A little over a year ago, I took the wife and went back to Sandpoint, Idaho for a long weekend. We lived there for 6 years before I ran out of work and ended up back in Wyoming for, hopefully, my last stint at gainful employment. We shall see. Anyway, we stayed with friends in Naples, Id who own a fair amount of acreage and a bunch of 4-wheelers. I've used them in my work, off and on over the years, but wifey had never been on one. We had discussed having one several years ago and she stated, " get a two-seater so I can just look around and won't have to drive". Fast forward to our weekend at my friend's place. They got the 4-wheelers out and we took 4 of them for a little trail ride through the woods and out in the fields around his place. 15 months later, she declared, "think I'd rather have a couple 4-wheelers than a Jeep Wrangler." I said you used to want a two-seater. She said, "I want to drive my own".
So there ya have it. In the next couple months I will be shopping in earnest for a pair of 4-wheelers as in his and hers. Of course, hunting season is right around the corner..I expect we will search used machines for economics, but maybe need to get new for warranty.
What say you veterans of the ATVs?
NRA Life