The Bain people aren't indicted YET. (Wait until the LIBOR investigation is completed!) And our President has his own bevy of unsubstantiated charges against him.
That's pathetic. Everyone knows Guetner has been implicated in the LIBOR scandal and he works for obama. Not to mention the guy is a tax evader, for obama.
Just goes to show everyone what the obama lovers will say and do. As soon as obama or one of his criminal cronies is caught up in a scandal, they try and throw out the smoke screens to try and divert your attention away from his horrible failing policies and criminal enterprise. Nothing more than Chicago criminal thugs in that administration.
$16 Trillion in debt and growing, 8.3% unemployment, 23 million out of work, $1T annual debt, rising health care costs because of obamacare, crony corp bailouts, Union pay offs, and it just keeps getting worse. Obama has to change the subject. He has no accomplishments to speak of only the destruction from his criminal administration.