Oh I got a good one, hate to admit it, but's it's too funny not to.
Back right after my divorce, I was in pretty bad shape. Went to the barn and fed my horses, then saddled Charro and went to a bar across and up the road every evening and got drunk. Luckily my horse knew how to get me to the barn. I woke up one saturday morning lying in the stall. I got up and went to the 10 ft gate, started shoving on the end of the gate. That gate would just not move. I climbed over the gate and tried pulling from the outside. No good, gate would not move. Charro, my horse came to the gate and watched me. After I had climbed over the gate and still unable to open it, Charro went to the other end of the gate and pushed it open with his nose. I had been pushing the wrong end. Charro then pushed me to the tack room so I could remove his saddle. At least the horse was smart enough to know what I needed to do. He took care of me, till I got my life straightened out. I was a real dummy back then.
Oh and the kill switch, been there done that too with a 4-wheeler. Got out the meter, checked the battery, was ready to take the ignition switch apart when the 6yr old said, "Daddy you need to push the red switch to where it says on". We all need to be humbled now and then. But by a 6 year old, and a horse?