A poster child for capitol punishment. I have long been a proponent of swift capital punishment under two conditions. First, the crimes must be heinous, deliberate actions that maim or kill innocent people. Second, the defendant must be guilty beyond any doubt.
The reason I feel so strongly about this is I believe there are crimes so evil, that perpetrators of such crimes unconditionally forfeit their right to live amongst us. Their life has no value to mankind. As a society we should have no burden to house them, feed them, and provide excellent medical care for fifty years. And capital punishment, in my mind, isn't to punish them. It is to exterminate them.
The murderer in that Colorado theater is a poster child for what I propose. He is guilty beyond any doubt, his actions were purely evil and irreversible, and as a result he has forfeited any right to an attempt at rehabilitation. He should be tried this week and executed before the weekend. No endless appeals. No legal loopholes. Just gone.
Of course that isn't that way it will work. We will spend millions for his trial. The families of his victims will relive his terror over and over. He will be convicted but his appeals will last for years.
I know how the system works. I just like my idea better.
What do you think? Call and let us know.
I'm Bill Lamb…and that's my Point of View.