Fellars: I don't understand what the hub-bub is about. You forget one thing I was member # 174 over there, long befor BM or one of his many guises was. I don't remember him using foul language, what I heard was him asking how many cases of beer do you take when you go shooting?
Or bragging about blasting turkeys cutting off the beards and throwing them in the creek. Hunting over a salt block, blasting squirrels with a 06, what's funny about randomly firing a highpowered rifle into the air?
? My only weapon was to follow him and post the troll paper on him till he finally turned and attacked me on the board and thru PM. It must have had some effect or he was running out of e-mail addresses to dummy up to re-register, the last month or so he had settled?? down somewhat. Was he the cause of the shut down, don't know, doubt if he helped things, wouldn't be surprise that he's not somewhere bragging that he was. Now GB has welcome us here and anyone has the keyhonees to question his banning of a single person. Everyone likes to throw free speech into the mix, ignoring the responsibility that goes with it. If BM were to walk into any gunshop and start talking his trash, at best most would ask him to leave, maybe under arrest bragging about poaching, or maybe get his nose really outta joint, because it's broken. To me it is honestly a dead subject and a waste of space. He made his own decisions and must live with them. There's enough old members out here, to be found and information to be be retrieved, rather than worry about BM. <>< :grin: Duce: