India has about 7 major languages, so being a former Brittish colony, English is the "official" language since the international airline language, international business language, international scientific language, and international internet language is English. So to graduate from high school or college in India, one must learn English. That is why we outsource call centers to India. They have a large educated poplulation now and it gives them good paying jobs for their country. India is also not an enemy of ours since their major religion is Hindu and they can't stand Muslims. They are the largest democracy in the world population wise. Some analysts think India will pass China in economic production in 40-50 years IF China does't get rid of their one party (communist) rule. The reason is India has more freedoms. India by allowing capitalism instead of socialism since the 1990's now has the ability to feed itself, grow and prosper. Young couples are limiting their numbers of children so their population is begining to stabilise.