It took me about a month to get through 70 percent of it, readding it in my spare time...then spent several more weeks trying to get the rest of it done. Still not done...but for the most part, I can talk about it...Needles should not be saying anything about it until he takes the time to read it. It funnels money we don't have almost every bad place you can think of, bass akwards legislation, if you own a business it will hurt you, if you are a citizen with a job it will hurt you, if you are an insurance company it will hurt you...everyone gets hurt. Now there have been a couple of democrats who finally took some time to skim though some of it, they say it needs to be rewritten..LOL!!
Bottom line is there are many people, including the people in congress and our president who have not read any of it...which I expect, but to listen to people who have not read it like Needles and tell us what is is about or whats in it is way less than honest.
If Needles read would not hear another word about the health care plan from him, he would be embarrassed such a thing passed congress in the first place. Not to mention what he already posted. Add to that many places have already signed waivers to not do it, and these places were represented by dems in congress who suppported it, but never read a thing. And..I'll probably never read legislation like that again...its not only a major pain, it makes you very mad to see whats in it, and whats tacked on it. Very LITTLE of this legislation has anything to do with health care at all.....most of it is growing government employees by leaps and bounds, not to mention thousands of IRS's all government growth and power, and a take over of health care. Which means it's already bankrupt, cause everything the government takes over is bankrupt...just another FACT I thought I'd throw in there.
Remember...the dems in Congress had to bribe each other with our tax dollars to get yes votes....they didn't like it either, but got money sent to their broken states to vote yes. The dems could not get enough yes votes without being bribed to sign it. Which makes it illegal far as I'm concerned. All criminals...all of them.
Must be millions of people out there that think they know whats in it...without reading a bit of it.
Your money will go to government employees and a much bigger government...nothing to do with actual health care. It's a money pit already and most of it has not kicked in just yet....but what has kicked in...raised the insurance rates already. It will do the opposite of what government says it will.