hey swampy ? let me ask ya something, but ill preface it first..
you've said here and in other post, that Bigfeet are spirits or more less, i can wont quote you unless you prefer i do, but you claim them to be other dimensional just the same.. true.. sans quote ?
now, all other paranormal researchers i.e. the ghost and UFO hunter types.. all i say again all ( per their shows, websites, and lectures ) use cameras, webcams, video cams, that see in differing range of light, you get the idea there to capture things the human eye cant see... they claim the camera is more sensitive then the human eye, so they use them to catch ghosts, shadow men, and whatnot creatures out of our spectrum...
so, that dont really fit now does it ? your claims that 'we' can see BF's but they trail cams cant ?
i do know what your answer , or lack thereof will be but go ahead and answer ..
how can they say the cameras work better then the human eye but , you say they dont ?
how can the cameras work for the ghosts and spirits , but not work for the bigfoot spirits ?