There's a common sense reason to get a White Rifle from the inventor, Doc White, himself. It is simply as Doc states on his website:
Accuracy job on the rifle- INCLUDING GLASS BEDDING AND BARREL LAPPING IF NEEDED, guaranteed to shoot into three inches at 100 yards with open sights out of the box- a $100 valueAnybody can phone a local gunsmith, get a quote professional glass bedding, test firing, and accurizing. Most won't touch a muzzleloader for you! The time, money, and frustration you can save with a gun that is fully bedded and range tested by Doc White himself is huge.
Most muzzleloading dealers do
nothing except ship boxes; what you get is what you get. Anybody who has ever had a gun that wasn't quite right out of the box knows what a headache that can be. You might think you somehow saved a few dollars-- when the smoke clears, you cost yourself a
lot of money, assuming you think your time has any value at all.
I suspect that Chuck Hill's White 98 ever been so much as function-fired, he would be shooting one today. Had Chuck's Apex been range tested, if there was any CVA quality control capable of detecting a barrel with a rough spot in the barrel----------------- well, Chuck would not have a new Apex on its way back to never-never land right now.
To get a muzzleloader that is hand-bedded and fired at the range by its actual designer is rare in the popcorn land of Wally-World smokepoles. It is for that reason that a White from Doc White, unless you have a local dealer you are
really fond of, is the smartest choice you can make.