Found a mag mount antenna, stuck it in the middle of the old car roof, not worried (or should I be?) about the length 'cause Im just listening. plopped a CB on the passenger seat and plugged into the cig-lighter. Volume about 2/3s, squelch to just below (above?) static. Once in while something comes on but I cant make out the words, diddle with the volume to make sure below speaker distortion, same result. Maybe Im not built for this kinda stuff?
BTW, home is about 5mi.crow from the Interstate, so there should be chatter on 19, right? 9 was quiet last night except for what sounded like a Hispanic Cowboy making conversation for boredom.
Should I be letting it idle as said above with the squelch up to keep it quiet until a trans is picked up?
Is the magnet making a grd plane through the roof paint OK?
Am I on the right track?
Im thinkin' Im about 20+yrs too late late for this.......