I'd start with factory to get a baseline. Most Hornet ammo these days is still loaded for the older slow 1 in 16 twist with short stubby 45 grain bullets - the exception is Hornady which has some light weight ballistic tip style loads. I've seen the Hornady, Remington, S&B, and PPU loads on the shelf at Cabelas. As always, I'd suggest picking up a couple different types (if you have that luxury in your area) and see which one your gun likes best. The 1 in 10 should stabilize heavier bullets a little better, so you may get better results working up a handload using heavier bullets. Be careful - some heavier bullets won't expand at hornet velocities, so keep your int4ended use in mind. I'm assuming your new rifle is an H&R - so seating depth will be something you can play with to see what works best accuracy wise. There is still mail order as a way to get some different loads to try as well (unless that is restricted in your area). I handload but still buy a box of factory now and then for comparison. I just reamed my new H&R out to a K Hornet, so I am just getting started seeing what it likes as well..... by the way, I never liked H110 in the hornet - it seemed to be hard on cases. I liked Win 680 best but since it is gone, I'm getting ready to try some Lil' Gun loads - I've also used AA1680 as well with reasonable results.