Thanks Charles and your right, I just need lots more education on the subject. I need to specifically find that indeed they did find gold here, although i'd say its a given as i've found records online by googling "mecklenburg county long creek gold". These records speak of _ 3000 man mining operation on long creek, a water wheel with an 800lb cast iron "stamp", to break quartz i'll assume. There are the remains of two vertical shaft mines on top of a nearby hillside(8ft wide, shallow,holes surrounded by underground quartz chips), and finally, unbelievable as it sounds, the hood and boiler box to some kind of light gauge steam engine. Extremely deteriorated but you can see what it was. I figured they dug the quartz and transported it to the rock crusher on the creek possibly. its all slightly educated guesses on this end but theres no doubt that large scale surface mining, chasing quartz veins, is what they did here. Now I just need to try to determine if it was worth their effort, and if gold remains, either in lost grains or untouched in still hidden veins. I'll post some pics, even 150 years after all this was done, the mines are very evident. J