Author Topic: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.  (Read 2952 times)

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Offline powderman

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #60 on: August 20, 2012, 03:50:28 PM »
i had 2 bumper stickers one on the truck one at my work station

''don't blame me i voted libertarian''

i was proud to display this for 20 years  i was a member

it  might as just as well said

'DON'T BLAME ME....I DIDN'T VOTE''.....same  impact

Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Minnesota1

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #61 on: August 21, 2012, 03:01:18 AM »
If John McCain would have won, would we have had this:

1.  Nearly 6 trillion dollars in new national debt?
2.  Nationalize health care?
3.  Fast and Furious?
4.  Sotomayor and Kagan as Supreme Court Justices?
5.  All the other lower court pukes Obama has put in?
6.  An EPA Running wild?
7.  So much uncertainty for business out there?
8.  Czars? 

That one is simple to answer..........YES!!!!!!!!

If you truly believe that you are lost.  I know you think that is the funny thing to say or what a libertarian would say but it is void of all rational, logic, and facts.  If you are trying to be funny I get it, but if not you get the government you deserve and will curse everyone's grandchildren with the destruction and downfall of everything you know of as a country and freedom. 

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #62 on: August 21, 2012, 03:20:00 AM »

"I have followed Gary Johnson since he was first announced as a Republican candidate and the pundits never let him on TV. He is Ron Paul lite, but he is much better than Rombama on the fiscal issues as well as the Constitution. If you want bread and circuses, and your grand-kids living in a cage, in poverty, then by all means, vote for Rombama and you will be speeding down the road to serfdom."

The reason he never got on T.V. is you first have to have support!   Most of the guys on the stage that spoke had done various things to garner support and higher than 1% in the polls.  It's simple arithmatic. Most ran before and established grass roots support.  What did Johnson do?  He jumped in without any of that.  What do you expect?  Did you go out and help build an organization for him?  Running for President requires raising huge amounts of money, message, and organization.  That usually takes years to do.  Johnson didn't do it and thus it really doesn't matter how good of a candidate he was as he couldn't get his message out nor did he have the organization to help carry it out to the voters.  There's no CONSPIRACY here, that's how it always has been.  There's lots of people that would be awesome candidates, a lot better than all that ran, but they weren't prepared in all aspects.  Johnson ran and got what would be expected.  Now he's nothing more than a sore loser trying to still have his 15 minutes of fame and spotlight.   Does he think by running as a libertarian he will win?  That's a joke.  Does he think by running as a libertarian he will help the party out of the ashes of kookiness?  No way.  He's doing it for himself and that is all.

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #63 on: August 21, 2012, 03:26:12 AM »
.......and the "big lie" keeps right on working here on GBO! ;D

Oh yes, of course, the Big Conspiracy you libertarians always revert back to.   Isn't it tiring always trying to cover up your own inadequacy's as a party?  Making up school kids type slogans to mask the fact that you can't accomplish anything politically, but still try to stand on your version of a soap box of values?  Slogans like that are just silly and juvenile.  We could say the "Big Lie" is the libertarian party and dissect it and the very little it has actually accomplished.  And I mean very little.

Offline Cuts Crooked

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #64 on: August 21, 2012, 03:51:46 AM »
If you are trying to be funny I get it, but if not you get the government you deserve and will curse everyone's grandchildren with the destruction and downfall of everything you know of as a country and freedom.

Wrong again! ;D

You are doing this yourself, just like the rest of the sheep, you fall for the big lie every time.

Let me help you out....check Romney's history......DON"T LISTEN TO THE SOUNDS COMING OUT OF HIS MOUTH.....they are not an indication of his intentions......... Look at what he has DONE!

all that BS about him changing his mind is just that....BS! That's what politicians do.....BS people....ya gotta look at what they do ......not what they say

........and looking at what Romney has DONE puts him in the same room with Obama.

BTW, I am NOT a libertarian. I am the penultimate conservative. :o :o
Smokeless is only a passing fad!

"The liar who charms and disarms and wreaths himself in artifice is too agreeable to be called a demon. So we adopt the word "candidate"." Brooke McEldowney

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Offline Buckskin

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #65 on: August 21, 2012, 06:05:09 AM »
If you are trying to be funny I get it, but if not you get the government you deserve and will curse everyone's grandchildren with the destruction and downfall of everything you know of as a country and freedom.

Wrong again! ;D

You are doing this yourself, just like the rest of the sheep, you fall for the big lie every time.

Let me help you out....check Romney's history......DON"T LISTEN TO THE SOUNDS COMING OUT OF HIS MOUTH.....they are not an indication of his intentions......... Look at what he has DONE!

all that BS about him changing his mind is just that....BS! That's what politicians do.....BS people....ya gotta look at what they do ......not what they say

........and looking at what Romney has DONE puts him in the same room with Obama.

BTW, I am NOT a libertarian. I am the penultimate conservative. :o :o

Really... So a person cannot change beliefs? Cannot become more Conservative? Cannot see the light? Happens every day.  Ronald Reagan was a liberal at until about 1960... Romney's strength is fixing things. He has a history of buying companies that are near bankruptcy and turning them around.  He will do that with the country too.  He has proved that to me by picking Ryan as VP.  He didn't go with the safe choice, he went with a guy with a plan to save this country. Which is a heck of a lot more than your "one liner's" have to offer.  Johnson on the ballet will do nothing positive other than so he can say to his poverty stricken grand children that he ran for President...
And if you see no difference between Obama/Biden and Romney/Ryan, you are either just trying to get under people's skin with your clever little one liner's (which by looking at your posting history is your M.O.) or you really aren't paying attention. 
Ohh, I forgot to add the... ;D ::) :o :o :o , for effect...

"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne

Offline Cuts Crooked

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #66 on: August 21, 2012, 10:55:33 AM »
Really... So a person cannot change beliefs? Cannot become more Conservative? Cannot see the light? Happens every day.  Ronald Reagan was a liberal at until about 1960... Romney's strength is fixing things. He has a history of buying companies that are near bankruptcy and turning them around.  He will do that with the country too.  He has proved that to me by picking Ryan as VP.  He didn't go with the safe choice, he went with a guy with a plan to save this country. Which is a heck of a lot more than your "one liner's" have to offer.  Johnson on the ballet will do nothing positive other than so he can say to his poverty stricken grand children that he ran for President...
And if you see no difference between Obama/Biden and Romney/Ryan, you are either just trying to get under people's skin with your clever little one liner's (which by looking at your posting history is your M.O.) or you really aren't paying attention. 
Ohh, I forgot to add the... ;D ::) :o :o :o , for effect...

Reagan also spent sometime after 1960 PROVING he had changed, Rombozo hasn't. And choosing Ryan is just political expediancy. And Rombozo also has a history of buying up companies and dismantling them, destroying the retirement and benefits of the employees.

And if you can't see the simliarities between the two choices being foisted on you by the media and the republicratic parties YOU haven't been paying attention. As for one liners, Look took me some time to understand that when conversing with neocons, they become lost after the first line or two. ::)

And Minnislotha, too bad you don't understand understand the principle of "the big lie" has nothing to do with the conspiracy theory. One more time.......not a liberatarian.........a conservative. Unfortunately you neocons, don't get it and never will, you just keep listening to the "big lie"! (and no, I actually don't know who the libertarian candidate is......I prefer a constitutionalist)
Smokeless is only a passing fad!

"The liar who charms and disarms and wreaths himself in artifice is too agreeable to be called a demon. So we adopt the word "candidate"." Brooke McEldowney

"When a dog has bitten ten kids I have trouble believing he would make a good childs companion just because he now claims he is a good dog and doesn't bite. How's that for a "parable"?"....ME

Offline Gary G

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #67 on: August 21, 2012, 04:45:53 PM »
And if you see no difference between Obama/Biden and Romney/Ryan, you are either just trying to get under people's skin with your clever little one liner's (which by looking at your posting history is your M.O.) or you really aren't paying attention. 

I too see no difference:
Bush gave us government medical, so did Obama.
Bush gave us wars, so did Obama.
Bush grossly increased the debt, so did Obama.
Bush took away our liberties, so did Obama.

Romney has imployed Bushes advisors; will he be any different? I don't think so.

So go vote for Rombama. That will please your overseers.

The sole purpose of government is to protect your liberty. The Constitution is not to restrict the people, but to restrict government.  Ron Paul

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Thomas Jefferson

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Offline Minnesota1

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #68 on: August 21, 2012, 05:18:03 PM »
Really... So a person cannot change beliefs? Cannot become more Conservative? Cannot see the light? Happens every day.  Ronald Reagan was a liberal at until about 1960... Romney's strength is fixing things. He has a history of buying companies that are near bankruptcy and turning them around.  He will do that with the country too.  He has proved that to me by picking Ryan as VP.  He didn't go with the safe choice, he went with a guy with a plan to save this country. Which is a heck of a lot more than your "one liner's" have to offer.  Johnson on the ballet will do nothing positive other than so he can say to his poverty stricken grand children that he ran for President...
And if you see no difference between Obama/Biden and Romney/Ryan, you are either just trying to get under people's skin with your clever little one liner's (which by looking at your posting history is your M.O.) or you really aren't paying attention. 
Ohh, I forgot to add the... ;D ::) :o :o :o , for effect...

Reagan also spent sometime after 1960 PROVING he had changed, Rombozo hasn't. And choosing Ryan is just political expediancy. And Rombozo also has a history of buying up companies and dismantling them, destroying the retirement and benefits of the employees.

And if you can't see the simliarities between the two choices being foisted on you by the media and the republicratic parties YOU haven't been paying attention. As for one liners, Look took me some time to understand that when conversing with neocons, they become lost after the first line or two. ::)

And Minnislotha, too bad you don't understand understand the principle of "the big lie" has nothing to do with the conspiracy theory. One more time.......not a liberatarian.........a conservative. Unfortunately you neocons, don't get it and never will, you just keep listening to the "big lie"! (and no, I actually don't know who the libertarian candidate is......I prefer a constitutionalist)

So there goes the typical Neocon labels.  Tell us, since you prefer a "constitutionalist".  Who is one running for President this time?  Have you given him/her money to help in the campaign?  Have you actively gone out and tried to get local candidates elected so you have some form of say in local and state issues?  What is your involvement in helping said constitutionalist?  Obviously if we are all intertwined in the "Big Lie" Matrix you can help unplug us by your efforts.  Please enlighten us as I would really like to know and I'm not just saying it, I do.

Offline Buckskin

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #69 on: August 22, 2012, 02:05:58 AM »
And Rombozo also has a history of buying up companies and dismantling them, destroying the retirement and benefits of the employees.

Ahhhhh, well that is how you save a company... You need to trim and cut the infected parts to save the body.  Never easy, never fun when you have to cut employees or benefits, but sometimes necessary and the only way to save jobs for the majority.  Kind of like what needs to be done in government... Not easy, not fun but necessary.  Sounds like you are not the conservative that you think you are if you cannot stomach the reality of cut-backs in business which is similar to what needs to be done in government.  You or I have no idea what Romney was faced with in his business dealings, but you can throw it out there that he destroyed retirement and benefits of the employees.  That's what a liberal would do and that is an effective scare tactic to work in your favor, but not the whole story.  The fact is Romney walked in and fixed something that the previous owner could not do.  Was it a perfect fix, probably not. Did it please everyone, definately not.  Was it a better alternative, no question.
Romney will pick more conservative justices, will end Obamacare, will pass a federal budget, will cut spending, will fix medicare, will implement an alternative to social security and will be a better president than Obama. Perfect - no, please everyone - definately not. Better alternative - no question.
And let's see what tough decisions did Romney's twin, Obama have to make prior to his crowning??? Hmmmm, don't see any similiarities there either...

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Offline Cuts Crooked

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #70 on: August 22, 2012, 02:19:41 AM »
So there goes the typical Neocon labels.  Tell us, since you prefer a "constitutionalist".  Who is one running for President this time?  Have you given him/her money to help in the campaign?  Have you actively gone out and tried to get local candidates elected so you have some form of say in local and state issues?  What is your involvement in helping said constitutionalist?  Obviously if we are all intertwined in the "Big Lie" Matrix you can help unplug us by your efforts.  Please enlighten us as I would really like to know and I'm not just saying it, I do.

ROFLMDO!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
You and you have the temerity to denigrate ME when I use the neocon word. HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
If you don't know by now who the Constitutionalist is who is running, I can't help REALLY haven't been paying attention at all!
"The Big Lie"......ok I'll help with this one since it is so basic, yer gonna need to know to get by in life........"The Big Lie" is one told so often and so loud that it "becomes the truth" because "everyone knows it's so". It's a long accepted liberal tactic that has become entrenched here on GBO through it's constant use by the neocons to try to excuse their support for a condidate that is NOT a conservative, and to accuse anyone who doesn't support their choice of "casting their vote for Obama". Which is simply not true, but by constant use of "the big lie" it is accepted here as such. And yes I have actively supported a Constitutionalist candidate, both with time and money.
Buckskin, if you treally think that Rombozo will pick more conservative justices, you have my deepest sympothy. And yes, he did "trim some fat". He also destroyed quite a few good companies to enrich himself and his buddies. Denial of that, is simply that...denial.
......and they wonder why I use "one liners"!  ::)
Smokeless is only a passing fad!

"The liar who charms and disarms and wreaths himself in artifice is too agreeable to be called a demon. So we adopt the word "candidate"." Brooke McEldowney

"When a dog has bitten ten kids I have trouble believing he would make a good childs companion just because he now claims he is a good dog and doesn't bite. How's that for a "parable"?"....ME

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #71 on: August 22, 2012, 06:36:19 AM »
So you actively supported a constitutionalist candidate... Wow, well that should get it done. ROFLMDO!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
One candidate, if you even did! No wonder they can't get traction.  Although we know deep down those that support the third parties don't really want them to win anyway, because they know they don't have the anwswers and they don't want to take responsibility for putting them in office.  Much easier to throw away your vote and be able to complain about which ever person get in.
I think I'm going to give up talking to walls on GBO... :P   Romney is now ahead in most polls anyway so what's the point....

"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne

Offline Cuts Crooked

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #72 on: August 22, 2012, 07:45:43 AM »
So you actively supported a constitutionalist candidate... Wow, well that should get it done. ROFLMDO!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
One candidate, if you even did! No wonder they can't get traction.  Although we know deep down those that support the third parties don't really want them to win anyway, because they know they don't have the anwswers and they don't want to take responsibility for putting them in office.  Much easier to throw away your vote and be able to complain about which ever person get in.
I think I'm going to give up talking to walls on GBO... :P   Romney is now ahead in most polls anyway so what's the point....

Oh cool, now you think that insinuating that I didn't support a candidate will score you some points? LOL!!!!
Bottom line, I can't do alone, no one person can, and the so called conservatives WON'T. I suppose they are scared, but who knows why. One thing is for sure, they would rather promote "the big lie" than take responsibility for what they have brought this nation too.
Smokeless is only a passing fad!

"The liar who charms and disarms and wreaths himself in artifice is too agreeable to be called a demon. So we adopt the word "candidate"." Brooke McEldowney

"When a dog has bitten ten kids I have trouble believing he would make a good childs companion just because he now claims he is a good dog and doesn't bite. How's that for a "parable"?"....ME

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #73 on: August 22, 2012, 11:07:50 AM »
It's amazing to me how you can sit there and complain about how bad our government is and how your candidates are the only ones to value smaller government and can bring us back to the true meaning of the constitution, then you complain because Romney went in to companies that were failing--mainly because the owners couldn't make the tuff decisions, and he made them vibrant and living again.  Sure some lost there jobs.  It had to be done!  And to act like they enjoyed when a few of the companies couldn't be turned around or were too far gone is just ridiculous.  Why would they go out, raise money, take risk on a company and are glad when it fails?  You are either ignorant as to how venture capitalist work or oblivious to what it takes to make a company run. 

Here's a guy that has a reputation of going in and making sure companies and the olympics run efficiently--you bash him for doing it.  Who do you think has ever been more qualified to cut our own government?  If you are a small government guy you sure act like a complete liberal that only wants to fight on class envy and the encouragement of bloated entities.  You should really re-think your position and see how contradictory they are.

Romney vetoed over 800 bills(more than all the previous governors combined and by a lot!) in a state that had about 80 percent of the legislature makeup was liberals.   You bash him about the supposed assault weapons ban but fail to realize that that bill was supported by the NRA and helped gun owners in that state.  Read the newest NRA publication where Chris Cox speaks to Romney about it and look at the NRA ILA and read up on their support for the bill.  But I guess the NRA are sell outs and part of the "Big Lie".  GOA or nothing!!  Right?

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #74 on: August 22, 2012, 12:44:09 PM »
It's amazing to me how you can sit there and complain about how bad our government is and how your candidates are the only ones to value smaller government and can bring us back to the true meaning of the constitution, then you complain because Romney went in to companies that were failing--mainly because the owners couldn't make the tuff decisions, and he made them vibrant and living again.  Sure some lost there jobs.  It had to be done!  And to act like they enjoyed when a few of the companies couldn't be turned around or were too far gone is just ridiculous.  Why would they go out, raise money, take risk on a company and are glad when it fails?  You are either ignorant as to how venture capitalist work or oblivious to what it takes to make a company run. 

Here's a guy that has a reputation of going in and making sure companies and the olympics run efficiently--you bash him for doing it.  Who do you think has ever been more qualified to cut our own government?  If you are a small government guy you sure act like a complete liberal that only wants to fight on class envy and the encouragement of bloated entities.  You should really re-think your position and see how contradictory they are.

Romney vetoed over 800 bills(more than all the previous governors combined and by a lot!) in a state that had about 80 percent of the legislature makeup was liberals.   You bash him about the supposed assault weapons ban but fail to realize that that bill was supported by the NRA and helped gun owners in that state.  Read the newest NRA publication where Chris Cox speaks to Romney about it and look at the NRA ILA and read up on their support for the bill.  But I guess the NRA are sell outs and part of the "Big Lie".  GOA or nothing!!  Right?

The last several post's of yours and a couple of others  have done nothing to add to the topic, and all I hear are personal insults  and barbs being thrown at each other..KNOCK IT OFF!
Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #75 on: August 22, 2012, 12:52:36 PM »
Sorry NW,
But waddaya gonna do when they won't even look at a mans record? All they want to do is attack the libertarians and real conservatievs.
That sort of thinking has landed us where we are now.....and no one can really deny that. Now I got problems with libertarianism, ,but I could accept that a lot better than I can swollow the current crop of neocon ideaology. We've more than enough wars on foreign soil that have really won us nothing but more enemies.......and no freinds!
Smokeless is only a passing fad!

"The liar who charms and disarms and wreaths himself in artifice is too agreeable to be called a demon. So we adopt the word "candidate"." Brooke McEldowney

"When a dog has bitten ten kids I have trouble believing he would make a good childs companion just because he now claims he is a good dog and doesn't bite. How's that for a "parable"?"....ME

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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #76 on: August 22, 2012, 01:00:08 PM »
Just when you thought you've heard it all a "real conservative" on a pro-gun forum comes along and tells you that an assault weapons ban is a good thing.

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."

---- William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783


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Re: Libertarian party toying with being the spoiler.
« Reply #77 on: August 23, 2012, 05:34:34 AM »
i had 2 bumper stickers one on the truck one at my work station

''don't blame me i voted libertarian''

i was proud to display this for 20 years  i was a member

it  might as just as well said

'DON'T BLAME ME....I DIDN'T VOTE''.....same  impact

What made you see the light? ::)  Actually Libertarianism is political philosophies that promote freedom, and Liberty!Libertarians want a society that emphasizes small government. Not this huge Federal power that comes from the current Cabal of leftist Democrats and Republican Neo-cons.You don't have to belong to any party to believe that way!Just have the desire to be free and mind your own business ;)
i was at a libertarian meeting in duval county fl
several days prior to  the election in 2008
myself and 2 others spoke and suggested we ignore our candidate...because of obama
this was not well recieved
and got me to thinking  of the bush gore election

november 5 2008...the day  i first heard ''president elect oboma''
i changed party affiliation

no  i don't really like the republicans
but the lesser of 2 evils is the only game
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.