transparency, nothing less should be acceptable given that two federal Law Enforcement Officers were killed by F&F weapons.  The rush at this point to start painting F&F with various conspiracy theories isn’t productive because its conjecture and it runs the risk of making the quest for the truth look like a circus that’s political theater that isn’t supported by mainstream America.  Do what I’ve done, write your representatives and demand that they support the release by DOJ of all F&F documents and that DOJ and ATF officials be called to testify based on the results of those documents.  Continue to press for total transparency on F&F and the truth of the matter will show itself.  The deaths of Officer Terry and Agent Zapata must be explained and those responsible for F&F must be held accountable.

Offline rickt300

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2012, 06:20:32 AM »
I suppose I will have to put my point across differently. I have heard from several news sources over the last year and a half that the guns found at Brian Terry's murder were directly linked to the F&F operation. We were not privy to exactly how the link was established but I would say serial numbers are the easiest way to do this. I would say that finding this weapon or weapons at the scene made them "accounted for". Do you remember the president of Mexico railing against America's "weak" gun laws being responsible for the many guns found at crime scenes up and down our southern border? And then we find out why, our government is supplying them. Odd don't you think? Seems likely that Obama is neck deep in the anti second amendment conspiracy (vast left wing).
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Offline rickt300

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2012, 06:26:00 AM »
What is needed on Fast and Furious is total transparency, nothing less should be acceptable given that two federal Law Enforcement Officers were killed by F&F weapons.  The rush at this point to start painting F&F with various conspiracy theories isn’t productive because its conjecture and it runs the risk of making the quest for the truth look like a circus that’s political theater that isn’t supported by mainstream America.  Do what I’ve done, write your representatives and demand that they support the release by DOJ of all F&F documents and that DOJ and ATF officials be called to testify based on the results of those documents.  Continue to press for total transparency on F&F and the truth of the matter will show itself.  The deaths of Officer Terry and Agent Zapata must be explained and those responsible for F&F must be held accountable.
Seems to me our elected officials, especially the administration cares not who you write to with demands. I imagine there will be a huge upswelling of discontent with the White House over the lack of tranparency in the matters of murder and acts of war.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2012, 09:44:48 AM »
   TM;  Indeed the guns were traced to the F & F fiasco;
    I'll even offer what must be one of your favorite sources;
          Your idea of some far-flung conservative conspiracy is really far out!  Just review history..dictators, most often socialist/communist dictators, as one of their very first moves is to restrict firearms from the people.  Communist dictators are always paranoid when it comes to possible "reactionaries".  THis is one of the worst kept secrets in the what does this tell you about the plans by the "progressives" in this country ? 
  THey don't need the conservatives for this plan, nor would they share power with such a group..could they drum them up from somewhere..and conservatives KNOW IT !
  As soon as they can implement gun control, communist  dictators then establish their own internal armed forces, such as "brownshirts", Gestapo, KGB, China's "cultural revolution" etc.
IG...let me restate my question(s)...this is not to create rancor...I'm just trying to get some facts:
IG,,,can you fill in some facts?  How did it come to be that the gun that killed the agent was found at the scene; and then linked to F&F when the other guns are unaccounted for? I'm just wondering what the details or facts are on this case--I'm not up on them.....
Because your links are counter to the thread's hypothesis, i.e. lamestream media ignoring F&F,,, and you're citing lamestream media links.! But it still doesn't answer some is the gun that killed the agent linked to one of the F&F shipment(s) which are unaccounted for....this is important? Who and how did they do that? Please update me...was it this murder weapon that created the F&F furor in the first place and how did it it get traced to one of the secret shipments?. Do we know this?
Yes well, about your commie disarment world conspiracy theory....I accept that, but not limited to just commies. BTW,,your ABC links and others, are suggesting conspiracies on several levels,,,the F&F program in the first, the concept of screwing around with RTBA, the Obama admin sweeping the whole thing under the rug, and then Dope,Inc. connection and so on. Just because the right accepts and wants action on these matters doesn't mean they are not just means that the facts support the idea that the conspiracies are indeed reality. :D . ;)
Really man is a planning and secretive animal more than half the time at least....Please don't think that persons in high positions think or act like IG or TM7 morally do.
   Those links are not the ONLY ones..just the two I picked to answer you.  I don't know if the guns have been ballistically traced to Brian Terry's death or not..
    But there must be some reason Obama and Holder are hiding documents...
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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2012, 09:51:13 AM »
  How many people actually believe Fast & Furious was somehow "racist"  ?
    Does everyone on the far left have a prescription to "Pelosi's little stupid pills" ?  ;)   ;D   ;D
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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2012, 10:22:02 AM »
  How many people actually believe Fast & Furious was somehow "racist"  ?
    Does everyone on the far left have a prescription to "Pelosi's little stupid pills" ?  ;)   ;D   ;D

well....I MIGHT be able to believe it if I can get my tinfoil hat folded just like the socialistdemolibs fold theirs!
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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2012, 12:44:04 PM »
Seems likely that Obama is neck deep in the anti second amendment conspiracy (vast left wing).

When you write your Congressman leave that out.  Compare these 2 statements:
1. Congressman XXXXXX, I seek your immediate and unequivocal support in determining the facts surrounding ATF’s Operation “Fast and Furious”.  Operation Fast and Furious resulted in the senseless deaths of two honorable Federal Law Enforcement Officers and a full accounting must be made by those responsible.
2. Congressman XXXXXX, I seek your immediate and unequivocal support in determining the facts surrounding ATF’s Operation “Fast and Furious”.  Operation Fast and Furious is an anti-second amendment conspiracy (vast left wing) and the Obama administration must be made accountable.
The first statement will be taken seriously and cannot be argued.  Now write your Congressman if you’re serious about wanting something done.

Offline rickt300

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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2012, 05:14:33 PM »
Having lost much confidence and respect for most congressmen, considering their only concern is getting re elected. I personally feel my government is broken, especially when my chief executive panders in a racial manner using lax immigration law enforcement as bait. I am getting more certain that this is going to end badly. As I live in Texas you can bet my congressmen are already "on it".
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Re: Lamestream Media Ignoring Fast & Furious
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2012, 10:59:36 PM »
  Remember this ?  "The most transparent, most ethical administration in the history".. ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D
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