Author Topic: Armageddon.......  (Read 595 times)

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Offline twoshooter

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« on: July 02, 2012, 01:18:53 PM »
After watching Fox, MSNBC, CNN, reading posts here, at Huff Post, and a couple of other places, I have come to the realization and conclusion that we are all DOOMED. My father who lived through the depression and fought in WWII for 2 years was always concerned about another depression, water shortage, nuclear war, etc etc, so I guess that I naturally did also. I have now for over 50 years. It seems that ever since the first presidential election I was really cognizant of , Johnson - Goldwater in 1964, that every single one has been the most critical, the most important of my lifetime. Is that not really amazing ? That not ONE was less critical ? That maybe Clinton V Dole was not really as critical as Reagan v Carter ? If McCain V Obama was THE most important of all those 50 years, why am I not naked and in a cave somewhere eating tofu ? And THIS election is even more critical!! Either the asteroid is actually going to strike on December 21st and the polar shifts will reverse gravity and throw us all into deep space thereby making all this moot............or, if Obama wins we will all become socialist zombies eating the offspring of wealthy Wall Street executives that received bonus', or....... if Romney wins we will implement the Soylent Green solution and throw all the old people out of nursing homes and when they die recycle their protein into McAARP burgers to use in place of food stamps. The horror....the horror......
Damn, panic just aint what it used to be.............
1000 years ago Men KNEW the Earth was the center of the Universe.....500 years ago Men KNEW the world was flat....... 15 minutes ago you KNEW man was alone in the universe.... Just IMAGINE what we will know tomorrow !! "K"- from Men in Black.

Offline Three44s

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Re: Armageddon.......
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2012, 02:49:12 PM »
Do you think he's done OK so far???


I'd offer a different title to the thread:


Just because the lame stream media does not report on these and many other "hits" does not mean they neither happened or were unimportant:



Government Motors

Vast runs of money without backing (printing money out of thin air)

Nearly a Trillion dollars of stimulus to his political operatives and few others

Doubling the National Debt in less than one term

Unaffordable Health Care Act (O'bummer Care)

Keystone Pipeline

Blabber Gate (Deliberately leaking current National Security secrets to bolster his "tough guy" image)

After all of that, if he's still your "one" ...... then dwell on this:

Do you ever wonder what the "one" and Warren Buffet have "going on"?

Well it's this:

While #1 was chosing companies to bail out, Warren Buffet was right there advising which ones.  Then he was leaving the WH and buying those very same stocks and assets BEFORE the run up on their stock prices would be realized.

Now you don't suppose that Buffet as a trade off sits in the cat bird seat and let's 'ole ONE use him as a poster child for more taxes for the "rich"?

Now, another "bud" of O'bumer:  George Soros

He's got a bunch of Petras stock ........... Brazilian oil ..........

One year ago and some change, Mr. O'bumer went down to Brazil and LOANED them money (borrow it from China and then loan it to Brazil!) and then when it was "clutch time" ........ guess what?  O'bumer stops Keystone!

Can't let that "dirty old" Canadian oil across the border because Soros won't make as much off his PETRAS stock!!

I don't think that Romney is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Especially with respect to gun rights!  But he's light years better than the "Hope and Change" artist!

Either way we are headed for a Civil War in this country.  The farther the "bus" is pushed off the cliff (four more years of O'bumer) vs. reversing the current trends NOW will determine how dangerous our future lives will become.

Three 44s

Offline powderman

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Re: Armageddon.......
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2012, 03:04:11 PM »
Do you think he's done OK so far???


I'd offer a different title to the thread:


Just because the lame stream media does not report on these and many other "hits" does not mean they neither happened or were unimportant:



Government Motors

Vast runs of money without backing (printing money out of thin air)

Nearly a Trillion dollars of stimulus to his political operatives and few others

Doubling the National Debt in less than one term

Unaffordable Health Care Act (O'bummer Care)

Keystone Pipeline

Blabber Gate (Deliberately leaking current National Security secrets to bolster his "tough guy" image)

After all of that, if he's still your "one" ...... then dwell on this:

Do you ever wonder what the "one" and Warren Buffet have "going on"?

Well it's this:

While #1 was chosing companies to bail out, Warren Buffet was right there advising which ones.  Then he was leaving the WH and buying those very same stocks and assets BEFORE the run up on their stock prices would be realized.

Now you don't suppose that Buffet as a trade off sits in the cat bird seat and let's 'ole ONE use him as a poster child for more taxes for the "rich"?

Now, another "bud" of O'bumer:  George Soros

He's got a bunch of Petras stock ........... Brazilian oil ..........

One year ago and some change, Mr. O'bumer went down to Brazil and LOANED them money (borrow it from China and then loan it to Brazil!) and then when it was "clutch time" ........ guess what?  O'bumer stops Keystone!

Can't let that "dirty old" Canadian oil across the border because Soros won't make as much off his PETRAS stock!!

I don't think that Romney is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Especially with respect to gun rights!  But he's light years better than the "Hope and Change" artist!

Either way we are headed for a Civil War in this country.  The farther the "bus" is pushed off the cliff (four more years of O'bumer) vs. reversing the current trends NOW will determine how dangerous our future lives will become.

Three 44s

Good post Sir. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline twoshooter

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Re: Armageddon.......
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2012, 04:48:31 PM »
Did not vote for him, but have no personal knowledge of anything that strikes terror into my heart. When the gun control act of '68 was signed, that was pretty dicey. When Newark and LA and Detroit had hundred of square blocks on fire, that was cause of some concern. When the year I entered college they shot those students at Kent state that made me raise an eyebrow.  We had wage and price controls, gas rationing, and went off the gold standard.
    People have always played politics, had cronies, shady deals. I have heard people scream national debt for decades. There WILL NOT be civil war, insurrection, uprising, or economic collapse, outside someones auto-erotic nightmare. If you are an average American, the change of parties is like being in Afghanistan for the last 30 or so years- You were doing your best to make a living and this bunch of guys came in and blew up and tore down things and left everything in a mess. You kept your head down, got in a few good licks where you could. Finally they ran out of money, got tired, and went home.
The place was really screwed up, you were doing your best to make a living, a bunch of guys came in and blew up and tore down things and left a mess. You kept your head down , got in a few good licks where you could. Finally they ran out of money, got tired and went home. (or are going)
     Next year, after working somewhere for 44 years, I will retire. I will be worried about REAL issues that have a good statistical probability of occurring. Colon cancer. Wife having cancer return. Heart bypass surgery.  Whether to sell and move into a smaller house, maybe closer to the kids. Getting a smaller, more fuel efficient car. All of these things I must deal with. Only I, CAN deal with them, no one else cares, no one else will. They CAN kill me. They CAN make my life easier or more secure.
     There is not diddly I can do to make a measurable difference in public policy, or political outcomes, that is all paid for by those with money. The real difference in my life will be effected far more by how well my tomatoes do than by who is president next time around. I have heard the hyperbole every year since '64, every time they have sworn this time is different. The pundits and polemics have cried wolf several times too many. Whatever comes, I will deal with it.

1000 years ago Men KNEW the Earth was the center of the Universe.....500 years ago Men KNEW the world was flat....... 15 minutes ago you KNEW man was alone in the universe.... Just IMAGINE what we will know tomorrow !! "K"- from Men in Black.

Offline DDZ

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Re: Armageddon.......
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2012, 10:31:25 PM »
After watching Fox, MSNBC, CNN, reading posts here, at Huff Post, and a couple of other places, I have come to the realization and conclusion that we are all DOOMED. My father who lived through the depression and fought in WWII for 2 years was always concerned about another depression, water shortage, nuclear war, etc etc, so I guess that I naturally did also. I have now for over 50 years. It seems that ever since the first presidential election I was really cognizant of , Johnson - Goldwater in 1964, that every single one has been the most critical, the most important of my lifetime. Is that not really amazing ? That not ONE was less critical ? That maybe Clinton V Dole was not really as critical as Reagan v Carter ? If McCain V Obama was THE most important of all those 50 years, why am I not naked and in a cave somewhere eating tofu ? And THIS election is even more critical!! Either the asteroid is actually going to strike on December 21st and the polar shifts will reverse gravity and throw us all into deep space thereby making all this moot............or, if Obama wins we will all become socialist zombies eating the offspring of wealthy Wall Street executives that received bonus', or....... if Romney wins we will implement the Soylent Green solution and throw all the old people out of nursing homes and when they die recycle their protein into McAARP burgers to use in place of food stamps. The horror....the horror......
Damn, panic just aint what it used to be.............

Our Republic is gone, we lose more and more of our liberty every day, we have a tyrannical government. So what shall we do? Lets just all close our eyes, and pretend everything is fine. 
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline gypsyman

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Re: Armageddon.......
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2012, 01:02:45 AM »
What I think your going to see in the coming year or 2,(no matter who gets elected), serious inflation. Food price's climbing even higher. The flash mob groups, will figure out that if they organize into even bigger groups, running into convience store's and stealing soda pop and candy bars, were just practice runs. More business' fail, as even the people that are working, are tighteneing their belts even more, spending less. We are in a downward spiral now, govt robbing from Peter to pay Paul. To some it will be Armageddon, to others, Genesis. gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline Three44s

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Re: Armageddon.......
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2012, 08:00:04 AM »
" Did not vote for him, but have no personal knowledge of anything that strikes terror into my heart. When the gun control act of '68 was signed, that was pretty dicey. .................... "

Nothing matters?

Was not Reagan a change from the rubber backed former occupant of the WH called Carter?

If the "Road to Greece" suits you ........ please stop the bus so I can get off!

IF the .68 GCA gave you pause, where have you been during the heated exchanges over Fast and Furious?

Do you think that F&F is just twiddly winks?

Three 44s