Doctors go to school and intern for 10-12 years. Most with no or limited income. Even if they had a scholorship for school, most had to take out student loans to pay for living expenses during that time. So they don't start practice until they are around 30 and have a mountain of student debt, like maybe $100-200 thousand for student loans. They get about $75 per patient visit. So they visit 10 patients an hour. That is $750. That MIGHT be $30,000 a week. say for about 40 weeks out of a year. That is $1,200,000 a year. Now, they have to have a receptionist ($30,000 a year with matching social security and their own insurance). A nurse ($75,000 a year with ss and benefits). Power bills could run $500 a month ($6,000 a year). Rent on office space ($20,000) a year. Payments on medical equipment (who knows what this is) (say $20,000 a year. Malpractice insurance ($30,000 a year. Student loan payment $20,000 a year. After all this he might make a million. However, he will not see 10 patients an hour, 5-6 will probably be the limit as he has to make hospital visits to patients in the hospital. So he might not make but $600,000 a year. After all the above expenses, he might clear $400,000. Taxes and self employed social security will be about $150,000. So he makes $250,000 a year. He is providing at least 2 jobs directly, and maybe 1-2 more if a hospital is involved. Now he might be a millionare if he saves some of the $250,000, after he buys a house, car, etc. He might save $50,000 a year out of the $250,000 so it would take him 20 years to have a million saved, maybe less if he invests wisely. Don't give me the crap that ALL doctors are millionares. It takes a lot of hard work and a large enough patient base to acquire that.
This class warefare stuff is nothing but socialist propaganda. Anyone once could become a millionare in America with hard work, dicipline, savings, etc.
Even if you got paid minimum wage and saved 10% for about 30 years at minimum wage, you could be a millionare. A single person doing this might not be able to, but a married couple saving 10% both working could retire as millionares. Problem is with young people today, no dicipline. They want instant gratification.
Also read some interesting statistics several years back. About 75% of people in hospitals before old age, have problems associated with their lifestyles; cancer due to smoking, obesity causing heart disease, strokes, and diabetes, drug use, unprotected sex, alcohol abuse, etc. Most of this if people took care of themselves, would bring health care costs down. People do not take walks, or do outside activities, even kids don't play outside like they once did. TV and video games have made couch potatoes out of people, or excessive partying, drinking, sex and drugs.
Now if they put a TV tax after say 3 hours a day or 20 hours a week (that is being liberal with the time), video game tax, legalise and tax drugs, increase alcohol tax, tax snack food and soft drinks, maybe the could raise enough money to help cover some health care costs.