Author Topic: I'm drinkin  (Read 1371 times)

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Offline williamlayton

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I'm drinkin
« on: February 04, 2004, 12:26:34 AM »
I'm drinkin boys, ya'll can join me ifin ya want, I doan care. I'll buy but ya got to listen too me cry. One of you boys will probable be able to write a song bout it. I got a title for it, " Advice from your pards will cause a river of tears from only two eyes".

Offline Capt Hamp Cox

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I'm drinkin
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2004, 03:17:09 AM »
You can cry in your lemonade all you want, jus don't cry in mine.
Careful is a naked man climbin' a bobwire fence.  

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2004, 06:53:14 AM »
whats tha matter-doan like your lemonade watered down?
Good to hear from your sorry ol self. Tha boys tell me ya been keepin off tha highways. They like it that way--lets em eat their do-nuts in peace.

Offline Holiday

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« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2004, 05:24:52 AM »
Well, if yer drinkin' I guess I 'm a buyin'! Ya need ta talk, I'm back in town, William.
Holiday Hayes
Darksider, Gunfighter
"Just a simple Cowboy, tryin' ta git along"

Offline Capt Hamp Cox

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« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2004, 07:46:26 AM »
Holiday, now you gone and done it.  I thought you had more sense than to buy old williamlayton a drink,AND tellin' him "ya need ta talk", AND not placin' any time restricitons on him.  He'll be talkin til July now, and those of us with our valuable hard-earned wisdom and keen humor to share won't have a chance.  Best we kin hope for is he'll break one of those two fingers he types with, and it'll take him twicest as long to get it on the telegraph wire.  Hope yur satisfied.
Careful is a naked man climbin' a bobwire fence.  

Offline Holiday

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« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2004, 09:45:24 AM »
Don't worry, Hamp. I know how to use the "DELETE" key over in the corner.  :-D
Holiday Hayes
Darksider, Gunfighter
"Just a simple Cowboy, tryin' ta git along"

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2004, 12:46:20 PM »
Boys ya ripped the heart right outta ma chest, crushed, i'm tellin tha truth.
This here is a small town, when a pards down who can he go to. I was hopin ya'll would have a little more sympathy, I shoulda known, It is ever man for hisownself aint it.
Dang it all I shoulda told the troopers where ya was Hamp, but no, I went an lied fer ya.
Holiday, doan go thinkin I didn't hear what ya said. Of all tha nerve. I'm dyin here an all you boys can do is think bout yourownselves.
Crushed, cut to tha quick, betrayed.
Well i'm gonna do what the Lord said to do to my enemies, pray fer em, do fer em as you would have them do fer you.
Barkeep!! Set em up fer tha boys, you know--my FRIENDS IN TIME OF NEED. Jest doan bring em tha good stuff.
BTW- I doan type with two fingers. Jest one, I keep the other in reserve.

Now to tha cryin!

Boys that dang shed is causin me pain an turmoil. It aint square, it aint level, it aint plumb. I'm fixin it up real purty though. I know how to cover them gaps an i'm gonna get real good with trim fore it's over.
A miracle happened today. I tied all them loose wires tagether, turned on them breakers. Nothin blew up, burned down, or shocked me. It's a miracle i'm tellin ya. See, tha Lord is on my side. Aint nothin I can't handle with him by me.

Offline Capt Hamp Cox

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« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2004, 08:30:05 AM »
What a bunch of malarky.  Now old williamlayton's gonna want us to believe that he not only has a square and level, but that he knows how to use them.    I could have sworn he wasn't licensed to operate anything more sophisticated than a wheelbarrow.
Careful is a naked man climbin' a bobwire fence.  

Offline Holiday

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« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2004, 01:23:37 PM »
Before we get carried away, I want ta know about the Troopers. Come on, William, spill it. WHY were they lookin' fer Hamp? And is there a reward?  :D
Holiday Hayes
Darksider, Gunfighter
"Just a simple Cowboy, tryin' ta git along"

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2004, 02:48:26 PM »
well,er now ya know I'm real against gossipin. Yessir I jest doan do it, but, I will tell ya my part in this thang an I don't consider it gossip.
Seems like a pard, ya know, one of them boys what is from tha country an must be forgiven cause thay jest doan git out much, specially to tha cities, like us uptown boys do.
Well when comin ta town he kinda gits lost on the freeway, bless his ol black heart. It aint like tha country, but, he stops on tha freeway ta ask directions. Caused some amount of commotion amongst tha populate. Backed up traffic on IH10 clear to 290.
Now fore tha local boys could work their way thru tha jamb to tha scene he moves on, not noticing what all was goin on hind him. He gits off'n tha fwy an is on tha streets now. I know what a red lite is fer, an i'm sure that since your a savvy individual you, also know how to navigate thru em. Well this here boy is lookin fer a street name. I gotta digress here to splain sumthin. When he was stopped askin directions a feller told him to go to H***, M************. Said he was lookin fer them steets when he noticed a light. It was red and not blinkin. Said he was surely confused bout that. Then he saw this woman crossing in front of him. Didn't know quite how to take that, it was plain as tha nose on yer face he was comin down tha road. Anywho he said he hit tha breaks an skidded thru tha intersection of walk and doan walk. Missed tha woman, by god, an he was right proud of his drivin skills. Said he learned those manuvers back in 19and51 in Korea.
He was gone by tha time tha boys got there, Tha woman has been under nerve treatments since. I hear she's doin better. Tha boys knew who thay was lookin fer but couldn't located him. This boy left town tha next day without a clue.
Them boys called me downtown cause they had a tip I knew tha scoundrel. Holiday, I lied fer tha boy, said I didn't know him or where to find him. Them boys kept me downtown 3 or 4 hours. Used all tha tricks, ya know good cop, bad cop. All them tricks. I denied and demanded to see tha evidence so they had to let me go.
Now if'n this wasn't bad nuff, guess tha boy is jest slow, he takes off fer San Antione tha next week. My lord Holiday, Tha scene was worse than Houston, what with all them crooked, dead end streets that town has got. He had them Spainards speakin pretty good English inside an hour.
Lordy, how he made it out is still a mystery. I got a call bout 8PM that night-seems them boys doan know when I go to bed. Said tha boy fit tha description of tha guy what disrupted Houston an they was convienced i knowed him. Didn't get to sleep till 11PM, but they hadn't called collect so I was happy bout that.
Holiday, OH MY LORD, Holiday. Tha next week he takes off fer ol El Paso.
Holiday, thay was callin me. Had set up a task force lookin fer him. Talk was that homeland security was thinkin bout gettin involved. Almost had him tirangulated but they aint many maps fer tha part of tha country he is from. I saved his butter agin. I aint lied so much since ma wife found lipstick on my collar.
Thats tha short version of tha happenins. When ya got time I'll give ya tha details.

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2004, 02:57:19 PM »
I got friens what have a square and they tole me bout it. As fer tha wheelbarrow, well, er it is my wifes name.
Holiday-can't speak bout tha REward. $50 is a lot of money and i'm still considering it.

Offline Capt Hamp Cox

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« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2004, 03:53:29 PM »
Thank goodness he only had two fingers workin' on that long one.
Careful is a naked man climbin' a bobwire fence.  

Offline Holiday

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« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2004, 08:20:18 AM »
William, just pray he never goes to Atlanta!! :eek:  Then again, it would be something to see! :)  :-D
Holiday Hayes
Darksider, Gunfighter
"Just a simple Cowboy, tryin' ta git along"

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2004, 11:43:57 AM »
Holiday--Ya doan even want to be involved. What I doan unnnerstand is how did they think I knew anything about that feller. Which by the way, I been meanin ta ask you bout anyway. How did they get my name Holiday?

Offline Holiday

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« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2004, 02:33:36 PM »
Well, now, I'm not one ta be talkin' and a spillin' the beans.  Yep, I always keep my mouth shut. I'm a rock, I will not reveal a thing. Then again, $50 bucks is a lot of dough!! :D  :twisted:
Holiday Hayes
Darksider, Gunfighter
"Just a simple Cowboy, tryin' ta git along"

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2004, 03:33:19 PM »
I have refreined so fer.