First of all a good read is "More Guns Less Crime" & boy do I wish someone was there with a good handgun & the practice sufficient for a good headshot.
More than that, like Lakiota said, the 2nd Amendment is NOT about hunting. The Gov. or you have no business in deciding for me what weapons I choose to defend the family against 1 or multiple foes. "Handirifle" my As##!
BTW, I wonder how many people walking in single file could be killed with 1 heavy cast 45/70 bullet from a single shot, not counting the other bullets between your fingers?
What did the gun laws do to stop the big shooting in Sweden, 80 or so killed I think. Or in Toronto recently with their Mall shooting & I understand alot of other shooting lately in that tightly "controlled" city. And man, isn't Chicago a safe city these days?
All those who actually study this issue instead of bleeding heart Liiberal kneejerk reactions know that Gun Control doesn't work.
We have a morality problem. You cannot take God out of schools & homes, teach kids basically nothing and expect nothing to go wrong. Without a respect for life, a way can always be found to kill. As Longtom said, the punishment must match the crime which will help, but the real change would have to come from a moral change.