Author Topic: new to casting?  (Read 503 times)

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Offline wileynet

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new to casting?
« on: July 18, 2012, 08:24:41 AM »
had a neighbor give me a lee pot(looks new) and a lubrisizer .311, i already shoot cast in my 38/357,45lc, 45acp, 45/70, 308 would like to cast for 303 british what other equipment do i need, have a ready supply of wheel weights, mold recommendations
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Offline Nobade

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Re: new to casting?
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2012, 12:53:08 PM »
The first thing to do is make a cerrosafe cast or impact impression of the throat of that rifle to see what size bullet it's going to need. Everything else depends on that. 
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Offline hornady

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Re: new to casting?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2012, 05:15:36 AM »
I would strongly suggest you get the Lyman cast bullet manual. Full of loads and good information, You do not need to buy Lyman equipment, but the manual will get you started in the right direction. One thing I will tell you about the Lee pot. If it is one of the bottom pure models, don’t melt the scrap lead in it, Find a cast iron pot and a significant heat source to melt clean and pour the lead into clean ingots for your Lee pot, I used Lee pots for years. But for the cheap price of them they have problems. And the only real solution is the RCBS pro-melt, which I now own. As you can tell I don’t like Lee, Their molds do drop nice bullets, but there again I have yet too see a Lee two cavity mold line up without some assistance. I hear the six cavity molds are better. Something else that will help you, Go to yard sales, great place to find cast iron Dutch oven, hot plates, Aluminum muffin pans. I have even scored pewter cheap.