Author Topic: Only a heartbeat away..  (Read 477 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Only a heartbeat away..
« on: August 15, 2012, 01:05:49 AM »
   Mitt Romney has finally selected a vice presidential candidate.  Naturally, the conversation will turn to "he's just a heartbeat away" from the president's chair.  The comparison of Joe Biden to Paul Ryan is sure to start soon...although the Dems if they are wise, won't kickstart the discussion. ;)   ;D
  We have a record of Joe's brilliance...  Just remember...only a heartbeat away..
   "My mother believed and my father believed that if I wanted to be president of the United States, I could be, I could be Vice President!" --Joe Biden, campaigning in Youngstown, Ohio, May 16, 2012

"I promise you, the president has a big stick. I promise you." --Joe Biden, citing Theodore Roosevelt's famous quote, "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." (April 26, 2012)

"This is a big (censored word) deal!" --Joe Biden, caught on an open mic congratulating President Barack Obama during the health care signing ceremony, Washington, D.C., March 23, 2010

"His mom lived in Long Island for ten years or so. God rest her soul. And- although, she's- wait- your mom's still- your mom's still alive. Your dad passed. God bless her soul." --Joe Biden, on the mother of Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen, who is very much alive, Washington, D.C., March 17, 2010

"I wouldn't go anywhere in confined places now. … When one person sneezes it goes all the way through the aircraft. That's me. I would not be, at this point, if they had another way of transportation, suggesting they ride the subway." --Joe Biden, providing handy tips to protect against the swine flu and freaking us out, "Today Show" interview, April 30, 2009

"An hour late, oh give me a f**king break." –Joe Biden, caught on a live mic speaking to a former Senate colleague after arriving on Amtrak at Union Station in Washington, D.C., March 13, 2009 (Watch video clip)

"You know, I'm embarrassed. Do you know the Web site number? I should have it in front of me and I don't. I'm actually embarrassed." –Joe Biden, speaking to an aide standing out of view during an interview on CBS' "Early Show," in the midst of encouraging viewers to visit a government-run Web site that tracks stimulus spending, Feb. 25, 2009

"If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there's still a 30% chance we're going to get it wrong." --Joe Biden, speaking to members of the House Democratic caucus who were gathered in Williamsburg, Va., for their annual retreat, Feb. 6, 2009

"Am I doing this again? For the senior staff? My memory is not as good as Chief Justice Roberts'." --Joe Biden, mocking Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts' botched effort to swear in Barack Obama as Biden was set to swear in White House senior staff one day after the Inauguration snafu, Washington, D.C., Jan. 21, 2009

"Jill and I had the great honor of standing on that stage, looking across at one of the great justices, Justice Stewart." –Joe Biden, mistakenly referring to Justice John Paul Stevens, who swore him in as vice president, Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 2009 (Watch video clip)

"Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number-one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S, jobs." --Joe Biden, Athens, Ohio, Oct. 15, 2008 (Source)

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened." –Joe Biden, apparently unaware that FDR wasn't president when the stock market crashed in 1929 and that only experimental TV sets were in use at that time, interview with Katie Couric, Sept. 22, 2008 (Watch video clip)

"Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see ya." –-Joe Biden, to Missouri state Sen. Chuck Graham, who is in a wheelchair, Columbia, Missouri, Sept. 12, 2008 (Watch video clip)

"Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me." --Joe Biden, speaking at a town hall meeting in Nashua, New Hampshire, Sept. 10, 2008 (Source)

"A man I'm proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next President of the United States — Barack America!" --Joe Biden, at his first campaign rally with Barack Obama after being announced as his running mate, Springfield, Ill., Aug. 23, 2008 (Watch video clip)

"A successful dump!" --Joe Biden, explaining his whereabouts (dropping deadwood at the dump) to the reporters outside his home, Wilmington, Del., Aug. 20, 2008

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." –Joe Biden, referring to Barack Obama at the beginning of the 2008 Democratic primary campaign, Jan. 31, 2007 (Source)

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking." --Joe Biden, in a private remark to an Indian-American man caught on C-SPAN, June
       Then yesterday, pandering to a black audience, speaking of Reps, he said;  " they gonna put y'all back in chains"..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline tobster

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Re: Only a heartbeat away..
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2012, 01:23:00 AM »
His latest " they are going to put y'all back in chains" or something to that effect. What a buffoon.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Only a heartbeat away..
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2012, 01:37:32 AM »
His latest " they are going to put y'all back in chains" or something to that effect. What a buffoon.
     If you are to understand the Dems when they speak to a primarily black audience, you just have to get that dialect correct!
                         " they gonna' put y'all back in chains"...
   You have to remember, it was Joe Biden who said;
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." –Joe Biden, referring to Barack Obama at the beginning of the 2008 Democratic primary campaign, Jan. 31, 2007 (Source
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline magooch

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Re: Only a heartbeat away..
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2012, 03:35:14 AM »
Come on guys, the man had brain surgery.  Apparently it required a great deal of excision.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Only a heartbeat away..
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2012, 04:05:01 AM »
Come on guys, the man had brain surgery.  Apparently it required a great deal of excision.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline us920669

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Re: Only a heartbeat away..
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2012, 09:08:47 AM »
Great stuff!  I hadn't heard a few of these - thank you.  I always had him pegged as a babbling idiot.  He doesn't really care because he has always gotten a free ride - installed in the senate many moons ago by liberal special interests with the understanding that he would never actually upset the oligarchy.  Anyone can make a mistake in front of a microphone, but I was more impressed (depressed) by watching the VP debates in 2008.  I thought both parties performed about as expected.  Palin sharp as a tack but obviously struggling to recall some of the factoids she had to memorize in a hurry.  Joe was smooth as silk, but getting a feel for him about knocked me out of my seat.  There were three things.
On climate change, Palin agreed it was real, and some might be man made, and we really need good science on it.  Joe stuck a finger in the air and said it was all man made, something even the hard core advocates don't claim.  In other words, instinctively come out for giving Big Gov a blank check.
Next up, he said he started out picking judges on the basis of their judicial qualifications, but then came to believe it was all about agenda.  I couldn't believe anyone could show such scorn for the Constitution, but I heard very little about the statement, even in the "conservative" press.
Like I said , there were three, but I've forgotten the third.  Maybe I shared an airplane or subway with Biden and caught his brain disease.

Offline mcbammer

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Re: Only a heartbeat away..
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2012, 09:39:58 AM »
I  cant   wait   to  hear   him  in  the   Pres.  debates   . 

Offline us920669

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Re: Only a heartbeat away..
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2012, 11:49:12 AM »
I remember the third one.  Palin made a statement about VP duties, as spelled out in the Constitution, and Biden corrected her about which article it was.  She was right, and I could tell by her face that she knew it, but she bit her lip and said nothing, because if there was one chance in 100 she was wrong, she would never hear the end of it.  So he bluffed on that one.  I wonder if he can pull it off again.

Offline briarpatch

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Re: Only a heartbeat away..
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2012, 01:07:08 PM »
between the clown and biden, no difference who is at the top. Same situation.. brainless.