Author Topic: Free Speech: White Christians Need Not Apply  (Read 574 times)

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Offline lgm270

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Free Speech: White Christians Need Not Apply
« on: July 27, 2012, 04:45:25 AM »
By now everyone has heard of the Chick Fil A CEO, a decent Christian man who publicly proclaimed his belief in traditional marriage between one man and one woman.   

The liberal mayors of Boston and Chicago have openly stated their intentions to punish Chick Fil A by denying it the right to do business in their cities!!!!

This is astounding!    This is a complete violation of the Constitution and all of the Civil Rights Laws passed  during the last half century.   They have a right not to eat Chick Fil A's food, but not to use government power to punish any one because of their privately or publicly proclaimed religious or political beliefs.  To do so is a per se violation of the Constitution.

These liberal government officials   have openly declared  that their cities are off limits to white Christians who publicly affirm traditional values.    When southern business owners  proclaimed their lunch counters, their schools and their neighborhoods  off limits to Negros, the US Army was deployed against them and southern cities were occupied under orders of the powers in Washington DC. The Federal judiciary was mobilized to implement "reforms" that would never have been approved by voters.   


Well, there are none and never will be any, except to come and kill us if we ever get the guts to resist our own dispossession and extermination. .

I have a dream:  I have a dream that one day white people will not be smeared as "racists" for exercising the same 1st Amendment rights as  blacks, Mexican illegal aliens and sodomites!   

Offline yellowtail3

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Re: Free Speech: White Christians Need Not Apply
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2012, 01:48:08 PM »
I read the OT - including the cutesy bit about them uppity negros - and didn't see any account where anyone declared that White Christians are to be denied freedom of speech. A link, please?

Sounds like the paranoid rantings of a leftover segregationist... won't speculate if Christian belongs anywhere in there.

I had Indian food tonight - now THAT was good!
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline lgm270

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Re: Free Speech: White Christians Need Not Apply
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2012, 04:33:05 AM »
A  Non-white Chicago  alderman, the  Jew mayor of Chicago and the  Mayor of Boston have all declared their intention to deny Chick Fil A the right to open businesses in those cities because of the  public statements of the privately held religious beliefs of the CEO regarding marriage.  The  Chicago Negro  alderman and the mayor of Boston specifically said they would oppose the issuance of any business licenses or permits to Chick Fil A because the CEO opposes sodomite marriage.

This is a complete violation of the constitution. Under the first amendment, private citizens cannot be punished by the government (i.e. denied the equal opportunity to do business) because the government does not agree with their religious or political views. 

This is  a total violation of the Constitution.  Liberal Democrats no more have the power to "ban" Christians from their cities than Republican mayors have the right to ban Muslims or Blacks, or Protestants have the right to ban Catholics.  The actions to "ban" Chick Fil A are no different than if a bunch of  Christians tried to "ban" Bill Clinton  from their town because   Clinton did not share their values.   

These stories have been widely reported all over the place in the media.    Here is a link:

As for being a segregationist....the biggest segregationists are Negros,  Hispanics and Jews.  Negroes and Hispanics use the Voting Rights Act to obtain their own racially segregated voting districts designed to concentrate "minority" votes in a specific area in order to elect "minority"  representatives like Maxine Waters.   Blacks and Hispanics are the greatest advocates of racial separatism when it serves their own racial interests.   The Jews have their own racially separate country,....the Jewish State of Israel that exists largely because millions of white Christian (i.e. Goyim) tax payers are ripped off to fund Israel. 

News reports have described Israeli riots against Blacks in that country because some Black raped a Jewish women.  Israelis are openly rioting against Blacks and preparing to deport them from Israel.  It's OK for Jews to protect Jewish women, but whites had better shut the hell up when Blacks rape 30,000 white women each year in the US (According to FBI).  Notice there is no protest about the "racist" treatment of Blacks by Jews in Israel?  Jews jealously guard their country and their people.  Only whites are denied these rights.

Here in California the browns have filed a new lawsuit seeking the rig the city council elections in the City of Anaheim (home of Disneyland) and re-draw the districts to guarantee the election of one or more of their own kind.   This is only the most recent in many of these lawsuits being filed for the express  purpose of achieving racially segregated elections, rigged so that one race wins.
When whites separate and   organize together it's racism. But when Negros, Hispanics and Jews  separate to organize  themselves it's "equality."

If you cannot understand the facts and the issues here, you're beyond hopeless.

Offline scotsman

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Re: Free Speech: White Christians Need Not Apply
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2012, 07:10:50 AM »
I am white and have been for all of my almost 55 years. I don't feel persecuted or in any way denied equal protection under the law. Guess you can count me among the beyond hopeless.

Offline Wyo. Coyote Hunter

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Re: Free Speech: White Christians Need Not Apply
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2012, 09:45:40 AM »
lgm270, It is easy to see why as a group whites are being walked all over by other races...people are either to scared or unconcerned to see the hand writing on the step granddaughter was denied admission to college in the area of her choice because she was white..she had the grades, etc..but lesser qualified folks were left in to the field because of their race...what a crock...they have had almost 50 years of civil is time to make it on their own or shut up...

Offline nomosendero

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Re: Free Speech: White Christians Need Not Apply
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2012, 10:48:17 AM »
lgm270, It is easy to see why as a group whites are being walked all over by other races...people are either to scared or unconcerned to see the hand writing on the step granddaughter was denied admission to college in the area of her choice because she was white..she had the grades, etc..but lesser qualified folks were left in to the field because of their race...what a crock...they have had almost 50 years of civil is time to make it on their own or shut up...

I would agree but havn't you heard that people don't make it on there own? ;D
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

Offline m-g Willy

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Re: Free Speech: White Christians Need Not Apply
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2012, 11:25:04 AM »
Quotas , affirmative action are just two that come to mind when talking about the PRIVLEDGED non whites.

Offline powderman

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Re: Free Speech: White Christians Need Not Apply
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2012, 03:09:27 PM »
Quotas , affirmative action are just two that come to mind when talking about the PRIVLEDGED non whites.

YEP. Many years ago they had a sgts exam for blacks only in the Lou city police force. They all flunked but made the highest scoring flunker a sgt. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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