The concept sounds "ok" DD, but "who" does the breaking up? The government? That's the real problem anyway. In my last post I mentioned "farm subsidies". Do you know whom is issuing "farm subsidies" and why?
Monsanto has the Congress, and Senate in their back pockets, and controls everything from wheat, and corn prices, to subsidy amounts for the farmers. I have a brother-in-law that lives like a prince, and draws subsidies for "leased farm land", and his wife (my sister-in-law) is drawing them also, and doesn't even know where the land is. I also know other farmers just here in my home town, that do the same. I have a nephew and niece that work for Monsanto seed company, and draw outstanding wages as "laborers".
The last thing "in my opinion", is the government to step in AGAIN, and start telling companies what they can, and cannot do. It would be like you and I have separate "shoe shine stands" and us merging, throwing all of our resources together, and buying up the other shoe shine stands, then the government telling us we were too big.
When my youngest son was still in high school, he was living with his very liberal mother, and got hooked up with Amnesty International. He was at my house one day, and said: I think the government should take all the wealth and divide it up amongst the people.
I replied: In other words, in theory take up all the money, and give everyone $10,000.00? He said: Yes! I replied: But son, I have $40,000.00. You think it's alright to take my $30,000.00 and give it to total strangers, that didn't work for it? Nuff said, he saw the light.
You open up drilling in this country, and someone is going to take advantage of it. Pass laws on EXPORT, and the problem will take care of itself.JMO